Money Pouches

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Technologus, Aug 1, 2019.

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  1. Technologus

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone knew how much each of these money pouches will get you.

    Ancient [Tier 1]
    Ancient [Tier 2]
    Ancient [Tier 3]

    Mythical [Tier 1]
    Mythical [Tier 2]
    Mythical [Tier 3]

  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If iā€™m not mistaken this is how you can get in each of these
    - Ancient T1: up to 250k
    - Ancient T2: up to 400k
    - Ancient T3: up to 500k

    - Myth T1: Up to 350k
    - Myth T2: up to 500k
    - Myth T3: up to 750k
    Deleted member 367 likes this.
  3. Hey!

    Guih has provided with the amount of money you could possibly gain from money pouches. However, I have yet to see anyone get the full amount from the pouches. To estimate how much you will get from each pouch on average, I think a pretty neat formula to use would be to times the amount by 0.7. For example Ancient T1 you could do 250x0.7 = 175. This would likely be close to the average amount you gain from these pouches!
    PumahKITPVP and guih like this.
  4. KingKottlewing

    Jul 22, 2019
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    To quote the Owner, "As the Season progresses, this range will grow higher and higher along with the economy (So if a player was to open a Money Pouch 4 months into the Season, they would receive a much higher amount of money, thus making it a much better reward from keys." This means there is no definite amount you can get as the value increases as the season progresses.

    -===- Question Answered, Thread Locked -===-ā€‹
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