New Forum [Ideas]

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fouffy, Jul 22, 2019.

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  1. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Now that MCCentral has moved over to a new website, I feel like some ideas could be taken into consideration. At first, I hated the change and was kinda mad MCC did this but after thinking about it and such, there's a lot more you can do on this website to be honest. Now, some ideas may differ, but here we go.

    1. Assigning your character -
    I know that this will most likely be a future addition to the website so I am not really going to go in depth as to "why this should be added" and such, but I feel it would be a good idea to be honest. Not only to identify who we are, but to also see our player stats from all over the server.

    2. Staff Tags-
    I do know that the forum tags could be changed, and I am not 100% fond with the " (star) <Rank> (star)" part of the tags. I feel like the emerald gem, plus the tag color like how it was on enjin is still much better. However, I know for sure that doesn't just come down to my decision. I know that we got a new website, but just remember that practically the mcc logo in general was an emerald, and I think it's still a good idea to keep it on the staff tags if that is even possible. Also, will the subteam tags always be gray from now on? o.o If so, wouldn't we need that changed on the MCC discord as well?

    3. Rank tags -
    On enjin, I think this would have been a no, but now we are on MCC's own website therefore there is a lot we can do. I am not going to name the servers that have this, but I know that just about every server gives you the ability to have your own rank tag to have on the website as well. Maybe even a border of your choice. I feel that this could come with the "assign your character" ability and honestly I wouldn't mind seeing this as an addition because it was a little odd on enjin, but I think it would be cool to have here as well.

    4. Home page?
    I am not sure if this is possible as I have not seen this on other mc server websites, but kinda like enjin, are we able to have a hope page so we can just scroll through to see what people post? It has no real purpose to have much of a profile on here if you have to go find someones profile just to see if they posted something or nah.
    #1 fouffy, Jul 22, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
  2. Teddzy

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Hi Jon!!

    thank you for bringing those points up!

    1. Assigning your character -
    This has indeed been noted down, we wanted to release the website first and make sure everything is 100% stable and functional before we added any more features. So yes, after we did a good rundown on everything that's on our #1 priority of the website.

    2. Staff Tags
    I wil bring this idea up with the rest. If the majority likes this idea then we will definitely try adding this back to the forums, I have to agree it did look cute.

    3. Rank tags
    I definitely like this idea, we wouldn't be able to give everyone the color of their in game rank of course as a some ranks have the same color as staff ranks. Take Legend and Immortal as example. But, since we're adding MC characters to our website this should definitely also get looked into. No promises of course but I will bring it up with the others :)

    4. Home page?
    Not sure if it's possible myself as I'm still not a pro with the new website and all the different features it has. But, again I will as Alex to see if we're able to add this feature. I haven't seen this on other websites that are using Xenforo but it's worth trying!

    If you have any other ideas please let us know, we appreciate the feedback!
    ImJustAndrew and fouffy like this.
  3. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi Fouffy!

    I especially like the Rank Tag idea, as this is already a cool implement on the server Discord. And the Home page idea is great to make posts that you like easier to find, so I completely back that idea. Searching through every forum specifically to find a topic you want to talk about can get a little tiring. If you see a post on the home page that you don't feel like talking about or don't have much knowledge on, you can just keep scrolling to find a more interesting one to you. Very great ideas :)

    Have a nice day/night!
  4. Sinclare

    Jul 22, 2019
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    4. Home Page
    This is currently possible if you follow other users on the forums. I brought this up in this thread in the "How can I add users friends/follow them?" Similar to Enjin, you can scroll through a feed of who you follow and what type of content they're posting on the forums. Not just status updates on their profile!
    DarkBeastPro and puposaurus like this.
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