False banned

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by Maly_Grom, Mar 27, 2020.

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  1. Maly_Grom

    Mar 27, 2020
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    First, sorry my english.
    I was falsely blocked, allegedly for using the “kill aura”, but I use the licensed official Minecraft client, where there are no mods and cheats.
    I have been in minecraft since 2010, when there was not even a stable version for PC. And it’s very disappointing when a person with such an experience is told that you play well only because of cheats.
    I think moderators can look at the history of my games and notice that I often lose, and I think this proves that I do not use cheats.
    I recently on this server, because the Russian server on which I played used to close before. I never got a ban for anything, so I think that today there was a misunderstanding.
    Thanks for your time!
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! forums really isn’t the place to talk about punishments. if you believe you were falsely punished, you can appeal here.
    moderators don't have the ability to "look at the history of my games and notice that I often lose" unless you are referring to leaderboards. however, that is not proof that you were or were not cheating. moderators also cannot look at other servers you have played on before. if you manage to gather proof/evidence that you were not hacking, you can submit an appeal (here's the link again: https://mccentral.org/appeal). some examplse of proof is that if you have recording of yourself playing the game. going through your minectaft files, is an option but isn't always sufficient since you can easily edit them n such
    If you don’t know which staff member punished you, you can always search that up here

    hope this helped, and have a great day!
    MasterChheda and Akhu like this.
  3. Maly_Grom

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Yes, u are right, thanks!
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