Blocks pouch idea

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Chkns?, Mar 20, 2020.

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  1. Chkns?

    Jul 25, 2019
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    This may sound really dumb and useless or it can be really useful or cool. My idea is a pouch kinda like the ancient/mythical money pouches but instead of money you get a random amount of blocks that you can apply to your Upgradeable pickaxe to upgrade it or help it progress faster. The blocks you will receive will range from like 10-100k depending on the tier of the pouch and which key it’s opened from. I feel like this will help players in the next season get better pickaxes quicker and speed up the progression of the game. Let me know what you think of this random idea ! :3 **Feel free to add onto this idea if you like, or change something about it!**

    PS: I know this will lengthen the gap between pay to win and free to play players , but I still think it will be an interesting feature.
    #1 Chkns?, Mar 20, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
  2. OverHash

    Jul 28, 2019
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    This is a great idea, mining can be really grindy and it would be nice to have the option to upgrade your pickaxe with mythical/ancient pouches.

    Fluffyfluids19 and Chkns? like this.
  3. sinderr

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I agree with this, and in addition to it I think that upgradable pickaxes should show the amount of blocks needed to upgrade to the next level :3
    Right now if i opened a myth key and got a Block Pouch, i would be really confused about how many levels it would increase my pickaxe. Also a quick question about your idea of it, would it be like the money pouches where it gives you a random amount from x-y or would it be a given number once you've received it? Then would an option pop up or would you drag and drop it onto your pickaxe. I dont really know if that made sense haha, just lmk if you have any questions/comments regarding what i said !
  4. Chkns?

    Jul 25, 2019
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    heya! In my head, I envisioned it similar to a money pouch where it would give you a random amount of blocks.
    e.g (ancient block pouch-tier 1):
    What shows up: 5-10k blocks
    What you get: 6782 blocks

    I’m guessing it’s going to be like a paper that you can drag onto the upgradable pick, like what you said :D, I would love to see like a progression bar animation where the bar slowly fills up as you put it on :P

    I’m not too sure about this but coisen/ zbokboomerx told me that money pouches increase in money/ value the longer you hold onto it or the later in the season. I kinda want the block pouches to work like that.

    Adding to that ^, I feel like earlier in the season you should receive less blocks from the pouches to prevent people from having level 50 pickaxes in the first few days and as the season progresses the amount of blocks you get will also increase.

    Lastly I feel like this should be pretty rare in chests, but not as rare as perks or spawners.

    I hope I answered your questions <3

    -chonkey ~ Stay safe y’all!
    #4 Chkns?, Mar 20, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hiHi simpkns. i don’t think i quite understand your idea. “5-10k” blocks seems like a lot since max capacity in an inventory on 1.8 is 2304 maybe 2368 if you use “/hat”, but that wouldn’t really count since i would assume the pouch would give it to you all at once and not drop it on the ground.
    as far as “blocks” goes, i feel like that’s p general. do you mean any block? or blocks of “ores” so you can craft them down to its non block self and sell it in mines. like, a block of emeralds can be broken down to emeralds and sold in Z mine. if it of the “ores”/“minerals” would that include iron and gold ore since those are sold in actual ore form in mines and not everyone has access to dmine and wilderness/pvpmine to sell smelted block forms + wilderness/pvpminr is kinda whack if you’re a naked rookie n blah blah. if the block idea is “any” block, i’d definitely -1 since prison isn’t so much a building based subserver. from what i’ve mostly seen, there are some people who build amazing things in prison plots, but there are also some people who just build quartz blocks and think they just built the most epic thing.
    if this block pouch was like a money pouch, would it let you preview an estimate on how many blocks or whatever you’d get or does it not grow as the season moves on, and just has you use ‘em once.
    on that topic, these block pouches seem v similar to money pouches if it’s giving you blocks to sell to make more money. it’s just, like, you’re the middle man. so, you would have more control, like, if u wanted to sell in Z mine during booster or wait til u prestige to sell. but still, it’s an item u get from chests that you use to make more money.

    to kinda collect my thoughts and questions-
    1. wtf / nani / pls explain
    2. block?
    3. money pouches

    i’m niether -1 or +1 since i don’t fully understand your idea, but i am leaning a little towards “-1”

    have a great day :D
    Fluffyfluids19 and Chkns? like this.
  6. Chkns?

    Jul 25, 2019
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    hey pup, sorry for being unclear! there will be no “blocks you get” to when you redeem the item, you will only get a paper that’s has a random number of blocks between x-y ( like money pouches) that you can put on your upgradable pickaxe to upgrade it. It just saves you the mining :3
    summary: you will not get any blocks, ores, only a paper you can put on the upgradeable pick.

    yes, you will be able to preview how many blocks you get and will increase in blocks as the sever progresses so that in the late season you won’t get 5-10k blocks and more like 50-70k blocks as pickaxes get more and more high in levels and require more blocks to level up.

    i think/hope i answered your questions!
    pls lemme know if i missed something
    Fluffyfluids19 and sinderr like this.
  7. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    oh man oh man that chnages the game up +1
    Fluffyfluids19 and Chkns? like this.
  8. Someone

    Aug 3, 2019
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    This is a pretty good idea, but I think it would be pretty good if this was also in envoys, as right now envoys are pretty bad. This would also allow f2p players at least get a chance at getting one.
    Fluffyfluids19 and Chkns? like this.
  9. Chkns?

    Jul 25, 2019
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    That’s an amazing idea but it would mean only pvpers will get this most of the time and people would start camping and farming theses. To counter this, the amount of blocks from envoys would have to be lower and the chance of getting it would be legendary. Other than those complaints this would be a great addition to this idea
    +1 chkns
    Fluffyfluids19 likes this.
  10. 6hb


    Mar 21, 2020
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    I really like this idea, adds some more to the game and it doesn't seem to have any negative possibilities!

    Chkns? likes this.
  11. DrBrando

    Mar 19, 2020
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    I think this sounds like a really cool idea and i could see people not only using it but it being popular to trade and sell on the auction house too.

    Thats a yes from me :)
    Chkns? likes this.
  12. zak_warrior

    Nov 10, 2019
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    To be fair and i know this may be controversial maybe you could do something with it and kits to make being a donator a bit more of a bonus , with the donator picks being pretty much made redundant , maybe a small blockcount daily "bonus" For me who hates mining this would be a godsend :)
    Sirprestonpotato and Chkns? like this.
  13. Slovakoko

    Mar 29, 2020
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    I personally think this would be a great addition, adding another form of monetization to the server, as well as breaking up the grind for blocks mined and upgradeable pick levels. Obviously would need to be balanced but could definitely benefit both the server and the player if done correctly. Wonderful idea +1
    Chkns? likes this.
  14. Chkns?

    Jul 25, 2019
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    maybe instead of kit money u get kit blocks :0
    that would be cool
    Slovakoko likes this.
  15. Oracy

    Mar 25, 2020
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    +1 lol dis mad useful for sell shops too
    Chkns? likes this.
  16. Hulah

    Sep 5, 2019
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    I really like this idea, adds some more to the game and it doesn't seem to have any negative possibilities!
    Chkns? likes this.
  17. Sirprestonpotato

    Apr 10, 2020
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    This would be awesome feature in my opinion, mining 100k blocks to level up your pickaxe once is absurd and this would help a LOT. I have a feeling this is going to be very valuable among miners and I see this being a very possible edition.
    Chkns? likes this.
  18. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Personally, this addition would be very beneficial to the more high-end eco players who struggle to get the levels 70-80. Having this added can relieve some pressure off of the players and can also be implemented into the economy to change things up a little.
    Chkns? likes this.
  19. luvhly

    Aug 22, 2019
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    This is such a creative idea and would make a great addition but I disagree with adding this because it will just make the economy more expensive and harder for the people that don't buy keys to buy stuff from the marketplace. Players will just buy a bunch of immortal keys and just keep landing on the good prizes till their pickaxe is as OP as they like it which just abuses the point of having an upgrade pickaxe because you're suppose to mine it to level up.

    If the immortal / ancient pouches were a one time thing by only being able to collect them from the envoys in pvp I think it would be a great idea, because you don't pay to win its whoever gets to the chests first.

    Chkns? likes this.
  20. Fluffyfluids19

    May 12, 2020
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    finding this in an envoy or something or in voting chests would be nice for non p2w players like me, I hate mining ;-;

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