Kindness is Free

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Kindness is free. Ok so that sounds really stupid and all, and you might be thinking "how is this relevant to MCC?" well I've seen an increase in toxicity on different subservers. Through all the chaos going on due to Corona Virus right now, it is important you stay kind.

    Just because someone killed you in prison, doesn't mean you need to call them names, or spam the chat or break the server's rules. You just need to get over it. Even though a really good faction just raided your base and got your spawners doesn't mean you need to start an argument with the people involved. Something ignoring what upsets you and moving on has a better impact on your surroundings. Heck, even if the same player with fly hacks has killed you 5 times on skywars, you don't need to spam staff in discord asking them to be banned. You just need to be patient, and get over it. You can be kind to others without lowering your 'popularity' or 'status', it doesn't make you less cool to be kind.

    I don't know what to call my Corona Virus situation in my city, not 'lockdown' per say, but I guess it's "stay home unless you are an Essential worker or its Essential" The other day we urgently needed groceries, so I took one for the team and went to the store. I'm young, and there were a lot of adults there, old enough to be Karens with Kids. They would stand in the middle of the aisle doing that thing where you look up and down for what you want without grabbing it, and because of how tight the store shelves are, I couldn't get past without social distancing. I squeezed past and as I would go by I'd say "sorry" only to be completely ignored. Understandable, I'm a stranger, but kindness is free. A simple "that's alright" will do the trick.

    There's a lot we need to think about, in order to follow isolation rules, stay healthy and protect friends and family from the virus, but something we can not forget is that kindness is free, so we should value it.

    Have a nice day, and stay healthy.
    Nikki <3
    Emmx, beeankah, Mxats and 4 others like this.
  2. IAmBamboozled

    Apr 6, 2020
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    I agree. Sometimes you just gotta let go and not start an argument with someone who was just playing the game aswell.
  3. Aymere

    Jul 22, 2019
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    wouldnt that be great everyone bein nice, but that stuff just dont happen and in most these cases theyre right to be annoyed its alot easier to let it out than be frustrated just how ppl are cant expect anythin more from em theyre heated and agitated
  4. Pxrge

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yes, the server is becoming more toxic and it would be nice if it were to lessen, but when you actually think about it, the people who are toxic in game make stuff very interesting. I've been playing the server for 5 years and I get very bored at times especially when my friends are busy, but the toxic players lighten up the mood and make me have something to look forward too. For example, you queue up in ArenapPvP match against a high elo player and end up losing to him and he says something in the lines of "EZ" or "trash" when he played you dirty the whole game then they grab your attention. Making rivals in MCC is apart of the toxicity but that is what makes it fun and interesting. However, lots of people take things to heart and get very offended when someone is being toxic towards them and that's just the way the cookie crumbles. You can't change people unless they change themselves which is why the server would most likely remain toxic after your forum post, but I respect your efforts Nikki_.
    Emmx and beeankah like this.
  5. Mxats

    Apr 16, 2020
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    And that's why I play skyblock :>
    Stay safe too! :mask:
    -Mats :)
    Emmx and Pxrge like this.
  6. Dionnysus

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Wise words Nikki_ as always!
    I hope you stay safe aswell
  7. TTVCoderGaming

    Apr 10, 2020
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    We need this in mini games (Especially Skywars) When people target others...
  8. MrMonkey

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Ohhh I agree with this so much, THANK YOU. Every once in a while just be nice my guy

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