Website Rules Suggestion

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Battilisk, Apr 9, 2020.

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  1. Battilisk

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Firstly just wanna say i love the server and I am more doing this to ensure something that happened to me doesn't happen again as it was infuriating. The rules for muting are contradicting, in severity one there is "Spamming" which is described as "Sending three or more similar messages within the chat box or in a short period of time. This includes countdowns." Furthermore in severity two you can see there is "Chat Flooding" which is described as "Sending several messages in chat (5-6+) in chat causing it to flood chat with a user’s message(s). The activity of the chat and the context of the messages can be taken into consideration when issuing the punishment." The issue with this is that 3 or more and 5-6 or more are the same thing as "3 or more" includes 5-6 all the way up to 1000000000000000000 as every number that isn't 1-2 is classed as "3 or more". I was muted for 4 days fore counting down from 5 to 1 in separate messages with no warning. I am making this to try and get the rules changed so their is a clear number for chat spamming and not just "3 or more" maybe 3-4 or 3-5. Because it seems that at the moment mods are able to choose whether they wanna give a player a severity 1 punishment or severity 2. Thanks for reading.
  2. Montilou

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If you're unsure of what the rules are, they go as follows:
    3-4 messages is spam, severity 1
    5 or more messages is chat flood, severity 2.

    If you just want to get the official rule for spamming changed from "3 or more similar messages" to "3 to 4 similar messages", then that's understandable, but I thought it was pretty clear that once you get to 5 messages, chat flood is prioritized, since staff members punish for the highest severity they can when players break the rules.
    kuieren and Battilisk like this.
  3. Battilisk

    Apr 5, 2020
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    I completely understand this but you can understand how I thought that severity one being described as "3 or more" and "this includes countdowns" Would mean i would be punished with severity one or warned as I counted down from 5 and 5 being under the description "3 or more" and the description of "Countdowns Included" under severity one that my punishment would be severity one
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    howdy hey hey! i can understand your frustrations the rules kinda poopoo since they are so vague. when the rules say spamming is 3 or more, it really refers to 3-4, since 5+ is chat flood. however, for chat flood, it doesn’t all have to be the same message, but also for chat floood there’s a small catch. for example, if chat in creative is not active, and you’re having a conversation with someone in plot chat, but you don’t enable it, it comes across as chat flood, and uou’d have 5+ messages in a chatbox for other users that aren’t in that plot, but that is NOT considered chat flood. if that makes sense, sorry if doesn’t, i can try to explain a different way.
    for your situation counting down from 5 is considered chat flood. spamming has a warning, but only if a staff is present, otherwise if you are reported, a warning wouldn’t matter. chat flooding doesn’t require a warning, kinda whack, but yeah.
    mods don’t necessarily chose whether they wanna give a severity 1 or 2 punishment, it’s usually just what your message fits the rules best. again, kinda whack.

    and remember, you can always appeal this punishment explaining that you were unclear about the rules or something if you were unclear.

    so i’m not really sure what you’re suggesting, but i hope this helps and gives a little more info.

    edit: i started typing when there were no replies didn’t see all these. sorry for kinda repeating

    edit2: yes counting down from 5 is a countdown, but it’s considered chat flood since it falls under the “5-6+” messages in a row
    mxbel likes this.
  5. Battilisk

    Apr 5, 2020
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    In my case i was on skyblock one and counted down from 5-1 before doing a drop party and I just thought it was a massive overreaction that i was muted for 4 days and then when i checked the rules i realised that they contradict due to lack of specificity I then appealed and explained this and my appeal was still denied so now I just wanna make people aware how easy it is to get muted for a while if you don't look over the rules in detail. I completely understand the rules yet I do believe they should be more specific.
  6. Montilou

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I understand what you meant now. When a player breaks the rules, staff members will punish for the highest severity they can, of course only if the player broke the higher severity rule in question. So in this case, although you did count from 5 to 1, which is technically countdown spam, since it was 5 messages, it was prioritized to chat flood, hence the severity 2 mute. Hope that kind of clears it up!
    Timppali likes this.
  7. Battilisk

    Apr 5, 2020
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    So on the sever the mods deliberately punish the highest they can?! Why is that the case? Is that another rule I didn't see because that seems a little over the top, and it punishes people extremely harshly when they may have done something they could be warned about or informed that it is against the rules and a simple apology and that person would know not to do it again, I have donated more than £120 to the server and now knowing that mods will deliberately punish as harshly as possible even to someone who is an active supporter of the server does come as a massive shock I can't lie.
  8. Olisaurus123

    Nov 13, 2019
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    First of all, the amount of money you donate to the sever should not and does not give you a pass on the rules or give staff a reason to go easy on you with punishments.
    Second of all, of course staff are going to punish for the highest punishment they can give. Let's say somebody spams 3 messages in chat, and then proceeds to advertise their server, staff are going to mute for advertising because it impacts the server in a more negative manner.
    The reason why the rules work is because the worst rule you break, the worst punishment you receive. If you received the same punishment for spam and advertising, the chat box would be a lot more toxic, and the over all experience would be worst.

    Thanks for your time
    Olisaurus :)
    mxbel and puposaurus like this.
  9. Battilisk

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Again I am just trying to help and I understand if i donated nothing or £10000 there would be no change and that is not what I am trying to say im simply saying that that I believe the reason for the description on the severity two "chat flood" is written in that way for a reason "The activity of the chat and the context of the messages can be taken into consideration when issuing the punishment." This is written in the description in the severity two so that moderators can decide on whether to give the person severity one or two based on the nature of the messages in question. I don't thing anyone was negatively affected by me counting down from 5 actually it was for a drop party and because of the description of severity one being "this includes countdowns" and the description of severity two being "The activity of the chat and the context of the messages can be taken into consideration when issuing the punishment." This should mean the moderators are able to decide if the punishment was a severity one or two and if counting from 5 is classed as severe enough to be ruled as severity two rather than severity one then I don't see the point in chat spam having the "This includes countdowns" part of the description.
  10. Olisaurus123

    Nov 13, 2019
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    If you did truly believe that your donations don't affect how the rules impact you, you wouldn't have mentioned your 120$ donation to the server in your latest post.

    "The activity of the chat and the context of the messages can be taken into consideration when issuing the punishment." I think you misunderstood what this means. The reason this was added was mainly for quiet sub-servers such as creative. At creative's lows, there can be 15 to 20 players on, and possibly nobody will be typing in chat. Because of that, if you send a message every 20 seconds, which wouldn't be considered chat flooding on other populated sub-servers, it might look like it due to the lack of player interaction in the chat. This isn't written to give moderators a choice between a severity 1 and 2 mute. Rules are rules, and if you break them, you will be punished accordingly by staff members.

    Whether or not the chat was affected by you counting down from 5 doesn't matter. What matters is that you typed 5 messages in chat within a short period of time, and you flooded the chat. Doing so results in a punishment, which was rightfully given to you.

    The reason why the countdown rule is implemented into spam is because people might not think that countdowns are included in the rule, so the rules are letting people know they are. Again, as Montilou said, since higher severity mutes are issued when possible, since you said 5 messages in a short period of time, whether it was a countdown or not, it is considered chat flooding, and you were muted for it.
    puposaurus likes this.
  11. Battilisk

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Firstly i mentioned the money side of things because it shows my dedication and love for the server. Also the "context of the messages" refers to the wording and the actual messages themselves and has nothing to do with the actual amount of people on a server. Besides there is a clear indication that "spamming" is "countdowns" and "3 OR MORE" messages my messages were "3 or more" and a "countdown" besides any other factors by definition of spamming written by the owner of the website what i did was chat spam..
  12. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    as the 10- montilou already siad, since you counted down from 5 to 1, that is 5 messages being sent which falls under “chat flood” which is a higher severity
  13. Battilisk

    Apr 5, 2020
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    It falls under both that's what I am saying the rules contradict each other allowing moderators to choose which they wanna give which i don't think is right, that's my problem. If severity one says its 3 or more and includes countdown that is what I did but severity two says the context of messages should be taken into consideration its not like i did it deliberately like I was doing anything remotely annoying it was a countdown not like getting people to do something or anything.. that's why in severity one it references countdowns i'd imagine

    Edit:Plus 5 is under 3 or more anyway so the number of messages is out of the question because 5 is "3 or more"
  14. Montilou

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You'd be right that moderators can choose which punishment to give out, if they didn't punish for the highest severity possible. You can say that 5 messages is considered spam, but it's also considered chat flood, and since the higher severity punishments are always given out, in that case, 5 messages is chat flood, since spam is severity 1, and chat flood is severity 2. You can say the same with filter bypass and explicit conversation. If I bypass the chat filter to say something inappropriate, I would be muted for explicit conversation instead of filter bypass, because I broke both rules, but explicit conversation is severity 2, as opposed to filter bypass being severity 1.
    goopaboy and Timppali like this.
  15. Battilisk

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Ok so then why isn't everyone whos ever swore on the server muted because swearing is "Explicit Conversation" but i see people constantly swear and moderators but nobody gets muted for it but when i count from 5-1 i do?
  16. Olisaurus123

    Nov 13, 2019
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    A lot of swear words are allowed on the server, but some are blacklisted. You can check if a word is blacklisted by typing in game '/blacklistcheck [word]'. If you try and bypass this filter you will receive a severity 1 punishment. But if you use it in an explicit manner you will receive a severity 2 punishment for explicit conversation (even if it was filter because you said something explicit). On the other hand swearing excessively (more then 3 cuss words in a single message) is not allowed. If you would like to say anything else you can message me on discord.

    Thank you,
    Montilou likes this.
  17. Battilisk

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Ok, thank u all for the help anyway
  18. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Montilou and everyone else is totally correct with their explanations. They have already covered the explanation, so I won't repeat it here. But to answer your question about swearing, Explicit Conversation doesn't mean saying single swear words. Those are allowed as long as they don't go over 2 swear words per message. Some swear words are blacklisted and can't be written in chat, and if you try to evade the filter, it's Bypassing Chat Filter. Explicit Conversation is more about having a conversation about an explicit topic, as the name suggests.

    We always punish for the more severe thing that applies to the rule. For example someone can both Character Spam and Chat Flood. We would punish for Chat Flood.

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