ideas for kit pvp

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by Daddayy Official, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Daddayy Official

    Mar 8, 2020
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    1. like i said there should be a kill streak reward

    2. there should be a better anti cheat because the server is being more popular and alot more hackers are going on

    3. /fix all should be free for higher ranks that cost alot

    4. for the server like the top donator of the year or month should get a discount

    5. you could add like a tournament in kit pvp
  2. Scotian

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Hey there,
    I understand that this thread is a bit old but because nobody has replied yet I'll weigh in with my opinion.

    1. I completely agree, currently the sole announcements in the chat is a little bit underwhelming.

    2. This has been an ongoing issue for a while. The anti-cheat has gotten better, trust me, but it's not as easy as adding a plugin. Fixing/bettering an anti-cheat is a complex task that takes a lot of time and focus.

    3. I think /fix all being free would make the command slightly overpowered, so I'd have to disagree with you on this one. Higher ranks could abuse this by charging lower ranks to fix all of their gear.

    4. Top donator rewards have been the same for a while, and I can't see them changing in the near future.

    5. There are currently tournaments organized by the community events team, but I do agree that they are irregular. A structured tournament system (maybe bi-weekly or monthly) would be an awesome addition!

    Let me know what you think!

    - Mike
  3. Nyzy

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I agree with the anti-cheat part a lot. There has been many times where I get lagged back, and also It really isn't even preventing any cheaters. Nice post!
  4. Wheezing

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I agree, the /fix all command should be free and it was the only good thing about the rank that costs $60.
  5. Thrillers

    Jan 20, 2020
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    I agree with the anticheat it needs to be updated badly

    Aug 10, 2019
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    hey there!

    1. There are already kill streak awards! Not sure exactly, but I believe it's $5 or $10 each time you hit a benchmark.

    2. Agreed. I honestly think that there should be a sub team of kit pvp staff, like the factions staff. I understand that this is because factions has more rules and needs heavy moderation, but kit pvp is the most pvp heavy sub server, and there are hackers on ALL the time. If there were more staff members that mained this sub server, I feel like there would be less hackers. I also think that not all of the staff members have enough exposure to pvp and screensharing, and that if there was a special sub team for this sub server, less people would be getting false banned. However, for now if you see a hacker you can @Staff Member in the #support channel in the MCC Discord, or you can record & report @

    3. Free fix is something that I know a lot of people want, but in my opinion it would be too OP. It would also make the hellforged enchants useless. Not only that, but if fix is free, there would be no way for money to leave the economy and would make it less enjoyable for rookies than it already is.

    4. -1. There is already a 40% sale when each sub server resets, and there are also sales during most holidays like Christmas. Adding another discount would just be too much, and is unnecessary.

    5. I love this idea! I think that there are not enough kit pvp events, which is why people tend to rookie farm instead of actually pvping. Tournaments would be so cool, but I was also thinking of adding LMS, just like in prison. I think that this would make kit pvp more active and would give new people and rookies a chance to win something, since in LMS everyone has the same gear. This could also happen in between the 7-8 hour time slot in between KOTHs, and give players something else to do.

    Have a nice day!
    Issel likes this.

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