Custom Enchants

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Secult, Apr 28, 2020.


30 tokens is way to much for a custom enchant

  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    4 vote(s)
  1. Secult

    Apr 5, 2020
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    In the first hand tokens are very valuable in p1 server where you can almost sell them 10k a piece, then it takes 30 tokens to get a custom enchant so that would be around 300k. That seems way to much when we compare it to our economy in prison 1. IRL deals in p1 are 1 million for every 1 USD dollar so that is saying a custom enchant would be 0.30 cents in USD, to me that is way to exspensive. Plus we have useless custom enchants like water breathing, I think we should lower it to 10 or maybe 5 tokens for a custom enchant.
  2. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    In my opinion 30 seems to be fine for balance reasons, otherwise everyone would have these custom enchants which are relatively sought-after by the Prison playerbase. At the lowest I would say 20 tokens, any more than that would just be excessive in my opinion.

    And while IRL deals take place their not exactly intended from a development side of view I believe and therefore monetizing the enchants just as tokens have been is an unanticipated outcome, not something that the developers thought of and which is why they cost more when it comes to IRL deals.

    Just my thoughts on it.
    Secult likes this.
  3. Secult

    Apr 5, 2020
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    I totally agree with what your saying but most of the custom enchants are not that good in my point of view, or worth 30 tokens.
  4. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey Secult,

    Personally I think 30 tokens is a good price for custom enchants. When you purchase a custom enchant that is only level I, it can be made into level II by combining them. Depending on which realm you play on, the price of the enchants may vary. Last season, custom enchants were 50 tokens instead of 30. I think 30 is fair as there are new enchants such as Token Luck and Miners Delight. There are other enchants like Water Breathing and Night Vision that aren't that resourceful but they can definitely help out a new player. Also, Decapitation II is great for people who like to PvP.
    Guwoq likes this.
  5. OverHash

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I think that 30 tokens is a perfectly fine price for custom enchants. In prison 1, token luck and miners delight books can reach prices around a million dollars. This gives a pretty good incentive. Whilst token prices are quite high, most players are spending their tokens on spawners, not custom enchants. Custom enchants also last forever, so, it's worth paying the high price as it pays off in the long run.

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