Add Projectile Trails To More Projectiles

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gamer_Pup478, Apr 10, 2020.


Should Projectile Trails Be Added To More Projectiles?

  1. Yes, add them to more projectiles

    9 vote(s)
  2. No, I don’t care about projectile trails

    8 vote(s)
  1. Gamer_Pup478

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Hey Guys,

    So as you know, whenever you shoot your bow, you see your projectile trail (notes, hearts, slime etc).

    What I was thinking was too add that projectile trail to fishing rods and snowballs. Some projectile trails are really rare to get in the cosmetic chest and if you have that rare projectile trail, you should be able to see it more often than just your bow. (I mean it’s called a projectile trail and isn’t used in any projectiles besides the bow)

    Let me guys know what you think.
  2. iAdamzz

    Mar 28, 2020
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    Yes I would love to see this added! Especially in skywars, it would be cool to see more of your projectile trails!
  3. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    That sounds like a fun thing to add! If arrows can get it, why not fishing rods? My only worry is that the particles will make it hard to see the player you're fighting.
  4. seekingattention

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can see the appeal in this, but in my personal opinion, I would really hate if something like this were to be added. There's other servers with these kinds of cosmetics (I think we all know which server) and there honestly comes a point where enough is enough. I don't want it to get to the point where my screen is so full of particles and effects from other people's cosmetics that I have to turn off particles, because I'd really hate to do that.

    I see the appeal in doing this for the sake of having more cosmetics, but from my perspective, I personally would not be happy seeing this get added. If this were to be added, I'd prefer that an option to toggle on/off other people's cosmetics should also become an option, otherwise I think a lot of people are going to feel overwhelmed by them. I know for sure I'm going to feel overwhelmed playing SG and getting into rod exchanges with people who have these cosmetics and it's gonna do nothing but annoy me after a while (as well as lag my game).

    If only some trails were to have this, say only one or two, then I suppose it could be okay. But at the same time, so many people people have nearly all of these trails already (theres only 8), and also have hundreds of unopened keys. I know for a fact I have well over 300-400 unopened ones that I've racked up over the years, and I haven't opened one for like 3 years and I already have 7 of these trails.
  5. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yes, I believe that this could be a fun addition for some players but for the majority they would be super annoyed. What I mean by this is those non-pvpers would find it fun and interesting to have their trails on more than just arrows however this would affect pvpers a great deal. Currently many people use rods in pvp and some who just rod spam which get people annoyed. If trails were to come off every time someone threw their rod it would have so many particles on the screen that it would cause lag. Ontop of this if multiple people were to rod spam on your screen it would definitely overwhelm the player

    A great suggestion mentioned by @monkeymeatballz5 where if this was added for a command to be able to toggle on/off these cosmetics would be nice as it benefits both sides of the community as I had stated above.

    mxbel and creeper7777777 like this.
  6. TheMythicalGames

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I would be mutual on this because I believe this would add too many items to achieve in the game but it was also a nice addition to the game so I'm a bit iffy on this. It's a good idea, to say the least!
  7. DrBrando

    Mar 19, 2020
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    I think that while it would be fun to have more projectile trails, having them be easily spammed by items such as snowballs or fishing rods could be rather intrusive to good, clean pvp and could also negatively impact people with lower-end computers which we obviously don't want to do. I definitely see where you are coming from with your suggestion and it could be fun but overall I think it would likely cause too much frustration to pvpers and others. Great suggestion tho =D
  8. Saphiya

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like this idea but i feel like theres more and better things to bring to the server cosmetic wise. I don't feel like this is necessary and could cause frame lag and annoy other players. If cosmetics etc were added i'd love to see angel wings like other servers have done with the smoke or firework effect. This isn't really needed
    mxbel likes this.
  9. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    I like the overall idea behind adding this, but I do think that the cons outweigh the pros in this situation. Cosmetics definitely make gameplay pretty "messy" and are quite annoying to some players, myself included. Other users have brought up the good point that computers can lag and crash from the unnecessary added cosmetics. I also want to bring up the fact that these add-ons truly distract from the main aspects of MCC and should not be treated as the main point of the game. Thus, I do not feel like this needs to be added.

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