Skyblock Season 10 | Mega Thread

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by KierenBoal, Apr 10, 2020.

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  1. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I know Skyblock isn't due for a reset yet, but I just can't hold back waiting to make another Mega Thread!

    It'll be Season 10 when reset hits! TEN Seasons of Skyblocks! No doubt, this will be the best season yet!

    • New things to do!
    • New features!
    • Even more grinding!
    • More ways to make money!
    • More ways to play!

    This Mega Thread is a detailed list of things that I believe could/should be added for when Skyblock season 10 comes rolling around!

    Comment on this thread to post your opinions and ideas!
    If you think of any tweeks, or have any disagree with any suggestions I've made, please make a comment - I'd love feedback!

    Below is a list of my ideas and suggestions - please take them with a grain of salt. Just because I'm suggesting them doesn't mean it will happen or is going to happen. They are simply suggestions!

    Update Mysetery Spawners: (Update Plugin)
    As per the recent Prison reset, make it so Mystery spawners do a roll PER spawner.
    So instead of getting 5 Magma Cubes (for example), you'd get 5 rolls, giving 5 random spawners. (Naturally, some may end up being the same!)

    Allow island interactions!: (Hard)
    Add either pre-set options, or the ability to run a command to allow players to interact with certain blocks on your island.
    An example would be allowing players to break Melons/Pumpkins on your island, to allow players to make public farms.
    The interaction permissions would be: USE and BREAK.

    USE stone button, would allow players to press stone buttons, but not break them.
    BREAK Melon would allow players to break melon blocks.​

    Other permissions, if possible: Allow/Deny Flight, Allow/Deny PvP (Island would have a warp warning)

    This would open so many opportunities for things like allowing players to host farms, host shops, etc.
    If there was support for HH too, we could also have an option to allow HH, which would allow people to host farms like warts, potatoes, carrots and wheat if you use a HH.

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    Question: Should ALL AFK alt methods yield no profit?: (Easy)
    This is a question for you all to respond to - should ALL AFK alt methods be reduced to zero profit. (NOT SPAWNERS, OR CACTUS FARMS)

    This would mean all AFK methods of farming, placing or removing blocks.
    Our AFK detection system is good enough at this point that it can detect almost anyone doing an AFK task.

    I'd like to see what everyones thoughts are on nerfing ALL AFK alt methods to zero profit:
    • AFK Fishing
    • AFK Placing blocks (Cocoa farm)
    • AFK Breaking blocks (Farmer II block breaking farms)
    • AFK Farming (Breaking melons, pumpkins, cane, etc)

    This would even the playing field, allowing those with or without alts to play fairly; because for the last ~3 seasons, the players with the most alts have always had huge advantages.

    Implement KierenBoals Cheap Tickin' Spawners directly into the jar: (Hard)
    A few months ago I wrote a plugin that can efficiently run well over 100,000 spawners on my laptop with barely any TPS drops.
    Implementing this directly into the .jar without it being a plugin would surly increase performance.

    The whole idea of this plugin is to remove the ticking checks for players surrounding spawners, and instead have the server calculate how many spawners are in each 16x16x16 sub-chunk all in one go, then spawn them over a period of time.

    This saves most calculations of merging mobs, as well as reducing the number of calculations per spawner substantially.

    The cool thing about this plugin is it can calculate how long its been since the spawners last triggered, making the spawner output consistent with or without lag. (Currently if the TPS drops below 20.00, you start loosing profit)

    Reduce Spawner cost, remove Spawner Cap, remove Spawner token cost: (Config)
    Only if the above is implemented

    With the above being implemented, there would be no reason to not make spawners more accessible.

    It would also reduce the requierment for alts, as currently the meta is to use alt islands to bypass spawner limites. With no spawner limits, this alt usage is no longer a requierment.

    One of the most popular seasons was the season with Magma+Enderman spawners, where everyone could feel daily progress without needing to manually grind daily for hours and hours and hours...
    With this in mind, I'd like spawner costs to go back to their roots of being cheaper and more accessible to the masses, rather than just top islands being able to hoard large quantities of spawners, and having top islands control the flow of tokens.

    With Cheap Tickin' Spawners implemented we can be more liberal with the quantity of spawners that people have; in combination with /togglespawners there will be almost no client or server side lag!

    Nerf spawner payback rates: (Config)
    With tokens and points no longer being needed for spawners, their payback rates will need to be reduced to stop them growing so fast.
    As it stands, the rates for spawners have greatly increased over the seasons as more slow downs were added. (Tokens, caps, points)
    With those gone, spawners will need to have their rates reduced otherwise they will make heavily unbalanced amounts of cash.

    Add Stacked Items: (Very Hard)
    I wrote a plugin to stack items to reduce lag.
    Can be set to just stack certain items, like mob loot and cactus, for example.
    This would once again allow players to make cactus farms. A long, rewarding grindy process.

    Heres a preview I made one year ago.

    There are some edge cases to handle:
    • Hopper collection only takes 64 items unless properly handled
    • Unloading chunks sets the items value inccorectly making it impossible to pick up
    • Reloading chunks sets the items value inccorectly making it impossible to pick up
    • Picking up items is a little janky and doesn't always update properly.

    However, I'm sure handling this via the Spigot Jar rather than a plugin would resolve these issues.

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    Buff Cactus farms: (Easy)

    Completely Gut sand physics (Like in creative)
    Increase the price of Cactus in the shop.
    This will allow compact cactus farms, and make an alternative money maker rather than just spawners.

    Rework Island Points: (Config)
    Only if the above is implemented

    With no spawner cap, island points would still exist, however it'd only be used to increase island size, hopper count, token rates, xp rates and mobdrop rates; as such points would need to be rebalanced to reflect the value of the points for what they do.

    More island upgrades: (Easy)
    With points having less use from spawer caps, we need more things to spend them on!

    We could addIsland-wide custom potion effects, like night vision, strength I, Speed I, etc.
    (You'd still need a beacon for Strength 2, Speed2, Haste 2, etc)

    Add new treasure item 'Supermassive chest': (Medium)
    If it can be done with an actual chest, it'd be awesome! Though, most likely would need to be done with a playerhead in the same way holoskulls work.

    Supermassive chest is a block that can be right clicked to be configured. You can configure exactly ONE item that it will accept.
    Whenever that item touches the supermassive chest, it will collect it.

    This chest would need to be integrated into the chestshop plugin to allow it to be used.

    This chest would hold an almost unlimited quantity of that ONE item.

    This item would be a 'must have' for top islands to simplify their collection area.

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    Add new treasure item 'Composter Bin': (Medium)
    Using the same base that holoskulls use, a new item! Its a player head with a compost bin skin. Texture Link

    This item will every X ticks in a 8x8x8 area advance crops by 1 growth stage. This will allow for much smaller farms, rather than needing to build a mega farm, players can make micro farms and harvest them just as often!

    I made a prototype for this plugin around 11 months ago. Click Here

    This semi-rare crate reward would be a must-have for early season grinding!

    Crops effected:
    • Wheat
    • Carrots
    • Potato
    • Warts
    • Cactus
    • Cane
    • Cocoa Beans
    • Sapplings

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    Automatically update island level: (Easy)
    Currently you need to either type /island level, or login out and back in to update your island level.

    If its not too intensive on the server, I'd like to see island levels automatically update periodically.

    This could be automated by having a plugin that flags an island as 'needs updating' whenever a block is placed/broken. Every ~15 minutes or so, any 'needs updating' islands could have their islands automatically updated one after another.

    Updated Scoreboards: (Medium)
    Remove Username from Scoreboard:
    It serves no purpose, and would allow more room for better data.​

    Add Island rank to Scoreboard:
    To increase competition, I'd like your island rank to be displayed in your scoreboard.​

    Change scoreboard based on context:
    When in PvP, show the KDR and PvP related statisitcs.
    When on an island, hide the KDR, and show more stats about your island.​

    Re-balance custom enchants: (Easy)
    Reduce token cost to 20 tokens and add a cost of 30 XP levels.
    All books should always be given at Level 1 - Meaning you can NOT receive Strength II, you must get two Strength I books and combine them.

    This would make high level books harder to come by, but also make them more obtainable as you can grind XP more.
    This would also bring back value to grinding for XP.

    Add new Custom Enchant 'Mending': (Easy)
    Yet another plugin I wrote a year ago. Click Here

    For every XP you get, if you are wearing an item that has mending, it would increase its durablity.
    Much like how mending works in vanilla 1.12, the XP would RANDOMLY repair items.

    So if you had a helmet, body, legs and boots, there is a 1/4 chance that any specific item would recieve the mending effect.

    • Mending 1 - 1 XP gives 1 durability
    • Mending 2 - 1 XP gives 2 durability
    • Mending 3 - 1 XP gives 3 durability

    Add new Custom Enchant 'Crop Sell Multiplyer': (Medium)
    Adds a boost to the base price of farmable items (Warts, Carrots, Pototes, Cane, Wheat) when worn on armor.
    This would allow profit shops to return! In the same way that prison has sell shops.

    These would stack addatively, so if you have it on all your armor, it would ADD the values together, not MULTIPLY.

    2% boost per level, with a max level of 3. (6%)
    With all 4 armor pieces this would yield 24% profit boost.

    Add new Custom Enchant 'XP Magnet': (Easy)
    XP is automatically given to a player when a mob is killed.

    Add new Custom Enchant 'Loot Magnet': (Easy)
    Loot is automatically picked up when grinding mobs.

    Add new treasure item 'Unbreakable': (Easy)
    A custom enchant that applys the 'unbreakable' NBT tag to an item. This item literally becomes unbreakable and takes no durability damage.

    This custom enchant would ONLY be obtained via the treasure chests, to keep it somewhat rare.

    This item would most likely be used for PvP armor to make unbreakable God sets.
    Depending if thats TOO OP, it might be only usable on Tools, to make unbreakable pickaxes or something.

    Remove /fix all (READ BEFORE COMPLAINING): (Easy)
    With the mending custom enchant added, fix all should no longer be needed.
    You can already repair items with tokens.

    As a replacement to /fix all, I'd like to suggest a new item be added, a 'fixing token'. This token can be dragged and dropped onto an item to fix it at no cost; consuming the token.

    Bedrock+ players would get one of these tokens in their kit, as a replacement for /fix all.

    This would balance out gameplay. As it stands, players make one tool and it lasts all season.
    Who remembers making and selling pickaxes? Who remembers making and selling swords? Now with many players having bedrock+, people simply just repair things without ever having to repair it, making XP usless, and making multiple tools usless.

    Bring back a bit of the shop and buff shop price reduction perk!: (Config)
    The shop has become very barren - and although it is in the spirit of Skyblock, it definitely discouraged a lot of building.

    I'd like to suggest bringing a large portion of items BACK into the shop, at higher prices.
    This would mean that if people want the FREE way to obtain blocks, they can use /warp blocks.
    If they want to pay for the convenince of having blocks ASAP, they can pay using the shop.

    In doing this, I'd like to buff the shop discount from 15% to 25%. (STILL DOES NOT APPLY TO SPAWNERS)

    Rework /warp blocks: (Config)
    I'd like to make /warp blocks FREE to use!

    Rather than having a cost and time limit on the generators, it should be completely free to use.
    The generators would need to be spaced out and have more blocks to break, as more people would use it early season.

    However, in the generator now being free, I'd like to reduce how often the blocks respawn to balance out the ease of obtaining them.

    Modify Lore on Spawners in the shop: (Easy)
    Show the average drop value; this would help clear any confusion for players over spanwers that have identical drop rates.
    These values could be calculated automatically from the /shop and mobdropoverride plugin, or explicitly defined in the config.

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    Make 'first' tokens/points easy to obtain: (Easy)
    If a player hasn't obtained a token/point in the last 10 minutes, greatly increase the chances of recieving a point/token - perhaps even as high as 50% chance per kill/crop until they obtain a token/point.

    This would allow new players to easily obtain their first few points/tokens, as you need a huge farm to obtain tokens easily.

    Reasoning: A new player joining will NOT have a huge farm for many many days. Having people able to easily obtain a token/point every ~10 minutes, would allow new/inexperienced player able to still gain tokens from their small farms, without needing to make super farms.

    Naturally, with it set at every 10 minutes, you could only obtain 6 tokens/points an hour... Which is not much at all. This method does not devalue owning a large farm, as with a large farm you can EASILY make many, many, MANY more tokens/points.

    Bring back 'neighbor islands', and modify how locked islands work: (Config)
    Reduce island size to a max of 200x200, as currently 300x300 literally nobody has built anything that big, other than making a big platform for the sake of making a big platform...

    Islands should be spaced 250 blocks apart, which means with two maxed sized islands, you would once again see your neighbors islands, which is something that was always cool to see! It made it more apparent that you were playing with 'others' and not playing solo Skyblocks.

    Change how locked islands work:
    In the past, locked islands would push you out. However current locked islands just throw you back to /spawn. This discourages flying around discovering islands. This old behaviour should be brought back, allowing us once again to explore islands without locked islands ruining our exploration!

    Add '/toggles': (Easy)
    Add a command /toggles that brings up a interface with all toggles.
    No need to integrate the toggles to display their state, as clicking on a toggle outputs text usually anyways.

    EG: Clicking the chest will run the command '/cstoggle', which would toggle your chestshop messages.

    This will save players from needing to remember all the commands for toggles.

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    Add 'Daily Streaks': (Hard)
    Bonuses that you can claim daily. Miss a day, and it resets!
    Clock tells you how many hours+minutes till the next day, bed exits.

    Daily streaks wouldn't give too great rewards, the rewards would be aimed at newer players.

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    Add new spawners - Endermite and Silverfish: (Config)
    Silverfish to drop emeralds. This would serve a purpose as an spawner that would cost MORE than buying emeralds and mining them, however after 3 months it would finally pay itself off, allowing you to slowly turn a profit on emeralds mid-season. The purpose for this would be to have a long-term goal spawner to work towards that would take ~2 months to start turning a profit.

    Endermite to to drop eyes of ender, would serve as an alternative to endermans, as their teleport animations are annoying when used en-mass.

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    Order spawners in the /shop in order of how good they are: (Config)
    Most people end up just asking 'what is the best spawner', so rather just make it simple than having confusion.

    Spawners should be ordered in the shop by their tier, with their being 3 tierds.
    • Best
    • Good
    • Bad

    This would make it clear what is best, good, and bad. This may also make a bit more diversity in spawners, as people won't just copy the best spawner.

    Rebalance island levels (again): (Config)
    Regular building blocks should give slightly more points, allowing you to gain more passive levels through building.

    Perhaps we could even consider having blocks give a diminishing return, so as you hit towards a large number of the same block, they give less and less points. Although this would be a lot more effort to add and could cause confusion...

    Add a 'hall of fame': (Easy)
    Show off the winners from the previous season, a simple statue with the island owners skull and island levels.
    Other things to include: Spawner Count, team members, etc.

    The sign, when clicked, could output more detailed list of the winners states.

    This would only show the top 3 islands of last season.

    The winners will be PER Subserver, as skyblock 1 and 2 have a different playerbase.

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    Nerf Strength II: (Config)
    Strength 2 is defintiely overpowered; it should definitely be nerfed to make PvP slightly more fair. With Sharp 6 and Strength 2, its very easy to quickly kill most players. By reducing the benifit that strength 2 gives, may help in balancing PvP out a bit.

    Add 'Sponsored Things': (Hard)
    Another plugin I made back in Febuary 2019 Watch it here.

    This would be a way to somewhat reduce player-made spam, as players would instead fight for top-spot in sponsored things to get automated clickable links in chat.

    It'd also serve as a nice way to remove money from the economy.

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    Ability to withdraw vote/ancient/mythical keys as physical items: (Medium)
    Add a command to physically withdraw vote/ancient/mythical keys.
    Use the same systems as paper perks to make duping impossible.

    Withdrawing keys could either be implemented as a command. (EG: /withdrawvote X, /withdrawancient X, /withdrawmyth X)
    Or it could be directly implemented into the treasure GUI, with a withdraw button that withdraws keys one at a time.

    This would allow players to withdraw their monthly ancient key and sell it, or buy other players keys. This would also serve as a nice way to solve middle-manning.

    When a key is withdrawn as a physical item, you can right click it to depoist into your stash of keys.

    Reduce max island size: (Config)
    Not 100% sure about this suggestion - but will suggest it anyways.

    Reduce the max island size to 3 team members, upgradable to 5 with the island team size perk paper.

    Nerf AFK placing blocks: (Easy)
    Regardless of if the above passes

    Using our AFK detection, make it apply to RIGHT CLICK actions too. This would stop AFK right click placing farms from being OP.

    Remove Ice as a sellable block: (Config)
    Ice already has a valuable use as a block for building farms with.
    When it was made into a farmable block, more players build ice, making ice trivial to come by. I'd like to suggest removing ice as a farmable block to bring back its rarity.

    Remove Wood as a farming item: (Config)
    Wood has its purpose as a building block and a main item for crafting, as such it should be purchaseable from the shop and no longer sellable as a farming item.

    Replace 'Explosive tools' with a 'Drill' item: (Medium)
    Using horse armor as the item, this would replace explosive tools into one single tool.

    This item whenever you click on a block would instantly remove it, rather than when you 'mine' it. (As per how the Explosive tools currently work)

    There could even be an upgraded version, 'Silk Touch Drill' that would also silk touch when breaking the items.

    The huge benifit of this item is that it'd be good for moving spawners, as you could nearly instantly mine the spawners!

    Permissions would still apply, so you couldn't mine someone elses blocks with this tool.

    Add Upgradable Harvest Hoe: (Update Plugin)
    (Harvest hoes from Ancient/Myth crates would come with upgrade points pre-loaded on them to allow for Fortune III)

    These harvest hoes would be given to everyone when they join for the first time.

    To fully upgrade the hoe, it should take roughly 10 hours of farming items with it.

    • Max Fortune III
    • Extra Crop 50% (Instead of getting 3 crops, you'd get 4, for example)
    • Auto Sell I (Should be toggleable!)

    Make all crops grow faster: (Config)
    Currently Warts grow like 20x faster on MCC. I'd like to suggest all manually farmable crops have a growth modifier applied to make them roughly 10x faster.
    • Wheat
    • Carrots
    • Potatos
    • Sugarcane

    Make holographic skulls slightly more common: (Config)
    They're a fun item, and a bit TOO rare from the treasure chest. They should either come in higher quantity, or be a bit more common.

    Bring back boosters: (Medium)
    Who remembers boosters!?

    Charity Time:
    Gives players $5,000 every 15 minutes - 1 hour.​

    Instant Crop:
    All MANUAL crops grow instantly when randomly ticked. (NOT CACTUS) - 1 hour.​

    Mob Drop Multiplyer:
    All MANUALLY killed mobs drop 3x loot - 1 hour​

    Rework point/token/cash droprates: (Config)
    Currently some crops/mobs give points, tokens and cash.

    This should be changed to make it more simple.

    When farming crops there would be 3 options:
    • Good points, little/no money, no tokens.
    • Good tokens, little/no money, no points.
    • Good money, no tokens, no points

    Likewise when killing mobs, there would be 3 options:
    • Good points, little/no money, no tokens.
    • Good tokens, little/no money, no points.
    • Good money, no tokens, no points

    This way there is a clear distinction between farms/mobs being good for money, tokens or points.

    Add island aliases: (Medium)
    Allow an alias to be registered for a fee. (Lets say, $100,000)

    This would make people think before registering an alias, rather than randomly choosing them in the first second of logging in.

    -> /is setalias CoolWarp
    For 100k would set the alias 'CoolWarp'
    So now /is warp CoolWarp would take you to that warp.

    Naturally, if a player with that username makes a warp, they would take priority, as they actually own that username. (How does prison handle this?)

    Add AFK mob farming nerf, and rebalance mob token and point rates: (Easy)
    Mobs are a lot more click intensive to deal with, and as such should be more rewarding.
    However, there are MANY instances of people using auto clickers to kill mobs.

    In the same way we detect AFK farming, AFK mob farming should also be nerfed. No loot should be given when AFK killing mobs, as the user is definitely using a auto clicker.

    Reduce sell wand uses: (Config)
    Sell wands have been OP for a long time, and have encoruaged 'solo' gameplay styles, where players simply lock their islands and hoard all the wealth to themselves. Gone are the days where the top islands were open for public use...

    Reducing sell wand usage (especially with the throttle being added!) should help reduce the number of locked islands, and bring back profit shop popularity.

    Add /smelt: (Easy)
    Allows you to cook raw food, sand into glass, clay into hardened clay instantly.
    Costs 1 coal per 8 items, but is instant.

    Add mystery Spawner to vote chest: (Config)
    A new insentive to vote! Myster spawner as a legendary loot from voting!

    Add a /pay 'never ask again' command: (Easy)
    Currently you have to type /pay name twice when sending money.
    Which is a good thing!
    However, I'd like to suggest, after you have pair someone several times (or run a command /payconfirm), it will stop asking you.

    That way, if you DO make a typo, it will ask to confirm. However, if you make no typo, it will pay them as you've previously confirmed you want to be able to pay that name without being asked.

    Shared island chest: (Easy)
    Justl like shared island bank, but a chest.

    Implement 'Simple Shop Signs': (Easy)
    A simple command that generates pre-loaded signs.

    Hold an item in your and and type:
    • /shopsign sell 64 5000 (this would make a sign to sell 64 of that item for $5000)
    • /shopsign buy 5 1000 (this would make a sign to buy 5 of that item for $1000)
    • /shopsign buy 5 1000 sell 64 5000 (this would make a shop sign to sell 64 of that item for $5000 and buy 5 of that item for $1000)

    This would remove the need to find item IDs, as you could, for example, hold a token and type /shopsign sell 1 1000 - which would make a shopsign to sell tokens for $1000 ea

    I've already made a plugin similar to this in the past, simply gives the player a sign with the text1, text2, text3 and text4 NBT values set.

    Allow pistons to push crops again: (Easy)
    Allow pistons to push crops, however add an island piston limit to avoid abuse!

    This would allow us to make small farms to automate cane, melons and pumpkin, without having the ability to go crazy with monster size farms.

    Limit of 50 pistons per island.

    Enable push hoppers: (Easy)
    Have the item entities check for hoppers once every 250ms. (Pretty sure push based items check every tick, which is quite performance expensive!)

    The check should be done based on the global server ticks, NOT the age of the item, otherwise you get issues where items will consistently miss hoppers.

    Add /kit pvp: (Config)
    At /warp pvp, add a sign that you can click for /kit pvp every 10 minutes.

    This kit contains:
    • Iron Helmet
    • Iron Chest
    • Iron Legs
    • Iron Boots
    • Iron Sword
    • Bow
    • 32 arrows
    • 1 Golden Apple
    • 8 Steak

    Replace Boss Battle with Mob Madness: (Update Plugin)
    The fact that /warp boss takes you OUT of the Skyblock server has never sat well with me.
    We should use Mob Madness from Kit PvP instead of boss battle.

    Rewards for top 10 players should be given, this would allow it to be more competitive and fair for all players.

    Add all the toplists!: (Easy)
    Crop Top:
    Top player who have harvested the most crops​

    Block Break Top:
    Top players who have broken the most blocks​

    Block Place Top:
    Top players who have placed the most blocks​

    Add physical toplists at /spawn: (Easy)
    Floating holograms with themed areas to display all the toplists on holograms!
    • /is top
    • /baltop
    • /croptop
    • /blockplacetop
    • /blockbreaktop
    • /statstop
    • Coinflip biggest winners
    • Coinflip biggest loosers

    These lists would need to be in physically different parts of /spawn to avoid clutter.
    Right now spawn is huge with plenty of areas to put these!

    It'd add more things for people to activly try compete for.

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    Add 'Utility' mobs: (Config)
    One of the Unique things about MCC in previous seasons was that some mobs had unique drops.
    For example, zombies dropped flesh, stone and Iron ingots!

    I'd like to see a few utility mobs added, that don't have particularly good drop tables, but drop some interesting things.

    • Zombies to drop Flesh, Iron and Stone.
    • Magma cubes to drop Cream, Lava buckets
    • Squid to drop buckets of water
    • Guardians to drop sea blocks

    Add a small amount of spawners at /spawn: (Easy)
    Much like older seasons, mob spawners at /spawn for early game grinding!

    There should only be 1-2 spawners of various types to avoid devaluating islands with spawners.

    Loot and XP should AUTOMATICALLY go into your inventory to avoid XP and loot theft!

    Add loot protection: (Update Plugin)
    Just like in Kit PvP, when you kill a player, that loot should be protected for a few seconds to give you a chance to pick up the good stuff first!

    Make mobs easier to manually grind: (Config)
    Some mobs can't be one hit with Sharp 6 and Strength 2.
    I'd like to suggest adding a damage multiplyer to them to let them be one hit.

    These mobs are:
    • Iron Golems
    • Guardians
    • Horses

    Add /headshop to /shop: (Config)
    Headshop is hard to find because you have to know the command exists!
    Add a Head Shop icon to /shop; that way people can naturally find it and use it!

    Reblance voting loot: (Config)
    The loot from voting is pretty underwelming.
    I'd love it to be buffed ever-so-slightly to make it worth voting!

    • More cash
    • More XP
    • Chances for better items like encahnted tools
    • Better resources, like several diamond blocks

    Add a click option to envoy: (Config)
    When the envoy alert pops up, it should also have a [Click Here] option to auto-fill the /warp envoy command.
    This will help players get to envoy who don't know the command!

    Make money pouches fixed prices: (Easy)
    I love the random nature of the money pouches, however having them change value throughtout the season hasn't worked too well.
    Unless the economy is manually watched and the pouches tweeked based on the current economy, it simply doesn't work.

    As such, I'd like to suggest making them to a fixed price range, so it can be displayed in the treasure chest.

    Example: Rare Ancient Money pouch ($100,000 - $250,000).
    This way people know what they are getting before even using a key.

    That's all for now! Leave comments below with what you like, dislike, or would change!
    All opinions and suggestions are welcomed and valued!
    flipturn10, xcxc, Ontology and 11 others like this.
  2. Chilo_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Unbelievable, Kieren you have nailed it yet again!

    Thought i would throw in some suggestions i have been thinking of

    More ranks; Leader, coleader, member

    /is perms Can include:
    Ability to mine spawners
    Ability to add and kick players
    To destory other island members chest shops
    Make/break private signs


    I think it would be a neat idea to add harvest hoes that are up-gradable, similar to factions

    Upgrades being:

    Auto sell (this one is maybe)
    drop drops
    token luck increase
    Higher point %

    Im going to have to disagree with your point about /fix, I dont know, it may work, but im just not a fan of it. It would just hinder our ability to farm as we would have to keep stopping and using the token to fix, i just think it should stay, Maybe make a MELON AXE, a fortune 3 unbreakable axe similar to the current Harvest hoe

    Edit: i think the croptop idea is a must have for skyblock

    I can not WAIT for this next season, comp is gonna be great and it will be so much fun. Thank you for this awesome thread kieren!

  3. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Absolutely legendary Kieren, you never fail to amaze me with these. Loads of fantastic ideas! Here's what I think.

    - Going off what Chilo said, /is perms are a MUST. The way he described it is perfect. This also fits in with your idea of the public farms for people to use, which is FANTASTIC! I remember playing Skyblock on another server long long ago, and this was added; people had islands full of public cobble generators, farms, etc, and it was dope!

    - Bring back Sponsored Islands! I remember the season it was added (6 I believe?) and it was always fun seeing people rush to that area of spawn to bid on the top spot. The /is alias idea is fantastic too! We currently have renamed accounts so people can do /is warp shop, grinder, etc, and this would make that process MUCH easier. This could also encourage an economy for cool alias names, which would be a fun competition!

    - Upgradable harvest hoes are a MUST! These are wonderful on Factions and not only encourage manually, but give outstanding rewards for the players who grind hard.

    - The only thing that I'm not much of a fan of in this thread is the teamsize portion you mentioned. I love the idea of big teams being 10 at the most. Maybe reduce the teamsize to 5 without the perk to give it more value? Changing the island teamsize would also throw off a lot of people's plans for future seasons - I don't see this being a good change.

    - I'm also not a very big fan of the /fix all removal idea. With the melon farm and cocoa bean meta, we were heavily reliant on axes, and needed to fix them constantly. A /fix token would be pointless, and if a meta like that were to happen again, it would be very difficult to farm efficiently. I think /fix should stay.

    This was a fantastic thread Kieren! I can't wait for the next Skyblock season. Good luck to everybody competing for the top!
  4. Fasilisnt

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Jk, ofc I read it and I agree with like 90% of the stuff, although I feel its way to much stuff to be implemented in a single reset.
    Some stuff is actually pretty useful and needed, other not so much, but they wouldn't be a bad addition nevertheless.

    I disagree with the public spawners at /spawn, and I'm not sure about the 5man island limit, that would lead to a facs-like approach to islands, with rotations etc.

    As for the HOT topic of AFK placing blocks, I'm up for it, even though this map was won singlehandedly by abusing this.

    • Other than that, I'd like a few more things added (heavily influenced by factions):
    /is chest (a single shared chest for the island members)
    /is perms (have a few ranks with different perms within the island, ability to allow sellwand usage etc)
    /is makeleader (allow us to change island leader without kicking the whole island first)

    /is inspect (allow us to inspect block changes on our own, we don't have to waste staff time on that)

    • Make a rule change for griefing, that allows islands that got griefed to get a rollback/their stuff back, same way insiding works on factions.
    To end my reply, I'd like to ask, and I can't stress this enough, for you to quadruple check the eco and possible abuses BEFORE releasing the new map and changes. Nobody wants spawners removed/work lost, like what happened with vines last map.

    abbzyy, MrMry, Incarnati0n_ and 2 others like this.
  5. Saintbread

    Jul 28, 2019
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    As long as Horses drop wheat ill be good
    Lewklo, MrMry, Chilo_ and 2 others like this.
  6. Fasilisnt

    Dec 9, 2019
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    I mean at this point you can just change the whole core plugin to the factions one and change the prefix to /is instead of /f, and set grace for 6 months, everyone just wants the factions commands p much.
    Incarnati0n_ and Chilo_ like this.
  7. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    but everyone says they hate factions :relaxed:
  8. Fasilisnt

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Factions commands are a dream come true for skyblock for many many reasons. Hope a few of them are added at least for the next reset.
    Chilo_ likes this.
  9. JDelii

    Mar 23, 2020
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    Some of these ideas i think are actually pretty good
    tho, some things i think shouldn't change

    Afk farming
    /fix all
    max island size
    max island members
    Sell wand uses

    This idea here is actually a really great one
    Incarnati0n_ and Chilo_ like this.
  10. Andreas Drekonja

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This thread looks amazing! Some of these features seem really exciting such as the supermassive chest and the com-posters. It would be really neat to see some custom blocks that interact with your island rather than just custom tools. Also bringing back cactus farms sounds awesome, I always enjoy more grindy projects like building up massive cactus farms. With the addition of sand not being effected by gravity this could help reduce the amount of time required to build farms by a ton and help create massive cactus farms like those from previous seasons.

    However I’m not a huge fan of the limited island team member size, because that would make the experience of playing with a large team much less exciting if people constantly have to get rotated in and out such as in facs. A compromise between these two could be adding 2-3 /is tops one for solo islands one for 2-5 player islands and one for 6-10 player islands. This could create a more competitive environment for smaller teams while still keeping the large teams most sky block players love!

    I also think adding separate ranks of island members like other people suggested could be a cool idea. Other people went into This in detail such as fasilisnt.

    But overall I’m super excited for season 10 see you all there!
    Isabust and Incarnati0n_ like this.
  11. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thanks Kieren for another MEGA THREAD.

    Here are my views on some of your points:
    • Having a mystery spawner roll would be nice addition and add some more anticipation to what you might get.
    • Island interactions or /is perms is a must. It would allow for some amazing public farms/grinders that could never be done before.
    • Afk alt methods should not yield no profit but maybe reduce profit by 75% (minimum)
    • Cheap Tickin’ Spawners should be done if possible as anything to help reduce lag benefits everyone. This is the same with stacked items
    • Rebalancing custom enchants is a must. Also add some new ones as the old ones are getting boring
    • Keep /fix all
    • Remove generator costs and make blocks available in shop
    • /toggles is one of the best suggestions yet. Many players don't realise you can do some of these which help with gameplay
    • Order spawners in shop as currently they are a mess
    • Sponsored things is an interesting idea that I could see to add some competition for top islands and for profit shops.
    • Island player sizes are good the way they are currently.
    • Upgradable harvest hoes is a good idea. The upgrades would need to be though out maybe even with some of the other ideas you suggested in a profit boost.
    • BOOSTERS YES!!!!!!, Who's with me
    • Point/token/cash drop rates is a thing that must be reworked
    • Shared chest is needed to help island members with transferring items easily or to give other members items
    • Omg mobs all need to be 1 hit
    • Money pouches to show how much you can get before using a key or using the pouch is needed

    Thanks again Kieren for another great post.

  12. Isabust

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Add /disposal because i dont like having to throw something on the ground or into lava to get rid of it
    Stolsiee likes this.
  13. Zebra

    Aug 20, 2019
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    Solid ideas Kieren. I personally think the reduction of island members on one island isn't a good idea especially nowadays. Big teams are big factors to winning on is top. getting rid of /fix... just no. One underrated thought is removing tokens OR points permanently. I think making money and points/tokens harder to get is going to be better than is top players overflowing in cash and spawners. Just my personal opinion though. GL S10 sb players!
  14. DrBrando

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Honestly, if I saw even half of these ideas go live I would be totally obsessed with skyblock again and I think that the community as a whole would feel the same way! I love all of these ideas and I especially love the idea of reduced lag! Great thread as usual! =D
  15. MrMry

    Sep 2, 2019
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    Lmao and snowballs to stack to 64?
  16. Olisaurus123

    Nov 13, 2019
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    Amazing work Kieren, I am now looking forward to next season more then ever!

    Here are my thoughts

    My personal favorites:

    Composter Bin

    Almost every season, one of the main time takers are building large nether-wart farms or large pumpkin / melon farms etc. I think that having a few small 8 by 8 areas will be very easy to make and it will only take up a small portion of the island, leaving much more room to build shops and more.

    Reduce Spawner cost, remove Spawner Cap, remove Spawner token cost
    My favorite season by far was when Magma Spawners were the best at the start. The reason why I loved this was because you could actually see your progress every day and watching the amount of spawners you had build up was the best feeling ever, I really hope that tokens are reduced or removed and the Spawner cap is unlimited.

    My ideas:

    Sell wands
    I agree with you on the fact that it was way more fun experience when everyone had a profit shop and smaller players could make easy money. I think a way that we could do this is making sell wands give 75% profit instead of removing them completely.

    The best seasons in my opinion was when there was one crop that took lead for the whole season, such as nether warts. I was thinking that it would be interesting if each crop had it's own purpose. Nether wart could be best for money. Melon could be best for tokens. Sugar cane could be best for Island Points, Pumpkin could be best for leveling up the harvesting hoe, etc.

    Stackable Potions
    Similar to factions, I think having stackable potions would be a great space saver and would help out many players that usually PvP and give them space for other gear and potions, etc.

    I think PvP is really fun on skyblock but usually towards the middle of the season there is just a few players that own the War Zone with the amount of armor and god apples they have. I reckon there should be a Cool down for god apples and make potions more accessibly like a potion shop or a brewing shop to give other players a somewhat chance to have a fair fight again everyone.


    Island Size
    I don't mind the idea of there being a smaller island size. Having 10 members grinding 24/7 is very difficult for smaller, newer players to have a decent attempt at leader boards. However, I think having the default island size as 3 is very small and only 2 extra members for a perk that is some what difficult to get a hold of is a bit under powerful. I think a decent size to start with would be 5 and get increased to 7 or 8 with the perk.

    Removing fix all
    I'm not a big fan of this idea, I feel like players spent a lot of money for their rank to make there experience more convenient and removing this would make items more difficult to fix. I think a new way to fix gear or a new enchant to fix gear in combat would be very nice.

    Thanks heaps for your time
    Olisaurus :)
    Ontology and Chilo_ like this.
  17. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    Hey Kieren,

    This is making me so excited for season 10 skyblock, now I cant wait for it.
    Chilo_ likes this.
  18. thatblondkidalex

    Aug 5, 2019
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    yeah especially when someone fills my grinder up with soup
    Isabust likes this.
  19. thatblondkidalex

    Aug 5, 2019
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    also they need to apply the spawner protection to chunk loaders as well, make it so only leader and owner of the chunk loader can break it
    Isabust likes this.
  20. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Kieren the SOTM, just NAILED it. Good Job, and I do like ALL of these ideas from you papi Kieren!
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