[Rule Severity Change] Client Mod Punishment Lengths

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zonafer, May 16, 2020.

  1. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As of late, I've been seeing an increase in hackers around the server, but especially in certain minigames such as Solo Skywars and Capture The Flag. Games are unplayable because players will blatantly fly to each other's islands or bases and farm kills or steal the flag and fly back, ending games quickly and unfairly. The staff team has been working hard to keep this at bay, but too few players report and there are just too many alts and VPNs for hackers to bypass with.

    MCC is definitely much more active than it used to be, and this is essentially prime time for the server to lure in new players; but with such a massive hacker problem, they certainly won't stay long. Right now, players punished for client modification (sev 2 and 3) are only permanently banned after their fifth or third offence, respectively. This allows players to get away with hacking multiple times on the same account.

    I propose the punishment lengths for client modification bans are changed; instead of the current system (sev 2 - 7d -> 14d -> 21d -> 28d -> perm ban | sev 3 - 30d -> 60d -> perm ban), the lengths are changed to be stricter. I would like to see severity 3 client mod ban durations change to 45 days for the first offence, then a permanent ban. Likewise, for severity 2 client mod bans, the duration should change to 14 days, 28 days and then permanent ban.

    What sort of changes will this bring about on MCC? It will make sure players who only intend to hack and hop on alts will be punished for longer periods of time and their alts are banned at an earlier opportunity than before, while also letting those players who regret their mistake a chance to come back and play fairly on the server. The community will also be more willing to report players, because there is more incentive with longer ban times.

    In summary, lengthening the ban durations for those hacking on MCC will be a welcome change from all aspects. It will help the staff team keep the server clean, make players think twice about hacking and incentivize reporting players, too. Thank you to @Tennente_ for his post, which lead to mine, and thank you for reading!
    zwiz, Mxats, 6hb and 6 others like this.
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey ZONAFER! (I can’t get rid of the caps)
    I can see how these would benefit players and decline the amount of hackers in our games, so I can see where you’re coming from. Personally, I’m on the fence about this one, as the admin team and owners made these rules for a reason and set them up this way on purpose, but at the same time, if people are going to blatantly break very obvious rules, they should not be given so many chances. Kind of a +0.5 from me?
    zwiz, creeper7777777 and Zonafer like this.
  3. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, @Zonafer I kind of on the fence on this one. For any use of a hacked client the players who are blatantly hacking should get a sixty-day ban the first time but the second time it should be a permanent ban. There are some instances a thirty-day ban is enough for the players who are hacking but not too blatantly. I agree with the severity two bans punish length that you stated. I think the less blatant hackers should deserve more chances than a blatant hacker which deserves only two chances. Overall I am +0.5 for the rule severity change client mod punishment lengths idea and have yourself a wonderful day or night.
    zwiz, creeper7777777 and Zonafer like this.
  4. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Honestly if false bans weren't as big a problem I'd want the first ban for hacking to be permanent. If they REALLY regret what they did, then they can appeal afterwards.

    Though I would like to suggest a NEW severity be added; and the first offence is a permanent ban. This sev 4 offence would be reserved for obvious, blatant hacks, such as Speed, Flight, BHop, and AntiKB. Though in my opinion They should remove some of the lower severity hacking offences. If they're using the lower severity modifications, chances are they also use the higher severity modifications when no one is looking.
    Lxyne, zwiz and 6hb like this.
  5. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I completely agree with this, since most of the people who are blatant hackers (like on skywars) join the server for 5 minutes on a public alt, and hack for as long as they can before they get bored, since they have no care whatsoever for the server. I've done some random checks on blatant hackers that were banned over a month ago, and they have not been banned a second time, which proves that they only wanted to join the server so they can hack just for fun and then leave. For public alts, though, its very likely that after the first ban expires, someone else will use the account to hack again. Meanwhile, people who have played the server for more than a month or so, and use small hacks because they know they're bad, should have the same punishments as it is now, since they do care about playing on the server, and the 1 month ban teaches them a lesson. The only problem to the severity 4 bans as you mentioned, are false bans. For example, AntiKB can sometimes just be lag. Overall, though, I think adding a more serious severity level for blatant hacks would help the server a great deal.
    zwiz likes this.
  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    The most lag will ever do is just delay your knockback. It will never completely remove it. And no responsible staff would accept a report with half a second of evidence lol. This is why I included it in the sev4 offences.
    zwiz and creeper7777777 like this.
  7. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Nah, I'd keep AntiKB as a sev 3. False KB bans are definitely an issue, especially if you live in Europe/Australia and have between 100-200ms. Unless you separate blatant AntiKB and knockback modifiers (sev 4 versus sev 3) then I'd be hesitant to include it with b-hopping, flying, speed, and other obvious hacks like scaffold.
    Lxyne and zwiz like this.
  8. Tennente

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Hey! Thanks for giving me the credits! I think your idea is pretty good, however I need to say that this another idea (that was given by someone and I can't remember who) is pretty interesting. And the idea is: when a player gets banned for client modification, they need to make an appeal on forum to get unbanned (of course, after their punishment expire). Those fly hackers wouldn't creat accounts on forum just to get unbanned and that would reduce the numbers of hackers. And the "regular" players that can also be banned for client modification wouldn't be affected by it.
    Those are my thoughts about this topic, thank you!
    zwiz likes this.
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I live in Canada and pretty much always get 80-120ms, but with the frequent jumps and spikes that have been happening the past week, it's more like 1000ms (crappy internet). Never once have I been banned for AntiKnockback. Sure in the really extreme cases it will take around a second before they go flying backwards from the hit, but like I said, no responsible staff would ever accept a clip that short as valid evidence. And if they're not moving while you crit them out or they're telporting around every half a second, that would obviously be lag.

    Also yeah I was more referring to actual AntiKB, where you take 0 knockback, as compared to say 50% knockback reduction.
    zwiz likes this.
  10. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I've been banned for it within the last week, and a few times within the last couple of months. I understand why you think that it should be easy to distinguish, but I can promise you that there's a very real danger (especially for Australians since their KB functions a bit weird) of being false banned unless you're a very well known player. That's the only reason I'd make sure the punishments distinguish between the two.
    zwiz likes this.
  11. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    While I think the reasoning behind this idea makes sense, I feel that implementing this would be somewhat counterintuitive. As previously mentioned, blatant fly hackers/BHoppers/etc. in the minigames are really just playing on a public alt to wreak havoc until they get banned from the server and move on. It doesn't matter to these hackers if their first ban is 7d vs. 28d vs. 45d - they are not returning to the server regardless. Thus, making the ban durations longer only hurts users who are genuinely willing to learn from their actions and return to the server without a hacked client.

    The current system is forgiving to allow room for growth while also being firm enough to appropriately increase ban durations incrementally as users are repeat offenders. However, by making first- and second-offense bans so drastic, it is only hurting reformed players who want to return to the server while not actually solving the issue of limiting the amount of hackers in these minigames.
    Lxyne likes this.
  12. majormotor

    Apr 27, 2020
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    This is a good idea, I've had to report upwards of 50+ hackers every week. It's so insanely bad and something needs to be done.
  13. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    There are only so many alts and so many lists. Players will hack on public alts all the time, and even if player A moves on to a different server after getting banned, player B is still right behind him to hack on MCC with the same alt in his list a month later. By increasing ban durations, this prevents player B from hacking as easily (because more of his alts are banned), and takes a player C out of the equation entirely.

    If a player doesn't learn their lesson the first time, then it's not the server's concern; I am not saying the ability to appeal these bans be taken away, but people who hack more than once can't use the "honest mistake" card or get out of their ban for free. To put it simply, they ruined the game for other players, wasted the staff team's time and now need to face stricter consequences as a result. They can wait out the six months to appeal their punishment, especially in a time where the server is already hard-hit by hacking players.

    The community has run out of empathy for players who cheat. The time to ask questions and be lenient is over. There is no set date for the Minigames revamp/anticheat release, and MCC needs a solution to this problem right now. The next best option is to increase punishment times so players do not have to deal with the constant stream of hackers.
    Lxyne likes this.

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