Prison Quests

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Apr 11, 2020.

  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Howdy all!
    I recently have started getting back into Prison, and I've realised there is no /c feature. I think that quests should be added to prison to encourage new things for players to do, however the quests should be "relevant'' to prison, such as "kill 5 people", or "mine 6 gold ore" or something, instead of fishing or whatnot, as well as the generic "craft [amount] [item]" or "enchant [amount] [item]". This could really give players more to do, considering once you've got 1.1k spawners and a maxed upgrade pickaxe, it will get boring.
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  2. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hi Nikki,

    I totally agree with this concept. Having something extra on the side for all players to do will keep the economy flowing. I feel like these quests should give rewards such as money or tokens. Also, these quests would get more challenging in the higher prestiges such as "mine 100k blocks" or "get 50 kills".
  3. luvhly

    Aug 22, 2019
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    I love this idea of adding quests to prison seeing as it'll make players on the server enjoy it more and instead of hitting blocks for hours on to earn money you can just do quests and have fun while you do it because its a mix of mining and killing players.

    To add to your idea it can also be something competitive with your friends and other players of the server that will have you staying up all night to see whose in first place by completing the most quests and at the end of every month the top 3 players should get an immortal key or $3 buycraft etc.

  4. Chkns?

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I think this is a great idea but the killing __ amount of players can easily be farmed by friends and can be abused. In addition this could lead to more /tpa trappers, which wouldn’t be good for newer players that aren’t aware that scamming is allowed.

    Other than that, this would be a good edition to the game.
  5. SheaD3E

    Apr 6, 2020
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    This is definitely a +1 for me. Prisons can get kinda boring sometimes so it would be nice to have an alternate thing to do, also depending on what the tasks are, it could further fuel the eco which is cool.

    100% love the addition for the possible ranking for a competition, it incentivizes it. Good thinking, y'all <3
  6. icedcoffee_

    Feb 27, 2020
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    I think this would be wonderful! But maybe the kill thing could just be in pvp to avoid death scammers!
  7. szamoriadael

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Mining-related tasks could be good for the super-rich players who just run sellshops or scam. Maybe even the system for receiving tokens could be shifted to where you couldn't just "buy" tokens (since their entire purpose im pretty sure was to get people to actually mine) and instead tokens would become a fully digital currency like our bal's except without the ability to withdraw. And instead of getting tokens at intervals while mining, you could complete quests (some of which included mining) in order to earn tokens! This way the people who just grind and p2w would actually have to play some aspects of regular prison life, lol. Plus it could be fun for everyone else, especially with the variety and the promise of tokens as a reward, so that there would be actual incentive (buying spawners) to do the quests.
    Or maybe they should just be like optional, like extra cash. Idk lol, just thought it would be cool if quests became an essential aspect of the game.
  8. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    I think this is a great idea! I also think that quests could vary based on Prison rank as well as Donor rank. Since mines change based on rank, quests that are related to mining should too. Additionally, higher ranks need much more money to rank-up than lower ranks, so quests should be more difficult and pay out higher rewards for higher ranked players. This way, players won't lose motivation to complete quests once they've moved on to the higher ranks in Prison.
  9. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, @Nikki_ I think this a wonderful idea to add quests to the Prison sub server. The reason for this is because quests will add to the fun playing on the prison sub server. Also is another way to help rookies and others to make some money. I think there should be quests like mining, spawners, PVP kills and etc. For example for the PVP kills they have to kill at least 25 players and receive $5000. Another example is mining like the player has to reach 500,000 mined blocks and only ones that are mined at a-z, donator and wood mines, and the user will receive $500,000. Another example is spawners and if a user has 25 skeleton spawners in total placed on their plot they will receive $250,000. Overall those are my ideas for prison quests and it is a +1 for me to add quests to the prison server. Have yourself a wonderful day or night and have a Happy Easter.
  10. Lizzy17love

    Nov 28, 2019
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    I have played on many different prison servers and most of them have some type of quests for players to do. I feel like this is an amazing idea and I personally love doing them. These will be extremely helpful for the beginning of the season as ways to get money and also for people who come late in the season as a way to get money quickly. There could also be a top person who completed the most quests, like blacktop or baltop. I am +1 on this idea. Thanks For Reading <3
  11. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey guys, just wanted to quickly clear up a few points from my Original Post,
    My idea is based on what is already in Skyblock and Survival, if you /c when you're on you can check them out, the idea is just to add this to prison, however instead of random quests like "fish 20 cod" the quests should be altered slightly so they are more relevant to prison. On Skyblock and Survival, the rewards for the quests change not depending on the difficulty, but the time you have to complete them, for monthly it's 40k on survival, weekly 20k, and daily 2k (from memory)

    Someone mentioned a buycraft voucher for the quest leaderboard winner at the end of the season, which I think is a good idea, but considering it has never been done despite quests already being a thing on other subservers, I doubt it would happen.

    Somebody pointed that tokens should be a reward, which is a great idea, however, they also said that the quests should change depending on what prestige rank they are (A, F1, etc) but this would not necessarily be fair. Players who scam their way into making money in order to rank-up will be able to receive better quests, with higher rewards (I think that's what they mean), as opposed to players who put in as much effort into mining as they can, which is less effective in the grand scheme of things. If scamming were punishable on Prison, it might be a different story, but since players would be able to cheat their way into getting quests with higher value rewards, it would ruin the point of the quests.

    One other small point someone brought up which I completely agree with is that PvP quests could easily be farmed or alt kills, which makes total sense, but could be looked further into to think of other relative quest ideas since PvP definitely plays a big part of Prison. Some quest ideas include;
    -Break 3 beacons (anyone can, beacons can spawn in /warp pvp mine)
    -Mine 500 Diamond blocks (is available to anyone /warp pvp mine)
    -Receive a head from killing someone
    -Enchant a helmet with Night Vision
    so on and so forth

    Hope this isn't too much info but its worth a read if you've only just looked at this thread now.

    Nikki (OP)
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  12. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    I'll repeat what I said on discord to add further support to this thread; I feel that adding this would be a great addition as it gives players another goal to work towards- would be nice to see some mining/building related ones in there for people like me who don't typically PvP in subservers lol ! (which there are yay!)
    +1 from Sir Elecctricc!
    Nikki_ and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  13. Saphiya

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This has been requested quite frequently for sure. I know that this would not be a bad addition at all. I can think of multiple ideas about this simply off the top of my head!

    Mine 100 Blocks (Daily)
    Mine 10,000 Blocks (Weekly)
    Kill x Amount of Zombies (Daily)

    The list can go on. I would love to see this added within the next reset as it could not be added until the subserver resets entirely :D

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