Adding "DeathRun" on MCCentral

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Zguy2000, Aug 5, 2019.


Would you like to see DeathRun added on Christmas/New Years?

  1. Yes please!

    9 vote(s)
  2. Nah, not interested

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey guys!

    So I've seen a couple new-comers here and there in the lobby get a little disappointed that "DeathRun" isn't a minigame on MCCentral. I think that if the staff started working by around September, the server could definitely be up by around early 2020 (Due to the lack of complexity of the minigame)

    I have multiple reasons why I would LOVE to see this minigame come to MCCentral. First of all, I think it would be an amazing New Year's gift to the community and be a display of how hard the staff works to keep player's entertained with fresh and new content. Second, the minigame requires no PvP fighting or building of any sort. Those less creative or unskilled in PvP could join a party with their friends and play a chill game together that doesn't require any kind of focus, skill, or strategy. Lastly, because there is no PvP or building involved, the hacker count would be slim to none on this server. Scaffolding and KillAura are useless on this server and would make a safe environment to play a minigame without worrying about unfairness.

    If you're unaware of how DeathRun works, here's a little rundown. (Certain details obviously change based on the decisions of builders, but here's the general idea at least)
    -The game revolves around an "Obstacle Course" like vibe. One player has access to redstone traps that are designed to stop the players in the game from reaching the finish. The player responsible for the traps must time them correctly to trap and kill the players to eliminate them before they complete the entire course.

    A very simple concept, and it doesn't require too much redstone knowledge or creativity to create 7+ traps for the course. If enough people upvote this idea on the poll, I will be making a little "Mini Course" on the Creative server of MCCentral to display ideas for traps and show the simplicity behind it. All in all, I for one believe the server would be an incredible amount of fun and I hope the community agrees with me so that we can get a new sub-server/minigame added into MCCentral.

    Have a nice day/night!
    B_Man05, Dog7000 and socialisinq like this.
  2. eyan

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Deathrun is one of my favorite games to play on other servers that have it, and I have to admit it's lots of fun. I could see this having a playerbase comparable to that of MM. This is due to the fact that it doesn't really require much skill (besides parkour), yet is still lots of fun to play. The person controlling the traps is almost always a new one, which also makes the game different every time. It would only need to start out with 5 or so maps to keep it fresh on launch, and I'm sure there are builders on the server that would be eager to contribute to this new minigame.

    It could borrow some assets from MM like the 'Murderer' picking feature except rather than a murderer the 'Trapper' is chosen at random. This is a great idea and I really hope it's added :D
    Zguy2000 likes this.
  3. socialisinq

    Jul 22, 2019
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    this is a cool idea. although i don't fully understand the concept of this idea, if you were to build a 'mini-course' i'd definitely like to see it! i feel like if this were added it would be great for the server. seeing any decent new minigame would be a good addition. hopefully, we'll see something like this in the future!

    thread moved to server suggestions.
    B_Man05 and Zguy2000 like this.
  4. Aymere

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The concept is simple tho. People try complete the parkour course while a couple people use traps to stop them from doing so like arrow traps, or disappearing blocks. Runners win by not dyin and getting to the end and if they all die the other ppl win
    socialisinq likes this.
  5. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Sounds like a fun gamemode! I think before any new gamemodes are added though, MCC does a QoL updates that are very needed right now.
  6. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    MCCentral has a quality assurance team that works on stuff like that there are plenty of staff (or even trusted mentees/members) who would be completely willing to help out with this mini game. There’s definitely still room for improvement on the server, but not every staff is designated to be working on QoL (if that makes any sense) :D
    B_Man05 likes this.
  7. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    See I thought Quality Assurance meant the same thing as you said, but that is not the case. Here's a direct quote from Timppali
    Really the only staff members that can help on QoL updates are the administration teams. Basically what I'm getting at is I don't want them to add new gamemodes when there are still much needed work on the current gamemodes. Again, not bashing your gamemode idea. I do think it seem likes a fun gamemode based off of the description you gave.
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