Option to make Navigation Bar stick to top

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ankh, Aug 5, 2019.

  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    For anyone who doesn't know what I mean, the navigation bar is the list of links at the very top of the page (eg. HOME, STORE, FORUMS, STAFF, RULES...)

    Currently how it works is that the navigation bar is always at the very top of the page, no matter where you are on the page. In my opinion, this is pretty annoying, especially on long threads with a lot of replies. I don't want to have to scroll up to the top of the page every single time I want to go back to the main forums.

    What I'm suggestion that they add as an OPTIONAL PREFERENCE is the ability to toggle a "Sticky Navigation Bar", which will make the navigation bar always appear at the top of the window, no matter how far down you scroll. This will make it a lot easier for browsing the forums actively, or if you just want to check your alerts while already at the bottom of a long thread.

    Feel free to voice your opinions below.
  2. rayne

    Aug 6, 2019
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    I am accustomed to this style, it is not problematic and our old style was situated this way.

    Old forums used this style and quite frankly I really like our forums. My only wish with what we have now, in relation to the navigation bar, is that it would be situated closer to this bar that shows our current location.
    I would prefer it either above (like our old format) or below / connected to it, check this example below.


    Having it connected to this orange bar might be problematic in the future, but something closer would be more convenient.

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