To my Fellow Coloured Text users!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Apr 30, 2020.

  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hola! I recently started thinking, you can write anything in (&k) and no one will know what it says!
    This thread is nothing important, I'm just curious what you guys write! When I'm advertising my skyblock island so people use my warp I say: ( &k mogmog ) which is a little weird but I don't really feel the need to use anything else. What do you write for glyphics? Do you use normal words, or just keyboard smash?

    Personally, I like to use colours that work well with my rank tag, which is Legend. I use &c, the light red/pink for glyhpics and write the text in &9, the light blue in bold. I think it works nicely with my donor tag since the colours don't clash. It might be weird that I care.

    Just wondering what everyone else does!
  2. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I use "i" for obfuscated text, because it's the cleanest and smallest. 3 i's is about the equivalent of one m. Allows for the most movement in the smallest amount of space. There's also another character I used to use that actually made text move since the random characters it got replaced with weren't the same width, but I don't think MCCentral allows special characters in chat anymore lol.

    Though to be honest even though I have colored chat & formatting I really never use it anymore.
  3. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I used to have an afk console client online 24/7, and so while my alt was afking online, the chat would show up in the console. It would get rid of the &k text, and only show what was hidden behind the moving stuff. It's really interesting, usually it's something like "aaaaaaa" or ";;;;," although sometimes someone writes a whole message in it thinking that no one on the server can read it. I don't remember exactly what that message was, although it had some blacklisted words and obviously written under the assumption that no one would read it. I don't have the afk system running now, since I bought actual chunk loaders (skyblock), although it was really interesting to be the only one who could read messages that were completely encoded in the &k stuff. Personally, I use any letter that I see first, typically "aaa" for the &k stuff in a message or advertisement.

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