what is the best for getting better at pvp?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Simplistiq, May 6, 2020.

  1. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    i’ve noticed where I lack with skill at the game. Pvp. So, I was wondering what is the best to get better at pvp, I try kit pvp but everyone is more stacked than me. Please leave suggestions to get better.
  2. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello! Personally, my favorite place to practice pvp on minecraft central is capture the flag. Everyone has the same kit, and you constantly have to pvp someone. The only problem is the bow spam, although if you need to work on bow accuracy then it still might be a helpful server. Another great one is skywars, which is closer to UHC style pvp, where you have blocks in your inventory. Keep in mind, you can also duel people in ArenaPvP, and you can also choose what kit, or just use the command /duel <player> in other subservers. There is also pvp in the lobbies, and if you can't find any lobbies with anyone in the pvp arena (the room to your right after spawning in the lobby), then you can tell people in chat to come to pvp and what lobby number, and someone should come. On sub-servers like skyblock and prison, there are pvp arenas, and you can get to them with /warp pvp.

    Hope this helps, have a great day!
  3. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Skywars is a great place to practice PVP (if the spawning islands/mid islands are big enough to support hand to hand combat), the loot gained at the start of the game is completely RNG based with no absolute method of gaining that full diamond + sword unless you kill people for it! Playing Skywars for awhile now, I've actually learnt how to consistently rod pvp and it's incredibly satisfying successfully do!
  4. 6hb


    Mar 21, 2020
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    Hey iuvhotmoms!

    I've noticed just from playing a bunch of skywars recently my pvp has gotten so much better. I feel like this is because the games are so fast pasted and you fight so many players in one match. ArenaPVP is also a really good way to practice your pvp using the unranked duels.

    If you are looking to practice your pvp I would avoid the warzone in places like prison, skyblock and factions unless you have good gear because some people there can two-three shot you, meaning you don't get much practice in.

    Also what timezone are you? I'm not the greatest at PvP but I would say I'm decent. I wouldn't mind duelling you a few times and giving you some pointers. My discord is Jake (6hb)#0001 if you're interested.

    Hope you have a good day/night
    6hb Jake
    Simplistiq and Elecctricc like this.
  5. iFeast

    Apr 24, 2020
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    I love mcc, but in all honesty, if you're going to get better at pvp, you're going to want to play in a server designed for 1v1's. Practice rods and strafes on people. Team games won't really get you better. Consistently duel people and really get a sense on what works well on opponents, then come back to mcc and dominate :D
    Simplistiq likes this.
  6. abbzyy

    Aug 13, 2019
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    Personally, I find my pvp skills have improved from grinding survival games. Even with the chance of being defeated by a team or enchanted player, I think having more people to go against makes the game better for pvp over other minigames. If you want fair practice then obviously Arena should be your go-to, but in actual games you're most likely not going to be pvping against someone who has the same exact gear/weapons as you. I've been practicing using a rod on Arena just to improve in that area. Winning a game of survival games vs. winning a game of skywars is quite different - you can't hit someone off of an island in skywars or explode the dirt that they're bridging on. I also find SG to be more entertaining than SW, as the games don't feel as repetitive.
  7. Mvte

    Aug 3, 2019
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    for me creative
    PistolPet, Simplistiq and abbzyy like this.
  8. Mauricioh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! Usually, when I try to practice PvP on MCC I just go to ArenaPvP, or SkyWars if I'd like to be more strategic. Also I make sure to have a PvP pack, which I usually get them from resourcespacks24 (a mod from LabyMod). Also, if I just feel like pvping with not that much stuff, just clean pvp, I usually go to KitPvP, but it takes a little bit of time for you to get good items, so that needs some effort from you.

    Have a lovely rest of your day!
    Simplistiq likes this.
  9. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi iluvhotmoms,

    I've never been a good pvper, but I've been working on my PvP skills for a long time and I think I can say I've improved from a very bad PvPer to a decent PvPer. Personally, I think PvP is about three things: awareness, body, and settings.

    Awareness is basically knowing what you want to do, how to do it, and what is happening in the fights. It is important to know your goals and why they aren't achieved already. So it's helpful to figure out what type of PvP you want to get better at (Pot, UHC, SG, skyward, etc) and which PvP skills you need to work on (aiming, movements, rod, bow, hotkeys, etc). Then there come specific skills you need to work on, like w-tapping, block-hitting (how). It is also helpful to record and watch your duels and replays to figure out what is happening during fights.

    The "body" part covers lots of things. Some of the questions to ask are: Are you comfortable with your mouse and keyboard? Can the hotkeys be reached easily? Are you able to move your hand the way you want to during a fight without running into obstacles or running out of space? Do your chair and desk help you maintain a relatively good posture so you aren't distracted by the discomfort or get tired very quickly?

    Settings are also important. It is helpful to find a comfortable sensitivity and a comfortable FOV. It also helps to customize the controls and hotkeys so they work better for you. Consider using a PvP client [list of allowed clients/mods], because they improve your FPS, and offer lots of helpful mods. There are also other in-game or computer settings you can change to improve your FPS. It is sometimes possible to improve your connection (lower your ping) by changing settings as well. PvP texture packs with low fire and smaller swords can help as well.

    It might seem a bit weird for someone who's not that good to give such a detailed response. However, I'm trying my best to help because I know the amount of effort it took me to improve my PvP skills. I hope this is helpful and you will get better at PvP :).
    Simplistiq and Issel like this.
  10. KaptainKreeper

    May 3, 2020
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    What originally got me good at the game was survival games, and Huahwi videos. He’s what taught me to rod, how the fns the proper way, movement, etc. Playing survival games taught me to fight people way more stacked than me, and win consistently, as well as leaving enough health left to fight the 2-3 people that’ll inevitably clean up.

    My tips? If you can learn to rod, and rod in a way that always gives u the advantage, you will win more fights than you are now. The bow uses the same concept, it stops the opponents strafe very momentarily and hopefully gives you time to attack using your own momentum.
    Learn to block hit, and not just spamming it. You want to slow your movement so that you fall outside your opponents reach, and they’re still in yours. You should only block hit 1-2 times in a row to achieve this.
    Finally, awareness is key. Are you fighting a 2 team? Drop a few bow shots into them then go in, or light them on fire. Fighting a 3-5 team? Run and lower their health by fire and bowing. Wait until they separate, or give you enough space to put a few hearts of damage into one before you run again. You just need to keep draining their health until they start dying.
    Simplistiq likes this.
  11. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    I suggest practicing and playing other games trying new pvp games, duel people, kit pvp, anything you can do to practice it takes time but its worth it in the end.
  12. Airpxds

    Aug 25, 2019
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    It really depends on what kind of pvp you want to get better at. But just for all around pvp I would go CTF. But here are the best servers for each type of pvp: Gapple/Combo: Prison, NoDebuff: Factions, UHC: Skywars, Archer: CTF Again, And SG: Well... SG Obv.

    Hope This Helped!

    Have A Good Day/Night!
  13. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi! I know it's important for you to get better at PvP and become a great player!

    Some tips that helped me a bit was being dynamic in the games I play. I enjoy the concept of Capture the Flag, and sometimes I'll even play Cake Wars, but changing it up with a different group of players gives you the best opportunity to get better at PvP. There are also tutorials on YouTube that can give you some good tips to become a better PvPer.

    Hope I brought some insight to your cause.
  14. Pxrge

    Jul 23, 2019
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    My tip to becoming a great pvper is watching other great players and learning from them. Of course you won't become great instantly, it takes time, effort, and lots of patience. Back when I was 11 I could barely even strafe, but now I'm 15 and I'm able to compete with top pvpers on not only MCC but other servers such as Mineman and Hypixel. Majority of the people on this forum told you to play minigames and I don't want to drop bombs on them but the pvp competition on MCC is wack and the only way you'll get better is playing on pvp practice servers. If you're serious about PvP and want to get really good at it, then playing minigames on MCC isn't the best start so I encourage you to watch YT tutorials on PVP, play with good players, go on practice servers, and see what you did wrong after you die every match and use that knowledge to correct your mistakes. However, if you're not serious and want to play the game for fun on MCC and try to get a little better, then I wish you the best of luck. This is coming from a PvP sweat.

    Hope this helped
    - Pxrge
  15. centjeuh

    Sep 28, 2019
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    The best way to improve is by practising a lot! If you play a lot of pvp minigames or even just duels you will eventually get better at it. It's also good to watch other people pvp on youtube and to watch some tutorials about movement (w-tapping,blockhitting,strafing,...).

    There are a lot of different ways yo u can train, most mcc minigames have pvp so it's good to play them. You said you tried kitpvp but in my opinion that's not a good gamemode to start as a beginner, the people in kitpvp are usually pretty good. I recommend capture the flag and skywars.

    -Enjoy your day-
    Hypnoticxd likes this.
  16. Stolsiee

    Feb 28, 2020
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    Hey there, so first of all, get some buddies, hop in a call, and play together because playing with friends is alot more fun.

    To improve ur pvp skills download LabyMod or Badlion as they have useful information for pvping, also they boost your fps which is a good thing. Secondly duel people, try out all sorts of different duels, get use to them. ArenaPvP ranked is a good place to start, because as you improve the people you play against improve :)

    Have a great day

    - Stolsie <3
  17. Prismane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! Personally I have been working on my PvP for a while now. But, a really good tip is to make yourself used to doing things such as strafing, W tapping, etc... Maybe even try things that help with cps such as Jitter Clicking. Also, there are very good practice servers that I usually warm myself up on before I go actually fight on a PvP server.

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