Harvest Hoe Needs Improvement

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by ThorKingOfAsgard, May 8, 2020.

  1. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, gamers! I have been thinking lately that the harvest hoe should be improved. I think that the harvest hoe should drop the seeds and not just the crop on itself. I have been making a wheat farm and I've been using the harvest hoe to gather the wheat and I only get wheat when I would definitely need the seeds to expand my farm. Also, I think there should be a custom enchant that lets you add an enchant to the harvest hoe, called 'Gather I' and 'Gather II'. Gather I will increase the harvesting range to 2x2. Gather II will increase the harvesting range to 3x3. Overall, I want to see what you guys think about this idea and have a wonderful day or night!
    zwiz and Darenn like this.
  2. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there my fellow gamer.

    So, as a proper farmer myself, I can totally understand your frustration and why this can cause you an issue. You see, we share same plot in Survival and whenever we get in a call together, I tell you multiple times on how this would be amazing if it would be implemented. Farming wheat by hand and having to re plant the crops by hand is a huge frustration on its own therefore if this does indeed get added in the future, it will definently improve my Survival experience and hopefully it will do so for others too!

    Have a good day, Raptor!
    zwiz and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  3. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can totally see what you're talking about, like similar to how to the custom enchantments from Skyblock/Prison, however if this gets added in it'll probably be added in the form of the tokens (which I lowkey can't see being added since Survival is meant to be as close to vanilla as possible, so I can't personally see this being added in to the subserver. However I think this a good idea, I just don't personally think it's for Survival since Survival usually is made for like gameplay and more "legit" items, minus the items you can get from Anicent, Myth and keys in general.
    Overall, -1 but it's not a bad idea :).

    Have a good day/night ! <3
    zwiz and puposaurus like this.
  4. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there Raptor!
    I absolutely love your idea! I'd love to see Harvest Hoes become more of a broad item, as opposed to just a standard one form. I would like to see harvest hoes become upgradable, similar to that on factions. Like upgradable pickaxes on Prison, the harvest hoes gain upgrade levels as it's used to harvest crops. When it levels up, it gets an Upgrade Point, which can be used to upgrade it with the following;
    -Double Drops: a chance to drop extra crops when farmed
    -AutoSell: ...auto sells
    -Experience Boost: Upgrades are quicker, crops harvested to upgrade decrease
    -Treasure Hunter: While harvesting crops you will randomly get treasure
    I think these would be a great addition to survival, though I'm unsure how they'd fit into the economy. I'd love to see this idea explored more.
    Nikki <3
    zwiz likes this.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey raptor, i personally disagree with majority of what you suggested..
    firstly, why should something be improved on when the main purpose for it was nerfed this season?
    secondly, if harvest hoes dropped seeds for wheat it'd honestly be a mess and clog your invontory. harvest hoes have fortune 3 which help drop extra items which is great except for wheat. in any normal vanilla minecraft if you used fortune on wheat it drops more seeds than wheat and thats where player's inventories get clogged with useless farming crap. another thing is, wheat doesnt make that much money so I wouldn't suggest planting it at all unless you have intentions to use it for quests, but even in that sense, you can go to resource world and break grass blocks w/ a fortune pic or axe or even a harvest hoe since that has fortune on it as well. wheat and beetroots are really the only farming "blocks"/items that have both a seed and their drop and I don't think it'd be useful or needed to add this addition. another thing is. wheat doesnt take that long to plant if you have a small farm, so you can bring it back to more vanilla days and just replanting.
    thirdly, custom enchants wouldn't be needed and tokens would be a bad idea. with survival not having an economy initially in earlier seasons there's no real sweat for money like there is on prison and skyblock and factions. on survival there is not "main way" to make money or a "intended way" there are many ways and tips that can make a lot of money, like do quests or go fishing. but quests weren't added til season5 and fishing was buffed because mccstoreowner had to get what he wanted. that's just tokens alone, I don't think a custom enchant on a harvest hoe, out of all things, a harvest hoe :thonk:, would be necessary at all... one of the main reasons for such changes this season7 reset was to make survival more survival, they did this by removing /fly in fb and having a terrain schematic for plots and attempting to some-what nerf economy by removing spawners, I think adding a custom enchant would drift away from the point of trying to make survival feel survival. a HH already hoe's 3x3 area and something to make it hoe more/increasing the area.. this isn't skyblock wheere farms are always growing, most times in survival players build their farm once and then theyre done and then they use the HH to grind money not so much to expand their farms, and with custom enchants those are usually things that are obtained as the season goes on unless you have a sugar daddy to buy you a bunch of keys each season. do you have a sugar daddy? since HH 3x3 hoe'ing feature is really only used once it wouldn't make sense for a custom enchant for something that wouldn't be used throughout the season would be added. the logic just doesn't stick to me.

    overall i am -1 i don't think any of these are really needed, especially since farming isn't even the best way to make money with fishing and selective quests that already exist.

    edit: i realised i wrote “agree” instead of “disagree”. how clown of me. don’t mind the edit :relieved:
    #5 puposaurus, May 12, 2020
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
  6. zwiz

    Apr 23, 2020
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    Hey there

    It’s strange that the Harvest Hoe doesn’t do that already, this should be an essential. I also think the extras would be good. Have a nice day.
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.

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