Prison Scams: A Thread

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Apr 15, 2020.

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  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Why is scamming allowed on Prison?
    It is said that scamming is allowed on prison as it somewhat makes sense, Prison, scamming, maybe I'm thinking of it too literally. However, scamming is for sure allowed on prison, but does that make it the right thing to do? No.

    How can I avoid scams?
    Scams are very common in prison, which goes without saying. The easiest way you can avoid being scammed is to take things slowly, especially when you're at someone's plot for the first time. That's a mistake too many people make, they rush it, and end up not seeing that the sign is clearly a scam. The best thing you can do is accept /tpahere requests from anyone you don't know/aren't friends with and withdraw your balance in safekeeping so you can safely inspect the signs at the plot before you go buying things.

    What should I do if I get scammed?
    If you've been scammed, the best thing you can do is try to let a few people know who scammed you. This by no way means to spam/flood the chatbox saying "MCCentral Scammed me!!!!!!!", but rather just saying "______ scammed me, watch out!" and only saying it once. This isn't necessary but helps prevent others from falling for it as well. If/when you've done that, simply forget about it. IRL scams are a little different, but if you got scammed in-game, just forget about it in go mining to replace all that cash.

    Is there a way to ensure I don't get scammed?
    While this may seem like a very cliche, unhelpful response, the best way to ensure you don't get scammed is to think about things without being gullible or greedy. I would highly doubt that an A rank rookie with $250 would be giving away free witch spawners, and if they were, they'd most likely be of high status on Prison, which you can generally tell by looking in Chat if they talk to people. It goes without saying that a random person who is teleporting you to them will most likely be scamming you, so either doesn't accept it, or clear your inventory and take off all armor before accepting it, that way you've got nothing to lose.

    Is it every safe to assume someone isn't scamming?
    The answer to this question is simple, no. You should never assume someone isn't scamming, as there are many ways they can be. Unless you are very close friends with this person, or know they have a good reputation, you should never assume they aren't scamming. Even if a plot looks professional enough to not look like a scam, this could be a mask.

    What must I look out for? (Personal Story)
    Recently I went to a plot /p h CS, and they had a profit shop, which I've always doubted were real on Prison. I was looking at the sell prices, checking to see if it makes a profit, and it did. So I went along I bought from each sign, sold on /shop and made a profit, very slowly. I started to gain trust, so I sped up, and BOOM. Just like that, I was scammed all of my money. You really need to take your time when buying things, as sometimes, a sign may look the same as the rest, but with some extra zeros.
    Nikki_ Nikki_ Nikki_ Nikki_
    2304 2304 2304 2304
    B 218000 B 218000 B 218000000 B 218000
    Gunpowder Gunpowder Gunpowder Gunpowder

    As you saw there, the third to the right sign was a lot more costly than the rest, and although it looks the same, especially when running buy really quickly, it is way more expensive.

    Hope this helps you all!

    Nikki <3
    if you have any questions, pm me on discord: Nikki_#3250
    CatBoyFable, Guwoq, 89p and 1 other person like this.
  2. Guwoq

    Sep 9, 2019
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    The real antiscam gang right here +1
    Xermes likes this.
  3. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thank you so much for making this thread! This would help many of the newer players in Prisons! No one really likes scammers, and I learned that the hard way by losing around 50 million in Prisons 1 awhile ago! Some other good ways is to withdraw, and to keep your money in your ender-chest, to make a chest room and withdraw your money every 1 million. To take off all your armor or supplies when someone tpa's or send a tpa request to you. Also to just use your common knowledge to say that message looks sketchy, or this doesn't make sense. Example: Rookie with Level A, with no money in their stats, and no income at all says: [Rookie] (player): Come to my plot, giving away 20 Witch Spawners! I would recommend not to follow him, and to continue on with the game. I would also recommend to not team up with anyone and to just go solo.

    If you have any more questions or concerns please contact me!
    Discord: ObjectiveArcade#2232

    iFeast and HeckTheThicc like this.
  4. Oracy

    Mar 25, 2020
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    damn that sucks, can only really sell to zharmin cc cam
  5. Yefhfcjghbnn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    thank you for telling your personal story to discredit all the legit profit shops on prison such as
    /p h MobProfit1
    /p h MobProfit2
    /p h MobProfit3
    /p h Profitss
    /p h Gappz
    /p h zhar

    We really appreciate all the doubt and hate towards profit shops that make it really difficult to attract attention for the legit shops.
  6. Mauricioh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! Thank you for making this thread, it really helps people who would like to prevent themselves from getting scammed. There are a lot of ways to get scammed, yes, unfortunately, but your tips are really useful for those sign scammers or even death trappers. In a small note, it's really important or useful if you get a Staff Member to be a Middle Man for you if you're trading suff with somebody else, so that way you could never be scammed, as the Staff Member will be there to make sure it doesn't happen.
    Also, make sure that if you are dealing with someone, make sure it's an approved deal, otherwise you could be warned or even banned in case you complete it. (see more about it in the rules if needed).
    If you'd like to get a Staff Member to help you with it, just make sure to be on MCC's Discord server that you'll get help from them really quickly. :)
    I hope it helped in some way!

    Have a lovely rest of your day.
  7. Breazia

    Jul 23, 2019
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    great post you really helped people learn how to avoid being scammed and how to also learn some scams of there own lol.
  8. PatiowaxTheBlonde

    Apr 19, 2020
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    First of all, if you are looking at this and you are on any other server than prison report with evidence because it is not allowed anywhere else but prison.

    A few tips, I got scammed out of a level 39 pick, and ya I was angry but I know that is I put into work to get that back I could and if this happens you I KNOW you can. Next off never /tpa to someone you don't trust if you are trying to make a deal with them

    Important Rules To Follow

    How to do a Trade/Buy
    1. Use the /ah and do the deal
    2. if you are trading items then always use /trade (name)
    3. If you are doing the deal and have the items and they want you to tpa put the items in an ender chest, then /tpa if you have /fly and do so with nothing in your inventory and no armor (so if they /tpa you to a PVP zone you don't lose anything but Exp)
    4. If you don't have /fly and they won't /tpa to you THEN USE SPAWN and refer to rule#2 (if someone is trying to do a legit deal and you say to go to /spawn and do /trade they will gladfully accept)
    5. If you don't feel like you will come out with what you want back out. You can find another deal.

    How to avoid Spam/Scammers
    The /ignore is something that is not as well used as I have seen. If someone is a scammer and you see their name in chat a lot and people are calling them scammers then do /ignore (name). From what I have seen is that most scammers are really bad on the economic side of the server. They make a lot of money from the scams but always manage to be very low ranks. To avoid them just do /ignore they are not worth having spam your chat. (I had a friend that I got to play on the server and day 2 I gave him on the list of all the scammers that would be worth the /ignore. Sorry, I don't have the list anymore. It is worth it.)
  9. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Don't forget for the chestshop scam where a plot owner asks someone to make a sign that looks like this:

    S 10000

    Then the plot owner denies the sign-maker and takes all their money by selling 200 sticks to them. For the scam, you can delete that shop with /chestshop list

    Hope I helped!
  10. AdrienleSmelly

    Apr 24, 2020
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    This is a super SUPER helpful thread, lots of good points here. Just doing stuff yourself and think about it before you go through with deals that don't make sense can help a lot for avoiding scammers.
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