Survival Games Update?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Skwindle, Apr 21, 2020.


Is SG good as it is or does it need a small change?

  1. No Changes

    2 vote(s)
  2. Lots of Change

    13 vote(s)
  3. Some Changes

    18 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Skwindle

    Apr 8, 2020
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    So a few things I have had on my mind is that it takes 3 people to go to deathmatch instead of 4 and I wanted to know what you guys thought about it

    The Second that isn't in Survival Games is set and specific Tier 1 and Tier 2 Chest placed around the map

    and last but not least I want to know what everyone else thinks about my opinions and/or what should be added to the game or if Survival Games is good as is.
    cvul and Emmx like this.
  2. iZyro

    Mar 22, 2020
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    In my opinion, Survival games is good as it is, the only things I would change is adding more chests to Varidede map 1 cause its a huge map and there is very little chests so if you don't get good loot from the spawn chests or tier chests you are usually out geared severely and you will often run out of food as well. The second thing I think would be a nice addition to survival games would be a limit on the amount of players allowed in a team, perhaps three or four at the most, as it's unfair to players who are not teaming to have to go against large teams.
    Emmx, Zonafer, abbzyy and 1 other person like this.
  3. davedog124

    Apr 11, 2020
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    Agreed. But i still think there is alot of potential in SG if the staff team update it make some good decisions.
    Emmx and iZyro like this.
  4. Sloze

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Personally I love the way the game is played out how is, but I agree with Zyro in the sense that these massive teams are so overpowering and they all get their tier chests so they're stacked, however if the power was in my hands I'd change the team limit to 2 or bring back the solo / team variations of the game. I also think that they should put diamond helmets in the chests also just to make it that tad bit more fair for less experienced players but that's just my opinion, whether they're going forward with rule changes of teams or not, SG is and always will be my favourite game mode!

    davedog124 likes this.
  5. abbzyy

    Aug 13, 2019
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    Whether it be removing/adding new maps, nerfing or removing enchanting, or getting rid of perks and abilities, survival games absolutely needs severe changes. A lot of people have made threads regarding the advantages enchanting/abilities give. Having these topics brought up is extremely important with the rumored upcoming revamp. The community evidently wants changes with the amount of threads that are posted daily, and if there’s any time to update the game, it’s now. The PvP on SG is unfair and can be frustrating (not rage quit frustrating, but insanely annoying). I’m hoping the suggestions of players are brought into account soon.

    For your 4 for deathmatch idea, I disagree. I think having 4 people in DM would lead to 3v1s and would destroy the game experience even more. 3 players is traditional and I really hope it stays that way.

    Team SG almost definitely won’t be coming back. It’s been explained numerous times so I’ll just reiterate - it leads to bans for teaming in solo, and the gamemode would die out very quickly. It’s just not worth it. I also think there should be a team limit, but definitely higher than 2.
    Emmx, Zonafer, Abar and 1 other person like this.
  6. AdrienleSmelly

    Apr 24, 2020
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    The plain fact is that when people are in teams of like 3 or more, aside from few specific circumstances they are going to beat you. The deathmatch as it is with 3 people is good, that way if you make it there at least it is a 2v1 so you have somewhat of a chance of pulling that off when they are undoubtedly teamed together against you.
    The one thing I will say is while I do agree that the map is relatively sparse compared to others such as the orient one, there are definitely chests out there in the "wild" just not in plain view. Something I like about this map is that there are lots of different tricks and stuff to get the chests such as parkour and lots of traps that many other maps are lacking. If you really don't like the one map then vote against it or just re-queue when you're forced into it, i do that with the breeze island because I absolutely hate playing on it.
    The big change I think would be needed to SG in my opinion is enchanting. Right now it is literally a crutch for a lot of players to the point where all they care about when playing is memorizing where the enchantment locations are because they cannot live at all without it. I personally think enchanting should just be removed all together from the game but that is much more of a personal preference rather than something game-breaking.
  7. Saphiya

    Jul 22, 2019
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    In my opinion i believe SG is fine as it is but a few things id love to see is new maps being added. I feel like myself as a player who has been here since 2015 we really do get bored of having to play the same maps. I'd also love to see new perks being added to make the game more fun and interesting. I do love SG currently but it has become very repetitive and i really wish to see a change :)
    Zonafer likes this.
  8. Abar

    Aug 15, 2019
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    I agree with just about everything said here. SG, as well as other mini games need quite a bit of attention. When it comes to SG- yes a team limit seems plausible but I feel as though it’d be hard to enforce at this point. So many people have grown used to running in their massive battalions of people that they’d probably get pretty upset if they were told they can’t do that anymore. In addition, I actually don’t really mind the idea of death match being changed to 4 instead of 3 people. On almost every other SG server I’ve played on in the past, it’s been 4 players starts death match. For the players who don’t have a compass and try searching the entire map with 4 players left, life would be a whole lot easier for them now. With this said, if they were to change to 4 players, I think that a 30-60 second countdown would be better than the 10 second countdown we have right now. Yes a 3v1 could happen if this were implemented, but at the same time if 2 teams of 2 remain it could make for a pretty epic 2 on 2 showdown to finish things off. As always I love to see more and more people bring up SG topics as it helps push towards changes and fixed to be made. Have a wonderful day.
    abbzyy likes this.
  9. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I personally really enjoy Survival Games on MCCentral. It feels different to the way other servers do it, as there are no special kits or complicated systems in place. I really like the simple structure of it.

    I personally think that enchanting in SG makes the game fun and adds something unique to it. I think that it would be boring without any enchantments. Most of the maps have very small enchanting tables which allow only low-level enchants. I think that learning the locations of enchanting tables is part of the gamemode and gives the newer players something to aim for. They can familiarize themselves with the map and explore it in order to learn the secrets of each map. I'm strongly against removing enchanting in SG.

    Massive teams can be an issue and they are annoying. However, it's sort of difficult to moderate this, and when we had a vote about limiting the team size for the community, the vote results said that they don't want a limit to it.

    Vareide Map 1 is one of the original maps and certainly has lots of secrets and tricks which you can explore. That's why I really love the map. It's a bit big, that's true. There could be some changes to it, such as making the map smaller by eliminating the huge water areas. I do like the small amount of chests though, as it gives a very different gameplay when compared to the maps which have loads of chests. I like the fact that a game in various maps is different from other maps, as it creates more variation.
    Zonafer likes this.
  10. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think as far as mini-games go, Survival games is as balanced as it can really get in terms of the current perks and rules. The lack of kits and it's play-to-win tier upgrades works well for both rookies and donators alike. I even cracked the top 200 fairly easily as a rookie player before leaderboard resets. The current death match player count is fine, although I wouldn't complain if it was increased to four. I do actually like the idea of having one or two tiered chests spawned in randomly around the map, as it would give a slight advantage to newer players while being fairly useless for higher leveled players who already have their own tier chests. It seems the two big debates are over teams and enchanting.

    The team debate has been going on for ages, and I can't say I'm thrilled by the fact that you can have 5+ man teams since I'm usually a solo player, but I can't say it doesn't have its benefits. When I do play with friends, its fantastic and I completely understand the appeal, plus it'd be a pain to moderate with a team cap/the separation of solo and team (as others have pointed out).

    Enchanting is something that I think is important for SG, so I'm against removing it completely, but there's exceptions. The Vareide Map 4 table needs to be either removed, or the bookshelves do. That's a map where the teams especially will rush the table with the gear from their tier chests, and its just an automatic win for them. I'm on the fence about maps such as Rise of Orient, Avarcia, etc, where you have anvils to really grind up the power/protection of your gear, but I don't think that's as big of a problem because there's more than one table and nobody has an enchanting monopoly.

    The biggest problem here is maps. We need new ones. That's the single best thing the owners could do to improve an already solid gamemode.
  11. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    From what I've seen regarding tier chests in SG, aside from the ones at mid the rest are completely random. Sometimes a chest will give you leather armor and wood axes, while the exact same chest in another game on the same map will give iron armor, stone sword and iron/diamonds. Personally I'd prefer if they were set in stone, so people are encouraged to actually go find these tier 2 chests instead of relying on pure luck. Especially with the starting tier chest perks, the game is severely in favor of donators. And chest routes are pretty much obsolete. If every chest has a chance of having anything, why even bother making a strategy?
    Honestly, looking back at this now, I think it dying had less to do with the fact that no one wanted to do teams or "splitting the playerbase", but more with how the owners chose how to handle it. Yes, they did add teams, but they were all limited to two, with cross teaming being bannable. And if you didn't have a team, you'd be forced into one with a complete random. So unless you were only playing with ONE other friend, there was no reason to prefer Teams over Solo. They'd get banned just as easily in either. In my opinion, it would probably be better if they went for a "Solo" and "Classic" SG approach. In solo teaming would be bannable (obviously), and in Classic, you could choose to team or not, completely your decision.
  12. abbzyy

    Aug 13, 2019
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    Most of the maps also have anvils, though. I'm not saying enchanting should be completely removed, but it's gotten to the point where all of the games rely on who can enchant and anvil their items first. If you don't enchant, you hardly have a chance to win. I agree that part of the fun is for new players to familiarize themselves with the maps and learn, but it's difficult to do that when donators (who are leveling up quickly) are instantly running to enchant and rookies/new players don't even have enough levels to enchant all of their armor. This is why there needs to be a nerf of enchanting to make it equal amongst ALL players.
    I would disagree about it working for both rookies and donators alike. I'm not against the starter kits, but they do give an extreme advantage. With donators gaining credits more easily, rookies don't have much of a chance to obtain the perks/abilities because they're just getting spawn killed or running away. The game is way too play-to-win.
    I'm not against this idea either, but there should definitely be more than 2 chests of tier 2. Each map averages about 130 chests, so finding those chests if there were only 2 is close to impossible.
    I've said this before and I 100% agree. It's come to a point where I feel obligated to rush to the enchant table on the map, or else I know I have no chance at a win.
    I would say Rise of Orient has more enchant problems because of how easy it is to enchant. The whole map is a rush to who can get the better gear, instead of actually going and killing players. There's always that one player holding down spawn, and if that player has a lot of levels, well, game over.
    You could not have worded this better. Setting the chests to be the same every game (not the same items obviously, just the same tier) encourages strategy and chest routes, which is something that has almost completely left MCC. Creating strategy for each map (a strategy other than enchant instantly) is part of the fun, and it's pretty sad that you rarely can find this on the server. Chest routes give players a reason to learn more about the map and makes the game more exciting, in my opinion.
    I really hope new maps are added. The gamemode hasn't had variation in a very long time, and I know there are a lot of incredible people that could create an awesome map. Even this small addition (bring back Demons Breeze!!) would make the game so much more enjoyable.
  13. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Tier chests just don't give a huge advantage, and they're actually quite attainable to begin with. I've grinded for SG chests on plenty of alts (some recently) and the only difference that the credit multiplier of the more expensive donator ranks makes is that you get that tier 3 chest quicker. If you can grind for the tier 3 chest, which is no worse than grinding for pearls on SW, or strong feet in CTF (both which I'd argue are more essential) you're evening out 90% of the advantage in the guaranteed diamond piece. There's also plenty of anti-tier chest user strategies; you can easily get stacked off quick middle chests/chests close to spawn and then pick off a weaker diamond piece player, or wait a bit to clean up loot that's inevitably left after the first minute at middle if that's unsuccessful. If there wasn't any benefits from playing a game for extended periods of time, what happens to the sense of progression for early players to keep them playing the game despite their slight disadvantages? For me, that's half the fun.

    Can't say I disagree, but unlike other maps Rise of Orient does have multiple enchanting options AND anvils around the map, not just in the middle, so there's not the same monopoly you get on maps like Vareide 4. This map's about as far as I'd be willing to allow enchanting to go before it needs a nerf. They could add a cap on protection/sharpness/power levels (e.g. prot, sharp and power II) just so the game doesn't get out of hand.

    Can't say that would make it any easier on new players. You think people with tier chests wouldn't immediately create a monopoly over the best routes? All taking away randomness does is make it harder for the new players to win, and therefore harder to get the tier chests that aren't that difficult to obtain through the current system. Also, rushing mid then becomes potentially obsolete. I'd also argue chest routes are still valuable even with the MCCSG system, as you're never guaranteed anything good apart from the diamond piece from your tier chests, so knowing how and where an easy chest route is gives you significantly more chances to gear up despite the randomness of drops.
  14. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    By the time you sort out your tier chests after going mid, the routes would already be looted by anyone who skipped mid entirely to go their route.
    Incorrect. taking away the randomness would force players to actually LEARN the map instead of completely relying on tier chests. Tier 2 chests would be everywhere throughout the map in places you wouldn't normally look. And these chests will contain gear equivalent to a mid chest, so relying on your tier chests to carry you through the game would be a lot less common, since, obviously, you'd be able to get the same or better gear by just finding a tier 2 chest. This is Survival Games. You should be rewarded for exploring, not punished. I'm not in complete support of play-to-win, but I think you should at least learn the map before complaining about not finding good chests.
    Not at all. As it is now, basically if you missed mid, you're pretty much screwed. This would give people a better chance to make a comeback in case they missed mid, and don't have tier chests to loot gear from.
    Yes, this is exactly the problem. Sure you can still loot chests, but they will almost never have good gear equivalent to what you get from tier 2-3 starter chests. So like I said, if you somehow missed mid for any reason, you've pretty much already lost.

    The entire point of having higher tier chests in hard-to-reach locations would be to encourage people to learn the maps, and in turn give them a higher chance of winning.
  15. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Think I misunderstood what you were saying before, thought you meant you wanted chests to be mapped (i.e. specific loot for certain high tier chests). I'm fine with the addition of tier 2 chests outside of mid, I just think we're going to have to agree to disagree on giving them set locations. I still think people who already have tier chests would have too big of an advantage rushing those locations, therefore making it less new player friendly. Adding in the randomness gives everyone an equal chance of getting back in the game while offering less to players who won't benefit from tier 2 chests because they've already maxed on armor.

    I also disagree with you on the importance of mid even now; I rarely go mid, especially if I'm playing on a rookie alt with no perks, and that works out more than fine for me. It's far from an instant loss BECAUSE learning chest routes in the current system is effective. Making it so that I can get good gear from said routes, every single time, would make that strat the overwhelming favourite for good players, therefore becoming less new player friendly yada yada think you can see my perspective.
  16. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    In my suggestion, the chest tier would be pre-determined, not the loot within it. It would still be randomly generated loot, except now the tier 2 chests would be generating gear on-par with what is found in mid.

    Like I said, they would be scattered throughout the map in hard-to-reach locations. If there's someone else taking one route, then take another one, or fight them for it. No one person would be able to guard every single tier 2 chest in a 300x300 map. There are countless possibilities on routes you could take.

    If it's random, then finding good gear relies completely on pure luck. Which is bad, since people with tier chests are almost guaranteed good gear off the start. If you don't already have a good weapon and armor from spawn and you don't have tier chests, then your chances of being able to find better gear are very low. With tier 2 chests having pre-determined locations, then if you knew where one was you would be able to travel to it so you at least have a chance of making it to dm. And if you already have full iron armor, then you're not going to really benefit from ANY chests, aside from food. That doesn't mean other people can't benefit from them though. That's like saying poor people wouldn't benefit from getting a million dollars just because there's already people who are millionaires. If they already have maxed gear, then it's highly unlikely they'd go out of their way to search for tier 2 chests.

    Whether you agree or not, the corn is an important part of the game. It's where you can find the best gear, and it's where the game both starts and ends. It also has crafting tables (and etables on some maps), making it useful throughout the entire game. I'm not trying to say you'll die instantly if you skip mid, I'm just saying that your chances of winning significantly decrease if you do. It's a high-risk high-reward situation. Even depending on the tier chests can backfire sometimes, I couldn't tell you how many times I got only helmets and no weapon from them lmao. I've lost countless times to people who were just lucky enough to find better gear. Yeah skill plays some part, but someone in just a helmet with a wood axe has almost no chance of fighting someone in full iron, regardless of their skill level.

    It should be obvious, but you're not the only one looting chests. Everyone is trying to find chests to get better gear. And adding tier 2 chests would make it more of a competition to obtain their loot, adding more flavor and challenge to SG. So you wouldn't be the only person taking your route, there would likely be 3+ people all trying to get to the same chests. Everyone has the same opportunity to learn where these chests are, therefore there wouldn't necessarily be an advantage to being a donator loot-wise. You can argue that they'd use the loot from their starting chests, but like I said, by the time they sorted their loot from them, someone else would have likely already looted part of the route.
  17. CatTech

    Apr 26, 2020
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    MC Central's SG is one of very few SG servers that have a concurrent playerbase as well as popular maps like Vareide 4, Breeze Island 1/2, among others. I've played on and off for a matter of years and have just come back yet again but I am still disappointed in this gamemode. Over time I've come to realize that large groups teaming (even good people that don't need to team, or in groups of upwards of SEVEN) as well as CONSTANT cheaters blatantly cheating, literally in EVERY game, are commonplace on this server. Most of them are so dumb, just little timmy downloaded a hack client and doesn't know what he's doing, so most of the time I can wait for the right opportunity and kill them. But it's SO constant, at a consistency that I've never seen anywhere else. But I still play knowing these inconsistencies exist.

    Now what pisses me right off, is the blatant enchant abuse. I went on the old Enjin forums waaay back and made a whole expose on why this bullshit shouldn't exist. It's clearly not intended for people to use the server level-up system to enchant items so I ask again, why after all this time has this not been corrected? Don't say it's a reward for leveling up; being able to enchant all your armor and sword and bow is not meant to be in survival games. On a level playing field, for some servers, you would occasionally find an xp bottle in a chest and MAYBE be able to enchant a sword or armor piece. In some servers mobs would spawn so you could kill enough mobs to get a level or two and enchant something. Vareide Map 4, arguably one of the most popular maps of all-time as well as my favorite, hosts an enchant table capable of tier 3 enchants, which I always see a tommy miner run for at the start of the game, hence why every time I play Vareide Map 4 on MC-Central, I run there off the bat solely to kill anyone trying to abuse this. You can EASILY get Sharpness III swords, and similar-tiered gear, using this abuse. Moonbase 9 has a similar issue. Literally Flame bows, Prot 3 Armor, stuff you would definitely NOT find in a typical SG. And I still wonder why the management hasn't done anything about this. It's so moronic that this is still an issue. I'm kind of a legend at Minecraft so I've been able to kill some fully enchanted goons who think they're invincible because they're abusing the enchant table. But sometimes the enchanted goon is actually good and I can't do anything about it. Combine the teamers and the enchant abuse and you have a game with an absolutely scuffed playing field. This is what new players see.

    To reiterate, teamers, cheaters--whatever, it's Minecraft I can deal with it. This enchant abuse can easily be fixed. Just convert the level-up system to a non-tangible unit and not literally the XP BAR, so I can't enchant a whole *** armory with my 300 levels of xp. For Notch sake. Maybe DISABLE the enchant table; or remove the lapis etc.? Fix your scuffed game, it's been years now.

    Why, it certainly does add something unique! Excellent point.
    #17 CatTech, Apr 27, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2020
  18. davedog124

    Apr 11, 2020
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    Very well said. Cant agree more.
  19. majormotor

    Apr 27, 2020
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    I would like to see a team limit of 2 implemented and enforced in the future. I've seen way too many teams of 5,6 or even 7 players in my lobbies that completely dominate the game. The gameplay itself is good, I feel that the teaming problem really needs to be tackled though. I also wouldn't have a problem if they made it so 4 players go to deathmatch instead of 3.
  20. DaQuack_

    Aug 12, 2019
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    I Agree with Zyro, I think sg is fine how it is. I have experience a lot of lag some games but i think it is good how it is right now, but maybe in the future some changes would be nice.

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