Remove the House fee from /CF

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by MoreC4, May 6, 2020.

  1. MoreC4

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Remove the House fee from /CF
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    the reason why it was added was so players can’t spoof the leaderboards. I like that and really don’t think it’s going to be taken away anytime soon, or ever


    have a great xay
    Push likes this.
  3. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!

    From a pretty active coinflipper myself, I totally agree with this and I see it being totally pointless. On my end, I have no idea why it was added and it somewhat rips players off. When coinflipping, you should be able to either lose the money that you bid and or win double the amount that you bid and not lose 5% from your winnings.

    Coinflipping isn't about 'spoofing the leaderboards' as this isn't even the point of coinflipping. Coinflipping is basically betting your money to either win double or loose everything therefore cf'ing has nothing to do with leaderboards otherwise leaderboards wouldn't be a thing.

    Overall, +1 for me and I definently hope the 5% tax is removed next season if not sooner.
  4. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, @MoreC4 I totally agree with you with removing the coinflip tax to the house fee. The reason for this is because I do not see a reason why there is a house fee for coinflipping in the first place. There are some instants why I dislike the coinflip tax to the house is because if I was coin-flipping 50 million dollars for example, and I won, I would've lost 5 Million dollars. Overall I think removing the coinflipping tax fee to the house is a +1 for me. Have a wonderful day or night.
    Darenn likes this.
  5. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Hey there C4.

    The house fee was added for two main reasons:

    1) To avoid spoofing the leaderboard.
    Last season a rich player could just go on an alt and coinflip to get highest winner. They wouldn't lose anything. Having a house fee prevents this, and gives a more accurate representation of the actual biggest winners.

    2) To take money out of the economy.
    This is a very overlooked feature. Taking money out of the economy is always good as it helps with server inflation.

    Overall, I do not believe that the changes made to add a house fee should be reverted, as it could be easily abused last season. -1

    Have a great day.
    creeper7777777 and puposaurus like this.
  6. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i don’t think it’s the fact that it’s about spoofing leaderboards, obviously, but i think it’s the fact that it happened numerous amounts of times. especially in season5 & 6 a.) when it was added, yes. but also b.) since it was so easy to do.
    i get that it’s all bout gambling money and testing your luck but i still like how it is now, and you can still win lots from coin flips.

    it’s kinda like going to a casino, in a way. when you get to one, you usually need to pay to enter. or if you’re visiting from another town as well as transportation. and blah blah.
    although this isn’t like real life where these payments would be applied in fac, prison or skyblock (survival doesn’t have one yet) but i think giving it a more real life feel where winner really can’t take all, there’s a “middleman” that’s being paid or there’s a “fee” to even enter the coin flip.
    i am still -1 but just wanted to make a response to this

    as well as, i agree with the points 89p made

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