The Problem With Tokens And Suggestions How to Fix It

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Pie, Aug 4, 2019.


The question is at the end of the post

  1. I agree

    10 vote(s)
  2. I disagree

    0 vote(s)
  1. Pie


    Jul 22, 2019
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    Since the other post about tokens made by lexalt already got a lot of replies and this post is pretty long I prefer it to be its own post rather than a comment.

    I am writing this point from the point of view of Sky Block 2, but keep in mind that these problems are likely more relevant in Skyblock 1, as their economy is usually further ahead than ours.

    Also when I say spawner at this post I talk about chicken creeper spider and rabbit spawner.

    I will start by saying the main problem is the constant growth of token prices, which are constantly increasing the cost of spawners, making it harder to catch up and annoying for everyone overall.
    Lets go back to 3 weeks ago on Skyblock 2 when tokens were 1,000$, when it was still possible to farm the tokens for your spawners, as well as buy them for the richer players.
    2 weeks the price jumped to 5,000$ each token, at this point it was still viable to farm, and buy as well, despite the growing price.
    Presently, tokens are 10k-15k each, meaning half the price to buy a spawner pays for the tokens.
    A 500k spawner makes itself back in around the 15 days, when you factor in the price of tokens it will take around 21 days to make it self back if the token price gets high enough at one point really soon it just wont have enough time to make it self back until the end of the season.

    Lets trace back to where this problem is coming from
    There is only 4 ways to get tokens
    1. Farming
    2. Voting
    3. Keys
    4. Buying them

    From farming you can get at max on average 94 tokens per hour farming melons (which are the best/easiest for tokens) if you use speed 2, ignore the time of /repair, the slowdown from looking from side to side and moving from row to row at the melons farm, and assuming each blocks you go to is already grown and wont block glitch. Spawners make a little more 1200$ in an hour meaning that if you farm 24/7 non stop in the way I said you going to need 833 spawners to get more money per hour then how much you can farm.
    The problems start with the fact that it just not possible, humans need to sleep at least 6 hours a day and that is still not that healthy to the average player here.
    Congrats to you if you can sleep 6 hours a day and farm at the rest of the 18 hours all day everyday but at the point you have 625 spawners that is also going to happen to you.
    So we see that farming is not that much of reliable way to get tokens for the long-run.
    So what about voting? I think you can guess it yourself.
    Ok so what about keys? If you gonna just buy keys every time you need tokens you going to use a lot of real money really fast and it ruins a lot of the fun to use so much money.
    Than just buy tokens what is the problem? As I already said in the post buying them is the main problem.
    What tokens do is make even bigger problem, farming melons is by far the most value able, (at least I believe) By farming melons you can get around the 93 tokens per hour in the way I said before (which like i said is not really accurate so lets say 80 per hour) you can get around the 1,000,000$ per hour by selling the tokens which the the next thing closest to it makes around the 800,000$ in that way (pumpkins).
    At one point the economy might enter a loophole for a while that tokens cost too much to use them for spawners but if they go cheaper they are going to be fine so people will just raise they price and make it fall again repeating itself after it just stay on a price (which gonna be around the 50k per token or even more I will guess) which just wont be as helpful and as the day of the reset get closer the price will be worse and worse even if its set on 50k forever.

    If you say that tokens are a thing to stop the rich from getting richer faster and they are helping the poor, you are just wrong. The poor sold the tokens when they were 1k each and now when they try to buy tokens they need to pay 10k each but the rich with the same amount of the poor now bought them for 1k each making overall starting much harder late in the season.
    If they are to stop lag maybe an option to add together like 100 spawners into lets say one mega spawner
    which just drops instead of 100 mobs each time 1 "super" mob which have the same stats as a normal mob x100 like instead of dropping gun powder "super" creeper will drop something else which will be worth x100.
    (statistically speaking it will give the same amount of money per hour as 100 creepers)

    After all this I still have to say that the idea of tokens is a good thing and I got few ideas how to fix them.
    1.Higher drop rate overall.
    This will make it easier to get tokens but I would say this wont be that helpful overall at the season because people will just get lazy at one point. But if that is the one increase it by at least x2 each so you will need to farm less overall
    2.Less tokens to buy spawner.
    This will work the same as higher drop rate I would say maybe playing a little with the combination of them will do good
    3.Option to buy spawners with only money.
    Will set the tokens at ((Shop price without tokens)-(Shop price with tokens))/(Amount of tokens needed) and then the tokens price wont go crazy.
    4.Remove it overall and make Spawner limit cost more.
    The max spawners already slowly make it less and less worth to buy spawners so I guess making it cost A LITTLE bit more could just replace tokens
    5.Island upgrade for higher token drops.
    Like paying 500k at first for x1.25 more chance at tokens at the island then it slowly go up with each pay
    (I don't believe this one can go in alone and fix the state of tokens as of right now, it got to have another fix with it)
    6.Add more ways to get tokens
    For example make just placing/mining blocks the ability to give tokens or give it to certain blocks as diamonds emeralds dirt and blocks like those.
    Also adding it to killing mobs can help.
    (This one might go well with 5)
    7.Give the ability to semi afk it.
    Right now if you try to afk farm tokens it detects you and send message in chat that you dont get tokens anymore, maybe do just like afk fishing and give it just lower % like 10% of the normal chance if you afk it.
    Or make it after an hour you have to not afk for half an hour (as the server can detect the fact you are afking) and then start gaining tokens again from afking.

    I would be happy if this post wont be spammed with comments as "I agree with this good ideas overall", so If you just strongly agree or strongly disagree just answer the pool with it, if you agree only with few points comment and tell me which and tell me why you don't agree the once you don't.
    If you got any other suggestion please add it in the comments and I will edit it in the post; and if you agree with a comment just give it a like so more people would see that you agree.

    Thanks for reading this long post, ThePieIsNotALie
  2. Poclam

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Although it may be hard for poorer players to be able to buy tokens since the price is going up (as you said they could sell for 1k but now they have to buy for 10k) that means the poorer players can also be selling their tokens for money which might not be a bad idea considering you said 96 is possible per hour. I haven't spent much time grinding on skyblock this season so I'm not speaking from personal experience but to me it seems the tokens are a positive addition to the server, it makes the game more challenging and is also just a nice extra layer to the gameplay.
    FZL1000 likes this.
  3. 4bybee

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I completely agree. I am a richer player in SB2 and I am constantly driving token prices up to insure that I can eliminate the most competition. I don't like having to be the bully when it comes to tokens but if I don't do it then someone else will raise prices and cause me to get no tokens. At the rate i get money from creepers I cant possibly get tokens fast enough so I have to buy in bulk. Tokens should be removed completely or their needs to be more fair ways for people to get tokens. Because poorer players with maybe only 100 creeper spawners are stuck in a rut where to get more spawners they have to melon farm, but they cant possibly get tokens to buy the spawners because the prices are way to high for them.
    They either need to be reworked or removed in my honest opinion, and I know that a lot of other players also feel this way when it comes to this issue.
  4. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Idea Number 3 would completely fix the problem as it would make there be a maximum price for the sale of tokens. It may be an idea to slightly increase the price of spawners without tokens as the season goes on so that the price of tokens is always very slightly and slowly increasing and it would keep the economy active.
  5. Pie


    Jul 22, 2019
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    I cant agree with any idea that says that as the time goes on something should change cost if it come from the /shop or anywhere from the server side as time goes on because it will make it harder for who starts at the middle of the season or not fair for who started at the start.
    For example lets say that today the shop price of creepers goes down to 250,000$ will it be fair? No why at the same time that I farmed 2 month ago someone should be able to get x2 of what I got so easily (Same apply to tokens)
    Or if like it is right now when creeper spawner worth more then 750k (at least in skyblock 2) instead of the 525k when the season started?
  6. Mooilo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I honestly think the idea of tokens is nice, I know some people don't like them but in my own opinion I think it balances everything out, although the fact that they've gone from 1k per token to almost 20k per token now is ridiculous, maybe they could make it so you can't sell tokens anywhere but in the shop or something, to prevent the crazy price inflation. Also with adding them to mob killing, I feel like that would be a little too easy to get them, since there are a lot of mob grinder/public mob farms everywhere. I think the drop rates for tokens right now are perfect where they're at, where they're not too easy to get but also not extremely difficult, to go along with your ideas of island upgrades for a higher drop rate.
  7. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi all,

    I believe that tokens were a good addition, however, there needs to be a compromise. I believe that tokens were good to stop players from getting thousands and thousands of spawners and potentially lagging up the server. However, this has caused the issue of an alternate economy within Skyblock which are the tokens. Token prices have raised dramatically and are getting to a stage where its super annoying to spent so much buying tokens. I believe something needs to change in the way you can get tokens or increase the chance of getting tokens when you are farming. In prison, token prices have risen from 2k to about 50-60k. I think something needs to change

    Thanks, Olli​
  8. wphantomw

    Aug 7, 2019
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    I think having the option to buy them from the shop at a Max of 3k each or something is a viable option too.
  9. 8td


    Jul 31, 2019
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    I 100% percent agree with this, I am top page in islands and started 3 months into the season, so for the first month I played, tokens were 1k each, spawners were easy to get as our only way to make money was melons, so the tokens can with the melon farming, but once we got spawners, the money gained overweight the tokens income, and its hard to compete with token prices when the top island are buying for 15k +
  10. Calder

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree mostly with this, but some things I disagree with. (I agreed with the poll because I do feel that there needs to be a fix, but not all of them are viable).

    First off, like many have said before, the reason for tokens is less spawners, and the reason MCC needs less spawners is because it lags out the server. So overall, being able to buy spawners without using tokens wouldn't be a great solution... (I'm aware that people can buy spawners off of other people, but this happens very rarely these days, and having a "non-token" price for spawners in the shop would ruin the server (RAM speaking)).

    Secondly, having a semi-AFK chance of receiving a token would ultimately increase the amount of spawners by simply AFKing. Not a good solution in my opinion...

    What I do agree with, is that token upgrades (idea number 5 and 6) are able to be purchased in /is upgrades would be a great idea, but up the price of it by a little and decrease the percent it increases.
    - For example, "Increase the percent of token drop rate by 0.05% each upgrade (meaning melons would drop at 0.45% at first upgrade) for $750,000 -- Tier 1
    - And make it maxed at tier 10 meaning melons would drop at 0.95% at max tier (maybe $3,000,000 Tier 10)

    Because what tokens ultimately try to get people to do in this Skyblock season is manual farming. Which I agree with 100%. I find it rather unfair that people can just AFK and increase their island level without having to do anything at all.

    Again, I agree that there needs to be some sort of solution to the rapid increase in token prices, I just don't think it's removing them or making it easier to buy spawners (without tokens)

  11. Zebra

    Aug 20, 2019
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    I completely agree. Hell, I didn't even think tokens were a good idea in the first place! It's just another annoying thing to grind. Also they removed the colour rename tags.. why? They were such a unique and good item that a lot of new players would like. Season 8 of skyblock overall is a pretty good season. Tokens just weren't the thing we needed. This is just my opinion, if you do not agree with my thoughts, let me know. :)

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