The New Reset and How To Make it Through (Guide)

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by PatiowaxTheBlonde, Apr 27, 2020.


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  1. PatiowaxTheBlonde

    Apr 19, 2020
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    First off I have a prediction that the new reset will be on May 15, I have many reasons for this exact date but the main being that skyblock has not reset in about 5-6 months and sub-server resets happen every other week and factions are every other reset. With these in mind, I believe skyblocks reset can be expected on May 15 or even May 29. But a later date can make this easier

    With the new reset, I thought I would make a post about how to make it to the next reset the best way. This post is meant to be a help, so if your a top island or just understand skyblock feel free to post your tips below and help out people looking for help.
    1. Do /vote and save those voting keys having these in a stockpile and having a lot to spend on the first day of reset can help get items that many people might not have.

    2. Don't do irl deals for items(meaning that you pay and they take). If you look at the date you won't have the stuff for a little over a month if it resets on May 29, and if it resets on May 15 that is under 3 weeks. Save the irl deals for after the update. it will not "get you more money/items" but you will get the benefits of the irl deals for much longer.

    3. Try and sell your stuff for irl deals, there is a reason a lot of top 25 islands are starting to sell their stuff for irl deals, because when you do you can buy keys for the next reset which can help them start if you have enough to sell. THEN SELL IT, (sorry for yelling) but you can go a week or 2 without skyblock and play on other parts of the server. Trust me it will be worth it in the long run. if you go a week or two without playing you will come back and want to play even more.

    4. That first week focuses on making your farms as big as possible and doesn't focus on the island level this will set you behind on spawners/cactus farm/whatever your passive income is. These first 2 weeks everyone is going to be going for these passive incomes and things will be at an all-time low of a price. This is when you should be grinding the most and getting the best payout. During this time, people will sell everything cheaper.

    5. Make island friends, this first week most people will try and join an island, yes some people will wait 2 weeks and then try and join the top islands (I call these people leaches). If you are going to add people to find an island that if you combine all members for both islands get to stay and combine. You don't want people not willing to work joining your island and their island is a great way of seeing this.

    (Not an ad being forced on by someone else this is my part)
    6. Buy a rank or key, even if you pay $1.5 you will be doing to things. First, you will help the server, most people who play on this server like the server and its members, this makes sure that the server stays up and running. Next can help you if you get an item like a chunk loader this can sell for an insane amount and be an insane help to you. It is a gamble getting keys, but rank upgrades can be more expensive if you can afford to get rank it can be a great help (By the way emerald rank is the most cost-effective).

    7. If you have any more tips please comment on them and help the next guy. I most likely missed one so please feel free to help if you want.
    #1 PatiowaxTheBlonde, Apr 27, 2020
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  2. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the help, have a amazing day/night!
  3. Prismane

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I've recently started playing SkyBlock, thank you!
  4. Fasilisnt

    Dec 9, 2019
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    damn its 14th of may no reset announced yet, guess youre slightly off
  5. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there!
    This thread is very helpful, and it's made me super excited for the reset! Since it's going to be season 20, I'm expecting the reset to take a little longer, which is why I'm predicting the reset to occur in the first week of June, since there is expected to be some really big updates. Considering 20 seasons is a decent milestone, many players and rumouring that there will be big things coming, which is why I'm expecting reset to be in June. As for your thread, I think it's great! I used to love playing Skyblock in the older seasons, but when I returned around March, this thread would've really come in handy, since I had no clue what upgrade points were and such. This thread will really be great as a "newer" player to Skyblock, since it's become more modernised. One thing I definitely think is something to invest in early is a cow, chicken or snow golem spawner. These are very handy at the beginning when not many players have massive public grinders, as they act as a sort of "boost" in getting upgrade points as opposed to just farming all day, and then afking while they grow.
    Nikki <3
  6. Fasilisnt

    Dec 9, 2019
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    btw its season 10 not 20
  7. YogurtHero

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I'd just like to mention that along with emerald, bedrock rank is also very cost effective because of /god and /fix, 2 perks that are extremely important, along with /fly from emerald
  8. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Hey! This is a very well made thread, but there is one problem, everything resets, so you lose everything in your enderchest, so voting for tokens wont work... you can get 4 tokens on the first day from voting, and thats abt it! Also thanks for the help and all of these tips really like the way its put together! Emerald rank gives /fly and bedrock rank give /god and /fix all! These are very good things to have and help out A LOT! Thanks for making the post, and have a GREAT day!
  9. PatiowaxTheBlonde

    Apr 19, 2020
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    sorry I noticed the mistake I meant keys I am making the edit.
    TheKingOfTurtlez likes this.

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