Murder Mayhem Perk/Item Ideas

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by TeddyOreo, May 9, 2020.

  1. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hello MCC Community,

    Today I am bringing up a very, very important topic that could be groudbreaking. Perks for the minigame Murder Mayhem. (dun dun dun.....)

    While playing Murder Mayhem, I find it fairly repetitive and its just missing an aspect that can change up the whole meta for this minigame. It is also one of the less popular minigames. Personally I think adding Perks and Purchasable items (Via in-game credits) can give players something to strive towards and use to their own advantage. It can also be good for those players who have all other perks in the other minigames so its something they can spend their credits on.

    Below I have a few concepts of Perks and Items that can possibly be added to spice things up a little.


    Speedy Gonzales
    This perk allows the Murderer to gain Speed 1 every 5 kills.
    The speed effect will last depending on the level purchased.
    - Level 1 - 1 Second (1k Credits)
    - Level 2 - 2 Seconds (1.5k Credits)
    - Level 3 - 3 Seconds (2k Credits)
    (Up to 6 seconds)
    (I think you get the point by now)

    Usually by the time 5 innocent are killed, 2 or more players will have collected enough emeralds to defend themselves from a slightly faster murderer. This allows the murderer to go on a rampage if they were spotted. The kill count for this perk can be changed.

    Lucky Emerald
    This perk is similar to the Mining Luck perk on Skywars.
    This perk allows everyone the chance to receive 2 emeralds when picking up 1.
    The percentage increases depending on the level bought.
    - Level 1 - 5%
    - Level 2 - 7.5%
    - Level 3 - 10%

    Whenever I play as an innocent bystander, the odds of me getting a bow before the murderer starts hunting down the other players is really low. Especially on larger maps it is more challenging to find emeralds around such a big surface area. Giving the chance for players to pick up more than one emerald in one can speed up the 'innocent arming themselves' section of the game.


    This item allows any player to identify 1 player of their choice's role.
    The cost of this item will be higher end as it is possible to spot the murderer right off the bat.
    Item will spawn in players inventory when the Murderer receives their sword.
    Player must be maximum 2 blocks away from the person they are identifying.
    Cost - 7500 Credits

    Having this item can be very resourceful but also can be used against you if you are the murderer. In Murder Mayhem, there are a few maps that are smaller in size (take The Library for example) where the murderer is given an advantage by having limited escape routes. Having the option to identify the murderer or the detective can help the innocent call out who is who and narrow the list down to find the murderer.

    Misc Additions

    Detective dropping bow
    I've thought about this idea and personally I think it would be a great addition. Sometimes the detective can either be a new player or they could be AFK. Once the murderer find out who the detective is, all the innocents are basically defenseless. Due to this, I think that the detective should drop their bow when they're killed for innocents to pick up. The murderer can not pick up the bow as that would give a massive advantage to the murderer and basically overpowering everyone else. Giving the option for the innocents to recover the bow can give them a second chance.

    These are just a few concepts I've come up with. If you have any other ideas or input on my ideas feel free to reply! All feedback is appreciated!

    Thanks for reading,
    Have a Wonderful Day!
    stiva and iTristan like this.
  2. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I think this is a great idea. However, a problem with this is that when the Detective dies, the murderer can camp the bow so literally they just stay near the bow and when people take it just throw ur knife or kill the person easily. I think they should have it like when the Detective dies, a random person gets the bow and the murderer can’t just keep farming kills. Second, giving the murderer extra speed might be overpowered and maybe some people might not want the perk, given that you would be identified as the murderer if you happen to be faster than others.
    TeddyOreo likes this.
  3. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    These are great ideas! Hopefully they will get implemented soon, with the minigame update that is supposed to happen sometime. While I don't think they're going to pay much attention to games like murder mayhem, if they do they should add these.

    Some comments:
    • For speedy gonzales, if bystanders see a person with speed, they will know it's the murderer. Maybe instead, the murderer is given some kind of item (like a token of some kind) that they can right-click like a gapple to activate the speed whenever it's most convenient. If not this, then maybe some way to disable it ingame and in the waiting room.
    • I feel like the detector item can break the gameplay. Some people have millions of credits piled up, and so they could easily use this to quickly find who the murderer is. Even if they don't have thousands or millions of credits at their disposal, you're supposed to see who the murderer is by their actions (like if you see them kill someone), and not just told who it is. People might abuse this, since if they have suspicions of someone being the murderer but not ready to shoot them, because they're not 100% sure, they could just use the item to confirm or deny whether the player in question is the murderer. This is bad because it does the job as detective for them, instead of the player confirming whether someone is the murderer (which isn't really that hard to do anyways).
    Overall, though, these are great and creative ideas! The only one I oppose of is the detector item, although the rest I would love to see get implemented in to the game!
  4. iTristan

    Sep 22, 2019
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    Hi TeddyOreo!
    First, I just want to say that I can tell you took your time on this thread. It's very detailed and organized so +1
    Now regarding your ideas:

    1) I like this idea and think it should be implemented. I do think there should be a cap on the time limit though, let's say level 5 would be the max with a 10-second speed boost.

    2) I really like this a lot. There are times where I will go the majority of the game without finding emeralds and then end up being killed. The only issue I can foresee with this is too many people collecting emeralds faster giving bystanders an unfair advantage over the murder.

    3) This idea has some potential, however, I think there may be more of a negative impact if this was to be implemented. Players would talk in chat and identify the murder to everyone else if they were to get lucky and detect them. The only way to fix this would be to turn off chat during the game. I feel that this feature would overall just degrade gameplay too much.

    4) This may sound like a good idea, but in reality, this would break the process of collecting emeralds, especially if the x2 emerald feature was to be implemented. I think that this idea is better left out of the game.

    I like some of these ideas and with a little tweaking, I think they could be added!

  5. Spiriten

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Heyo Tedo, some of these ideas sound good, but others are too OP. Thing like speed boost can lead to chain kills in a big group, whereas they would have run off and seperated if the murderer was not faster than them. I'd honestly nerf it down to a second of speed and you can increase the chance of it happening when you kill someone. The murderer detector is also too OP. Murder Mayhem is about observation where you not only have to hide and move around, but spy on other players and find out who is the murderer. If we remove half of the basis of the game by making it able to instantly find the murderer, games would be much easier and less fun. A way to nerf that is to add a cooldown. Say you're later into a game and still don't know who the murderer is, you can find out but it wouldn't be immediate. You would still want to hide and spy beforehand, but it offers a last resort. I also don't know if this is what you mean, but it should probably be a 1 use item. For the bow idea, I just want to say that this does not make players defenseless. Players can still get bows quite easily, and so can the murderer. Although currently if I remember right the murderer cannot pickup the detectives bow when they drop it, they can hardcore camp it and just farm kills. Theres nothing really to do about that as it is a good idea as players will come and it is free kills. Overall, good ideas, but in the current state many are too OP and need nerfs before being entered.
    TeddyOreo likes this.

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