For for a long time, ever since around the time Team SG was added, it was made so that you couldn't hit yourself with projectiles (eg. arrow, snowball, rod, ect.) throughout most minigames. While this doesn't seem like too big of a problem, it has some pretty big issues that come along with it. Especially with the rod: Spoiler: Video In the video, as you can see it works as expected. But when the hook lands near you, it disappears. And when you scroll off of the rod, on the server side it doesn't register it reeling in since there is no hook to reel in. This in turn causes a bug where if you go back onto the rod and try to cast out, it will not throw out a hook, and instead just use 1 durability. This will also happen with arrows, though it will just disappear completely, and you won't be able to get it back. So my main point of this thread, is that I would like it to be made so that you can hit yourself with projectiles in minigames. This should not only fix the projectile disappearing bug, but also allow you to do things like bow boost, or use rods & arrows to get out of 2 block holes. I know it's a small change, but it is something that I feel should be in the games. Especially games like SG, where you can't break blocks, and sometimes you need to be able to get over a 2 block wall. And in general it's just annoying when your arrow lands near you and disappears forever, especially when you have limited amounts.
Hey Ankh! Yeah, I'm glad you made a thread about this, not being able to bow boost in SG is extremely annoying, especially when trying to catch kids who run away. I guess we can only hope that this will be fixed when minigames are revamped. -Tris
Hey! I agree with a lot of this and it would be nice to get rid of these problems. My only concern is that it would basically change the whole game.
It wouldn't really change that much, aside from now being able to bow boost and escape 2-block holes. Regardless it's still something I'd like to see changed. I still remember back before team sg was added when you could get punch II and chase down anyone on moonbase