----> Pick a number between 1-1000 closest number wins. = 378 ----> You MUST put your favorite animal. = Quokkas ----> Put your IGN in the comments = Falken1001 ---->Please put your rank aswell = Immortal
No matter What rank it is i'll upgrade you whether it's a 5$ rank up or a 30$ one (im doing giveaway on a sale so there is a chance ill do a double rank upgrade if it's a cheap one) Thank you for making your post on this thread easy to read and actually reading the thread i appreciate it <3 have a fantastic day and good luck
man I wish I could say that about my pvp skills but unfortunately I can't accept that if someone is genuinely better than me that they aren't cheating LOL Good luck on the giveaway, it's awesome to see people give reasons and actually put effort into their posts :D:D HAVE A GREAT DAY :D:D