Add Protection 5 Armor

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by GLOCKPRINCESS, Apr 4, 2020.


    Aug 10, 2019
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    from what i've seen, prison is one of the most pvp heavy sub-servers & /warp pvp is always busy. one thing i'd like to suggest is adding protection 5 armor and sharpness 6 swords to prison.

    i feel like this would make pvp more interesting and create more competition in pvp - because as of right now, protection 4 is relatively easy to obtain, especially because you can also get it from immortal kits.

    let me know your thoughts!
  2. QuaSee

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I feel like it is a big change for prisons and the economy. But it may indeed help the pvp!
    GLOCKPRINCESS likes this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey hey marb! i made a similar suggestion in october n like most of the votes were -1.
    after reading those replies to it n such, i can see where it might not be the best idea. For example, fights w/ p4 and grapples already last quite a while, with p5 it could just last a little longer and be whack. another thing is kinda like prison players discard armor and go through a lot of it so easily, how do u think p5 would go or whatever. another thing is is that prison players get all sad and whinny when you axe their p4 their gonna prolly just get more *****y if you “ruin”/“waste” their p5.
    back in aeaaon1 and 2 when p4 wasn’t in kits, it was still common for many players, and yes forced them to grind a little bit more with levels or vote, but it was a common pvp item and didn’t make pvp “more” interesting. what made pvp interesting in those times were beaconing :clown:
    aa far as sharp6 goes, idrc. i feel like having 1 shot swords to kill nakeds is bad. it honestly would remind me of the beaconing days and that’s no bueno. as long as the s6 can’t 1 shot nakeds i’d wouldn’t be opposed to it.

    overall, i am -1 i just feel that adding p5 wouldn’t do what you said it would. ik my points aren’t strong, but honestly there what came to mind for me.

    have a good day :D
    GLOCKPRINCESS and mxbel like this.
  4. luvhly

    Aug 22, 2019
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    I like this idea because i'm myself a prison pvper and if p5 was added to the game you have something to work for by fighting other players to get their P5, instead of just typing /kit immortal every 24 hours which a lot of ranked players can do. Like you stated p4 is easy to obtain so there's nothing special about it and its just another kit.

    P5 comes from immortal keys so we would be spending money to try and get pieces of P5 to form sets which means MCC will be making more money so I dont get why you guys wouldnt have a problem with that.

  5. Saphiya

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Due to Prison being gapple pvp related, I would rather it simply be prot IV. This is because currently, Prot V is unnecessary due to the fact that prison is not revolved around potions. So Protection in general is not the issue. You can be in protection 1, and beat someone in protection IV easily, it would just depend on who has the most hits in, most gapples, and more gear brought. Protection in general when it comes to prison does not really matter.
    mxbel and puposaurus like this.

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