Add anticheat or better ones

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by CloudcusMC, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. CloudcusMC

    Aug 28, 2019
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    I have played mccentral for a very long time and it is evident that there are too many hackers and the report system is trash. I think mccentral should make a better anticheat system and add "/report" instead of "/chatreport". To get a hacker banned you have to record then post it on the forms or discord however this method is slow and staff aren't online 24/7, so i think you should add anticheat plugins where it can detect the hacks and ban the player almost immideatly.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    mcc does have an anticheat, and yes, it does suck p bad at most times, but i have seen it kick hackers and b hoppers n such. i think adding a “/report” would be a bad idea,
    this feature has been brought up many times, and discussed a few times in the past w/ higher ups and nobody(as in those higher ups) agreed on that. The” /report” command would be one more thing for staff to worry about. it honestly would just waste staff’s time since not everyone knows that hacks look like, and there can be numerous amounts of false reports, along w/ fake/abuse of the system for reports. Reporting a hacker takes around 5 minutes and helps the community tons when you create a report ticket via forums. if that isn’t really how you roll, you can also join our community discord and name hackers for staff to spectate (this system sorta works like /report, but instead of using a command in game you use discord). if you have not joined, you may always join here!

    hope this kinda explained some things and mentioned all your points.
    have a great day!
  3. 6hb


    Mar 21, 2020
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    Its been confirmed that there will be a new anti-cheat coming with the minigame revamp. However, no-one is sure when that is actually happening.

    I do agree that the hackers at certain times of the day can make the game unplayable. However, also do not believe that adding /report would be a good idea. Staff Members chat is already quite full as it is and they have a lot to worry about. Adding /report would just add an extra thing that staff members need to pay attention to. MCC also already has 2 ways you can report hackers, you can either record them and report them on the forums or you can use the #support channel in discord.

    Hope this helped,
  4. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    All of what you said is true, and has been true for a long time. When players are openly able to fly in skywars, the server has a problem. I'd love a /report function, although I think that /report and /chatreport would still need to be kept separate. All the owners need to do is figure out a reasonable set of rules/guidelines for using a report command (e.g. giving it a cooldown, not allowing multiple people to /report one player within a certain time, having punishments for false /report use, etc.) and I think it would be really effective at cleaning up the server. The idea that it adds extra things for staff to do is wrong; all it does is allow them to do their job better. An anti-cheat is apparently going to be released with a minigame revamp before 2021, so lets just hope this isn't an empty promise and that they do a good job of it.
  5. 6hb


    Mar 21, 2020
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    I see where you are coming from but staff already have a lot of stuff spamming there chat. If you think about it at peak times you can have up to 4 hackers in one sky wars match. There are multiple skywars lobbies running at the same time so there could be upwards of 15 hackers in skywars at one given time and thats just one minigame. Then you have got survival games, kitpvp and all the other subservers and not even taking into account fake/rage reports.

    Staff members already have masses of players messaging them, notifications from discord support, chat reports and have to moderate chat adding a /report feature (assuming it would send a chat notification when someone is reported) would just create excessive and unnecessary spam.
  6. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think you overestimate how much staff get flooded by messages. Either way, that's why you put those /report regulations in place, to control the flooding. How do you think Hypixel manages their /report feature when they have 70,000+ players on at once?
    Well you can leave /chatreports to helpers, so that's a non issue. I don't think the /report feature even needs to notify moderators+ honestly (or at very least it should be a toggle-able announcement for them). Just send the reported players heads into a GUI/list with details of their name and last seen location/time of report for mods to go through when they're going around doing their normal jobs.

    It's obvious implementing something like this would need intense planning before release though. You'd need to figure out appropriate punishments for false reporting, and how you'd go about deciding whether a report was false or not. I wouldn't think bans are necessary, just a permanent revoking of /report permissions. There should be a small minute-ish cool down between /report uses, like the current /chatreport system. I also think a /report system would benefit from the ability for mods+ to freely TP into games. The system would function fine without it, but it would make the job of finding and banning hackers overwhelmingly easier.
  7. kay


    Mar 17, 2020
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    agree with this completely. it is very frustrating to see players fly or use hacks. in sky wars especially, and you can't do something because the process to report is hard. and you cannot chat report because it it irrelevant to the chat report system.
    therefore maybe some new type of system could be implemented as you had mentioned before!
    hope to see your suggestion implemented :)

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