Hello! I had had Gold rank on McCentral, but, when I go into prison, it says I have Coal but when in the lobby it says Gold. Is there a reason behind this?
I tried to see if this was just a visual issue, when I try to upgrade a rank it says she does not have the required rank to upgrade. She told me she has access to kit gold, but she can’t upgrade any further, which is odd. I also have a video of trying to upgrade with her user, if this doesn’t cover most of the issue.
This has happened in previous cases multiple times for community members in my time as a Staff Member. The main issue is that the rank was refunded which resulted in the removal across the server, besides Lobby. 1. If another user bought you your Gold Rank, then they more than likely refunded the money which resulted in the rank being refunded as well. 2. If you were the one that refunded the rank, then chances are that you may be at risk of violation of the TOS (which is shown at checkout). You can create a donation issue email if you believe that this isn't the case and your rank is missing for no apparent reason. Email: support@mccentral.org Instructions: Donation Issues I wish you the best of luck with resolving your issue and I hope this information assisted you in finding a resolution. - Fox
well I forgot to mention that I had bought the old Redstone rank (I don't think I have proof of this so it may not be much help to include) so they gave me Gold rank.
You also have another option which is make a Bug Report - https://mccentral.org/community/forums/bugs/ (As this isn't technically a donation issue but a bug regarding the auto-upgrade done from Redstone -> Gold - Locked