In everyone’s eyes, and in my eyes. Skeleton spammers are the most value. They resell good, and the drop rate is good, and you can sell it’s mob drop (bones) at a solid price. The top people have grinders where they stack up on mob drops and have a automatic farm so they load up on money! It is a good way to get money. Thanks! -iluvhotmoms
The top islands make their money from skeleton spawners because, unlike most spawners, you can sell bones for the most. Spawners are like free money makers. Unlike farming, you can come back each morning and get millions of dollars by doing nothing, as long as the chunks with the spawners are loaded somehow (like with an alt or a chunk loader). You can use the money that the spawners gave to buy more spawners, and then with the extra money the next day, you can add even more spawners than you did the day previous. Spawners are the only profit source that is exponential, unlike farming or cactus farms. Also, skeleton spawners are interchangeable with slime, horse, and cave spider spawners, but the reason most people choose skeleton is because they're easy to automatically kill.
Actually, most of the top is have profit shops with bones as they can come back from one night of sleep and have +10mil because its been afk selling with a chunkloader. But as said above, bones have the most value. -carnagexx Discord:carnagexx#7873 Feel Free to say hi ingame!
There are 4 of the highest tier spawners. Skeletons, horses, slimes, and cave spiders. As for the drops go, they all have the same rate and sell for the same(12.50), but since skeletons are the standard mobsize, it is easier to make spawner rooms.
Skeletons are one of the easiest ways to make money, as everyone else said, but they also are the easiest to make mob farms for (Other than slimes) Slime are also a somewhat common one (Slime's island on skyblock realm 2 uses slimes). They die to water and are very simple to collect there drops, skeleton spawners and slime spawners both sell for $12.50 or 43200 per chest ful and 28800 per inventory full! Its every simple to make farms for these mobs and they make tons of money! Hope this answers your question! Have a good day!
Its because skeleton spawners produce the most amount of money compared to the other spawners. Also, Skeles are great for grinders because ... they just are.
Skeleton spawners make the most money out of all spawners as bones, which they drop 25% of the time sell for $800 per stack. They are, however expensive and are a long term investment, as they will slowly make you money as the season goes on. I’m not sure of the math, but I think one smelly spawners can take 2-4 weeks of AFK to pay itself off.