Hi everyone! Just wanted to ask everyone where would you like to go for vacation. I recently went to Hawai'i and it was so much fun! I tried out surfing and it is pretty awesome! The water was extremely salty though. It is summer time so tell me where would you like to go for vacation and did you go anywhere this summer! Thanks everyone. :D MCC Diamond Rank (Donator) Discord = JustBeChill#1366
I'm going to Ibiza next week. There are no words to describe how excited I am to go. Going with some friends so it will be complete chaos for a full week and I will definitly not be sober for a week lmao. Just going partying for a week also we planned some party boat, gonna be so much fun. In the future I for sure want to go to Norway/Sweden or Asia because the nature is so amazing looking and just go on a roadtrip really.
Hiya, I would love to go to Iceland and Scotland one day. Aside from that, I've travelled around Eastern Canada this summer and will be spending this upcoming week at a beach house with friends. Hope you have a great day!
My favourite holiday was when i went to Greece last year it was the best week of my life it was so much fun i went on boat rides, I also tried out surfing and it didn't go well at all. I would love to go back to Greece sometime it was honestly the best week of my life it was so good. :)
me and my friends are planning to go to Alaska, rent a cabin and meet indigenous people there and learn about their cultures and traditions. I am Navajo descendant and my friends are natives soo I can’t wait to go and learn about other tribes and embrace my indigenous side.
Hey! My favorite vacation spot is probably in Huahin, Thailand. I love the beach and clear water so it's a perfect scene. My favourite food is also seafood which makes it an incredible vacation spot for me. If anyone ever comes to Thailand, I encourage you to try it out as the people are very nice and it's not that pricey!
My favorite vacation is going to Virginia Beach and going to the Bahamas every 2 years, Virginia beach is very fun but there were sharks there once
Unfortunately, i've never left the U.S :,} so i cannot say any other countries, but by far my favorite vacation so far has been going to Chicago! I got to try the Chicago 'pies' (OMG soo good!) and go shopping all over! if i could chose a place to go to it would probably be france! Because Je parle Fraçias! Anyways have a good day/night! -ciney Discord: ciney#0733