What do you think needs to be fixed/added on this server?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ahnxious, May 15, 2020.

  1. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I feel like it would be nice to get a list of things that need to get fixed or added on this server. Make a priority list. What really needs to get fix/added the most. Give me all your opinions! After a day or two I am going to make a poll, to let people vote which is more important. (which should get more attention on and fixed 1st)


    List of what members said:
    1. More staff involvement
    2. Being more open minded
    3. Anti-cheat
    4. Spectator on games
    5. work on /party
    6. discourage bow spamming
    7. resets/updates on subserves
    8. more AU/NZ
    9. mini-game revamp
    10. new maps for mini games
    11. decrease the time in mini games :) make it spicy
    12. make it in murder mayhem cant talk for first 2 min
    #1 Ahnxious, May 15, 2020
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
    ExCiled_ likes this.
  2. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Maybe shut it down or sell it to a owner that isn't lazy
    taqc likes this.
  3. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Would you do a better job?
  4. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    It should be obvious, but the AntiCheat needs a serious revamp.
    Honestly being owner doesn't mean you need to do anything. Can hire people to do literally everything for you lmao. Though I feel Alex is a bit too stingy for that.
    Departition_ and iZyro like this.
  5. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Well we don't know his circumstances, a lot of things are going on right now.
  6. iZyro

    Mar 22, 2020
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    As said above, an anti cheat should be the #1 priority, before anything else is even considered, after that I think it would be nice if the staff(or at least mods+) had the ability to spectate minigames that are in progress, instead of having to lobby hop in order to find a certain hacker, as this would make it a lot easier for them, especially skywars where there is a lot of hackers. In terms of the some smaller things that I think could be changed, one of the things could be that the party leader should only be able to pull users who are in the lobby, preventing users who are already in a game from being pulled because this has happened to me numerous times and its pretty annoying when you are stacked, or in the middle of a clutch fight and accidentally get pulled due to the party leader forgetting you are still in a game, maybe a message saying "Members in this party are still ingame, are you sure you want to pull them?" or something would solve this. Removing infinity from bows in ctf in order to decrease/discourage bow spamming is also something I feel would be a nice change, but at the end of the day none of these things are that important compared to an anti cheat.
    iTristan and Simplistiq like this.
  7. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Personally, I think the anti cheat does need to be fixed. Not to say the staff aren't doing an exceptional job, it's just difficult for AU/NZ players considering most staff are NA timezones. If more AU/NZ players had interest in becoming staff, it would help the server a lot more.
    After anticheat, the next priority should simply be resets/updates on subserves. Coming up with fresh, new, unseen before ideas. This would invite more players to join the server and encourage new players to spend more time on MCC.
    Other than this, I can't exactly think of anything that's "high priority". I love Minecraft Central just the way it is, even with a bad anticheat.
  8. reallylazy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I definitely agree with the others about the anti-cheat being fixed first. I've noticed that not too many staff members are able to play games such as Skywars where they're needed most, when it comes down to being in the au timezone anyways, as said above most of the staff members are na. However, I also think it's about time for a whole mini-game revamp in general. I really would like to see new maps added to every game, they've been the same for a few years now so I think it's time for new and improved ones, and my guess is that we can expect this soon. Also, some game changes should be included in the revamp too. For example, in murder mayhem, if possible I think the time should be extended to 5 minutes since some maps such as murder village make it hard for the murderer to win, due to the size and terrain in my opinion. 30 seconds more may not seem like a lot but in reality it's perfect to me. They should also add it to where players can't chat the first 2 minutes of the game, most players don't like being exposed for being the murderer so quickly, can ruin the idea of it being a mystery. Just some thoughts.

    Simplistiq likes this.
  9. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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  10. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Thank you so much for the ideas! All of them were great, in a few days i am going to make and add a poll for players to vote which is 1st 2nd etc.. most important.
    #10 Ahnxious, May 16, 2020
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
  11. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    my idea was the best!
  12. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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  13. Honestlys

    Jul 31, 2019
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    I think they should do something with the UHC, its getting kinda boring :/ And its also really annoying when you have to get like 20 food just to survive the first 10 mintes :/ The hunger goes down 2 fast. And I know that I aint the only one that thinks that.

    The scenarios are fine but hastey boys is so laggy.. you have to mine 1 block like 20 times.
  14. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I am gonna go off of the list of what people have said, and Im gonna give my opinions. :)

    -More staff involvement

    I feel like the staff involvement currently is good enough. All of the staff members are busy doing there own stuff, they all have sub teams and doing work for the sub team they are involved in. Maybe, they can add more tournaments for money like they did in April. Muel hosted a competition for MCC credit, I feel like they should do that more often as it drives more players to play. But, I always see the staff being friendly and involved. So, -1

    1 million percent yes! I dont now if it just me but I have seen a really bad hacker problem recently, so they for sure need a anti-cheat. Im sure you have heard of this by now, that there is a anti-cheat coming soon which I am sure everyone is looking forward to that. But they for sure need a anti-cheat! Hopefully this gets implemented soon because the hackers have sky-rocketed recently in my opinion! So 100% +1.

    -Spectator on games
    I feel like this would be good, i'm pretty sure all staff have access to this command which is good for catching hackers. But, I feel like rookies and donators should have access to this command as it would be good for catching hackers. Also, it would be good for spectating my feiends I wish sometimes I could spectate my friends without being in their game. So, i'm all for this. +1

    -work on /party
    I dont see too much issues with the party system right now. But, here is a few ideas on what they can add. I feel like they can add they party count to 12, right now it is 8. I feel like 12 its a good number for a party size. I feel like they should add a option where you can choose if you want to get pulled during a game. (I dont know what that command would be). But, I feel like that would be a great idea because sometimes I accidentally pull my friends or they pull me when it is a accident. So, I feel like this feature would be a good idea. I am for them adding some features to the party system. Overall, +1.

    -discourage bow spamming
    I feel like this is a big one especially for me. I am a big ctf player, and a handful of players bow spam and it is overpowered. Bow spamming gets annoying. They should definitely look into the bow system in ctf, like removing power 1 or different options. Big +1

    -resets/updates on subserves
    I see the team working really hard on this. I dont feel like they are doing a bad on this by any means. I am a big skyblock person and Alex recently posted a big thread giving a bunch of information and saying they are resetting the whole thing basically. So, I really dont think they need any improvements on this part. -1

    -mini-game revamp
    I am sure you have heard about this if not here it is. This is rumored to come soon! But they could definitely use a revamp. Hope to see this real soon and looking forward to this as soon as it comes! I know they are working hard to improve minigames. With you that they need this asap, +1

    -new maps for mini games
    I do agree that they need new minigame maps but, i'm sure some new maps will come with the revamp. I also feel like they can bring back some of the old maps! Some of the current maps can get draining and boring. So, i am all with this. But, we need people to build new maps. I would build maps if I had the skill, but I just dont. +1

    -make it in murder mayhem cant talk for first 2 min
    I am not too big into murder mayhem as I used to. But, I know how this works. I feel like instead of the first 2 mins it should be the last 2. The last 2 minutes of Murder Mayhem can be super intense so I feel like this would be better instead of the beginning because the last 2 minutes less players, and it can be intense because you wouldn't be able to tell the player who it is or isn't. But, I dont feel like they should add a feature where you can't talk in any point of the match. Not a bad idea, but dont see it reasonable or a reason for them too add this. -1

    Those are just some ideas and my thoughts. I like all of the suggestions on what they could add! I am looking forward to what the future may bring in this server! Have a wonderful day/night! Hope to see you around!


    Lexxonist likes this.
  15. Vredeninja

    Feb 24, 2020
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    They should add unbans to the store. Or just wipe the ban list. Players that were dumb 5+ years ago are still facing consequences from when they were much younger.
    Cessie2u likes this.
  16. oknodie

    May 18, 2020
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    I think a new map should be added for ctf. I’ve tried to talk to other parts of the server staff and haven’t gotten anywhere. Long story short Me and my bud would like to remake clash valley. Do you think this would be possible
  17. messyez

    May 18, 2020
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    I'd say more maps, I pretty much only play CTF, and sometimes prison. The anti-cheat does need to be worked on, or have more staff active in a variety of games.
  18. superdog1174

    Jan 3, 2020
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  19. alaskapotatoes

    Jul 26, 2019
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    there used to be a way to buy unbans but they took it off because they didn't want people coming back and hacking on the server after getting banned.
    Departition_ likes this.
  20. Lexxonist

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Wish me luck then on my application in about a week and a bit ;)
    Ahnxious, Nikki_ and Cessie2u like this.

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