Classic Skyblock - A Crazy Idea

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Ok this idea is so crazy and I predict it will get a lot of -1s but here goes:
    I completely miss the classic skyblock, no spawners, no tokens, hostile mobs spawn in the dark, passive mobs spawn on grass, minerals obtained only through /shop or generators. Money made by farming, fishing, selling mob drops.

    If skyblock 2 is not as popular, why not have Realm 2 as a classic version, and realm 1 as the modern? The only real reason why many players choose skyblock 2 over skyblock 1 is because it's quieter, but that's no real problem if you can turn chat off.

    I understand this would take a lot of work, but it would give so much new life, and allows rookies and lower ranked players to have a better chance without as much P2W.

    Please don't hate me / hold a grudge for suggesting this <3

    DrBrando likes this.
  2. centjeuh

    Sep 28, 2019
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    Its not a bad idea but I just think there is not enough people wanting to play something like this (I could be wrong). I also think replacing realm 2 is bad because there is a decent amount of people who prefer prison 2.

    Also if they would add this idea they should do the seasons for classic skyblock longer then 6 months because classic takes more time to grind and stuff.

    -Enjoy your day-​
    Jazmiin likes this.
  3. DrBrando

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Tbh, this sounds like a lot of fun. I'm a skyblock 1 player and I enjoy the server a lot but having 2 options for different types of skyblock would be super cool and I would love to see it. The one caveat would be what the true skyblock 2 players think about this as it would be affecting them the most. If this update were to happen, I would be one of the first to play on it

    centjeuh likes this.
  4. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Just a quick note seen as I didn’t think about this when I first wrote this thread (eek) possibly a third realm could be added if the general public disagree with removing sb2 and replacing it with classic Skyblock, as it would possibly be easier than removing all the extra plugins ie tokens, island upgrades etc. just one more quick note, classic Skyblock should have no events like envoy, boss battle and none of the big ranked perks like /fly. A lot of players will disagree with this, but if you’d prefer Skyblock with /fly there would still be modern skyblock. The issue with fly in classic skyblock is it makes things too easy. Big builds are too easy, hostile mobs can be killed for xp and drops without players taking any damage, and just in general is too easy. I assume this is where the -1s come in, but don’t hate me for suggesting this.

    A simple, no perked, classic Vanilla skyblock would be a fun addition to MCC and would allow players to peacefully enjoy a Subserver with no p2w.

    DrBrando and centjeuh like this.
  5. Dinojulie

    Dec 6, 2019
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    I Like the idea of a third realm/or replacing sb2, But a lot of players should be interested in playing old classic skyblock for the server to even consider this! Itd be a waste if it dies out within 2 or 3 months. but all together id say we wait for the next season to see what they have in store for us! and maybe if skyblock becomes more popular or resets every 4/5 months they could add a third realm again :)

    Dino <3
    centjeuh likes this.
  6. xUnkn0wn

    Feb 2, 2020
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    Hi there

    I like the idea of bringing back old skyblock, but not the type with no spawners, or mobs spawning in the dark. I would like to see skyblock back when there were no tokens or points, cactus farms were useful again and all there was to farm were island levels, and money.

    With the idea of having one skyblock realm different to the other, I don't like as much. I like the fact that players have the option ro choose weather they want to play on a more populated server, or a quieter server without having to alter anything with chat or anything else. If they were do to this I would rather see them add a completely new subserver, which is very unlikely to happen.

    I like the idea though.
  7. Breazia

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I think this would be a better idea for a new subsever if it could generate more interest. I also don't like the idea of 1 Skyblock server because of the fact there are so many skyblock players and some players like the quieter side of sb2 and not dealing with everything on sb1 (no hate to sb1). sb1 just has so much more going on and at the beginning of the season the one sb subservers chat would be going nuts and it would be hard to do anything and it would also cause a lot of lag. The idea of spawners being gone total, I don't fully support but maybe personal spawners gone again wouldn't be a terrible idea even though I like spawners but going back to the cactus farm days would be cool again.
    centjeuh likes this.
  8. Ontology

    Jul 22, 2019
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    no sb2 must stay how it is

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