Hey :) Have you guys got a favorite Youtuber? either mc related or just in general? Mc related mine is probably Techno Blade (mc pvper) and I like KSI as a non mc youtuber. Have a great day!
Hi! My favorite MC youtubers are Scotteh, TapL, and Mydoeza (although he isn’t Mydoeza anymore, sigh). I’ve watched a lot of technoblade’s stuff- just wished he post more. My favorite youtuber that isn’t considered MC would be Jenna Marbles! Love that 32 year old lady. This is a cool thread! Ill be watching this one for new youtubers I should watch.
My favorite MC Youtuber is Zelkam. He is a Manager on an mc server and Reads dumb staff apps and Ban appeals and he also does troll sometimes. My Favorite normal Youtuber is Being Scared and his cousin, We Shouldn't be here. They read scary stories about home break-ins and paranormal occurrences. They narrate stories to help you fall asleep. Also For memes and stuff I like Text2Meme and Fearless (FE4R).
Yeah i Love techno blade, he’s very very good at PVP haha. I don’t mind watching Logan Paul atm either tbh, also like MB3 (if you like league of legends) or Fairbairn films (2 australian dudes that do skits, very funny!) i’d recommend any of them! :)
I really like Stradman, he's a car YouTuber and he is kind of really annoying but he does get a lot of cool footage.
My favorite YouTuber is probably David Dobrik a lot of you guys probably know him but if not he is super funny basically him and his friends go around and do stupid stuff it is honestly pretty entertaining.
My favorite Youtubers are also Technoblade and KSI. Also, you should have posted this post in the off-topic discussion.
My favorite YouTuber is for sure, David Dobrik. He's just funny and also nice, and I just enjoy his videos in general. They're short but funny.