Disrespect Rule

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mmmmm, May 7, 2020.

  1. mmmmm

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Hello! If you're someone who views the #support channel a lot in the MCC Discord, you would know that there's always a lot of discussions around the disrespect rule and what should and shouldn't be considered disrespect.

    The reason this is brought around is that when a player in-game chatreports another for "player disrespect", the staff member who views the report decides whether or not what is said is disrespect or not. In short, it is subjective to the staff member.

    I'm making this post in general rather than suggestions because I want to hear everyone's opinions on this topic, rather than everyone sharing their thoughts in the #support channel in the MCC Discord (which his being flooded whilst I'm typing this lmao). I'm of course going to share how I believe this should be tackled.

    If it was me, I'd only punish for "player disrespect" if the offence is excessive. Rather than currently when one player could say "stfu you don't have a life" and could be muted, it would take a bit more than this. You could argue that this is would be a mutable offence in itself and that's fine if you believe that but for me, you should only get muted if you are constantly disrespecting players in-game.

    Like I said before, I've opened this here as I want to listen to everyone's views on this and their ways of dealing with it. There's really no wrong answer so there should be no need for critiquing one another.
  2. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Very agreeable, I often like to be sarcastic and say stuff to my friends and I can picture this happening to someone then some random kid trying to apply for staff would just chat report you and you would just get muted for something you had no clue you were doing. This has happened to a lot of my friends and is a reason why we use private messages or use voice chats to talk.
  3. Dombal

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Thanks for bringing this up mmmmm

    Personally I agree that the topic of 'disrespect' is subjective as the only person who should be able to report is the one being disrespected. Countless time me and my friends have been punished for disrespect when we were joking around with each other. I completely understand if someone is disrespecting someone on purpose and the person chooses to report. Although I think it's unfair for a staff to see this in a random persons chat report or with their own eyes. A way to fix this is maybe getting the staff to ask the person being 'Disrespected' to confirm whether they are offended and want to take action. Having some random wanna be staff hero chat-reporting a couple friends joking around using 'disrespect' shouldn't have the power to choose whether the person is punished/reported


    Dombal: "Hey Bob stfu you're fat haha"

    Now if the user Bob is disrespected they should be the only one entitled to report Dombal as he is 'disrespecting' Bob and no one else
    If a random person name crazykyle554 were to report this it would be unfair on both Dombal and Bob as Bob should be deciding whether he chooses as he is the one being abused.

    That's basically my thought on it and yeah I think the disrespect rule is a little dumb and needs some looking into
    Issel likes this.
  4. Issel

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Hey, as @EssentialsPlus was saying I would also like to be able to joke around with my friends in chat without getting muted. However I believe it would make a lot of work for staff members as they would have to find out if the person chareported was joking or not. I say they keep the rules as they are right now and if you want to ''joke'' with your friends you message them or use party chat.

  5. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    That's why they should only punish the user if the player on the receiving end was the one who reported the user for disrespect.
  6. Prismane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Love seeing this in General Discussions. I do feel like most players that are muted for player disrespect, didn't mean any harm or just said it in a jokingly manner. But, I feel that with the many age ranges that play on Mcc us as players also have to be cautious since we don't really know how they can take what we say, and how the staff see it.

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