Small Prison Idea List & Discussion

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by iluvu, Mar 15, 2020.

  1. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Hello everyone, while I am not an avid player of the prison subserver I have noticed some changes that a majority of you (the prison community) appear to want (note: ) and also sound appealing or reasonable to me so I will now post this list for your thoughts on them as well (good or not, how they can be improved, etc)!

    1) Tokens change (Keys) - Due to the current token system and its likelihood to stay, remove the Rare token rewards and replace the Common token reward's quantities with the rare token reward's quantities.

    2) Shop change - Add more redstone items to the shop (in redstone section obviously, such as rails and minecarts) as there is not a reason (to my knowledge) for them to not be there. While on the topic of shop changes, Chests & Trapped Chests should be added to the miscellaneous items category. As this is one of the most crafted or likely the single most crafted item on prison, the shortcut is not only much appreciated but also much needed. Price per chest would be 60$ to account for the skip, a 20$ increase from purchasing two logs. EDIT: Signs would also be added to shop as well!

    3) New player change - One of the most common questions I see from new players is "how do I sell my coal?" (or cobblestone, you get the point here) My proposal is after they click the get pickaxe sign, display a large message (this is utilized elsewhere on the server) saying something along the lines of "Click on the signs to sell your ores!" This would also potentially be a good time to mention you can right click to upgrade the pickaxe as well! I think this change would be good because this actually comes up quite a lot and prison is not even my main server so I can imagine how many times it appears when I am offline, and this would be a pretty harmless change to add as well (only make the message activate when the player first enters the mines on that reset so they don't get it every time they use the pick sign / when they prestige / etc). EDIT: Instructions on how to leave the mine (/spawn would be the preferred command) may also be useful to add as it is also a frequent question.

    4) Beacons change (Keys) - The screenshot and complaints of players speaks for itself here, but what is the communities thoughts on the removal of beacons from keys? (Or at least the mythical for example, possibly replacing the ancient's quantities with it) -- If they are removed from keys their /shop price should be reduced

    5) Keys change (XP) - While this list so far has only talked about taking away, an idea I conjured up (rather quickly so it may be trash) to compensate for the potential losses would be some form of temporary accelerator? Maybe you can get this item in tiers and in key tiers (i.e Ancient Tier 1, Ancient TIer 2, Myth Tier 1, Myth Tier 2) and what they would do (to be determined for which or could maybe work with both) is supercharge maybe an individual spawner, spawnrates of an area / plot, or if not spawners (or if including this as an alternate option), a temporary boost to pickaxe XP rates or something like that.

    These ideas may be very ignorant as it is certainly not my main server, but these are just some ideas I had based on my own experience / player opinions that the community seems to agree on. Please input criticisms and thoughts as well as your own ideas for possible replacements if the above key rewards were to be changed or removed (as my idea was just a very basic filler, although if you like it that is great). Thank you for reading!

    PS: I did not include rename scrolls on upgradable pickaxes as it has already been talked about elsewhere, but if you would like to give that a vote here too feel free as it may help!
    #1 iluvu, Mar 15, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2020
  2. MoKTaV

    Jul 31, 2019
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    great ideas all around
  3. illeterate

    Feb 5, 2020
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    Fuck BEEEE-cons and rename scrolls in myth keys!
  4. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, yourbbg I totally agree with you for the small prison ideas. The reason for this is because it is quite annoying when you pay good money for a ancient or myth key and all you get is a beacon. When I can obviously buy the beacon on the shop in game. Beacons are only useful for decoration or for buffs not anything else. I do agree with the pickaxe message after you click the give pickaxe sign to help new players. I do see new players say in chat how to sell ores. Also I think you should have a new command to toggle off and on the message if you don’t want to see the message every single time. A temporary xp booster thing for a pickaxe from a myth or ancient keys sounds good. Overall it is a +1 for the small prison ideas and have a good day or night.
    mxbel and iluvu like this.
  5. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    I did address this message being annoying in the post: "only make the message activate when the player first enters the mines on that reset so they don't get it every time they use the pick sign / when they prestige / etc". Do you think there should be a different system for it? As for the other ideas I am glad there is a positive reception so far!
    mxbel and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  6. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    ok whatever. howdy hey hey skygorl. someone made a post recently on this topic becuase it really is kinda gay that they’re in myth keys and beaconing is removed and not every prison player has an egirl to dumb their beacons to. your ideas are nice for the most part. i’d +1 on removing ‘em from keys :shrug:
    ngl, this doesn’t affect me since i don’t buy keys cause #broke :fluhshed:
    on a real not though, (1) wtf u mean? (2) i think minecraft’s could lag server, but also they’re almost every creative player has a roller coaster plot so nvm. i remember in season4, someone made the best pay machine that took up majority of the plot and had a lot of redstone so :flushed: :flushed: i think since redstone is fairly essy to obtain from a low rank for rookies (mine g) n also pvp mine. there are many things when it comes to crafting redstone, but also on prison, resources are so cheap, i don’t see it as a huge issue so -1 on adding the redstone. the chests, holy moly i +1 this. factions has it and it’s a pain in the rear to craft the tripwire hooks and blah blah. would be looking forward to that next season if they implement it. (3) kinda gay, but i see your point +1 (4) already talked about. +1 (5) you kinda wrote a lot of words and idrc about xp on prison i lose my leveled 99% of the time, and grind gold ore and blaze spawners to get my levels.
    i didn’t read your outdo either, kinda looked super long.
    anyways, i hope my upvoting help you in your idea growth or whatever. i didn’t -1 all ‘em cause they all didn’t suck. i’m pdroud of you. no jk. your ideas were p good, i know some of ‘em had been mentioned before but that’s cool, itscool beans that a staff recognizes ‘em and brings ‘em up n blah blah blah. damn this post being kinda than this d-dehydrated giraffe’s neck.

    ok. ok. have a good day.
    mxbel, sinderr and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  7. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    With 1 I have edited the initial wording I used as I realize it is inconsistent, the suggestion is to remove the rare token reward(s) across keys and replace the common rewards amount of tokens with what was previously the rare amount.

    For 2 I do agree with and like the idea of the lower mines having a usage and not just being somewhere to get out of, I was more specifically referring to the minecart tracks and not the entire redstone catalogue (and to this end I do not think this change would be enough to remove that gameplay aspect, it is just again a matter of convenience as depending on your build you could need a very large quantity of rails)

    For 5 my ideas funnily enough were not XP level related, however that is an interesting option and I would like to know what people think of that! (I am not sure that it would be worth an ancient or myth key however). My ideas specifically for reference (although they are not in any way complete or very thought out) were potentially:
    1) Booster which drastically increases spawnrate of a spawner
    2) Booster which increases spawnrate of a chunk or plot
    3) Booster which increases the experience you gain on your upgradable pickaxe through mining.
    I am not suggesting all or necessarily any of these, they are just some ideas for filling the gap left in the missing myth / ancient rewards that I felt were interesting (Note: they are not traditional boosters, they only apply to the player who uses them / gets it used in an area. As a countermeasure to possible abuse, only 1 booster may be active at a time (you cannot stack 20 pickaxe boosters at the same time) and ideas such as plot or spawner boosting will only work if you are added (potentially trusted) to the plot in question).
    mxbel likes this.
  8. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    What do you all think of renames in myths (as I did not bring this up initially)? Would enabling the scrolls on upgradeables change your viewpoint on this if it is currently negative?
  9. Chkns?

    Jul 25, 2019
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    hi chkns here, chkns feels like the beacon in myth/ancient keys is not a problem, it’s the amount we are getting and how common they are. Let’s say beacons are super mega rare.. beacons will be selling for a lot more and is no longer “useless”. I suggest they put it in the epic category or something and only have 1 of them instead of 3. also I would like a perk that lets u auto craft stuff like in 1.13+ (with the table thingy that you press and your materials will automatically be inserted into crafting bench) bc crafting is so damn boring and time consuming.. this perk should be in ancient keys since I don’t think many people are going to find this useful, or many I’m wrong and it’s really handy. lemme know what u think of this, thanks for reading my post <3
  10. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    The issue with this is that the purpose of the beacon does not change due to rarity (cosmetics), and it still being in the PvP mines and /shop would just make them being in keys even more pointless. Even if you are proposing to remove them from these two aspects (which I would not agree with), it still doesn't address that their usage is entirely cosmetic, and for that reason I cannot agree with this change in any way.
    Chkns? likes this.
  11. Scotian

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Hey there yourbbg,
    Great post! It's awesome to see all of these ideas/suggestions synthesized to make them easier to review. Addressing your 3rd point, I think it would be helpful to have a /top or /surface command for when players are mining. This would make it easier to get back to the spawn point of your rank mine to sell your items as well as make the (tedious) process of mining much more streamlined.

    Let me know what you think!

    - Mike
  12. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    I don't see anything wrong with the idea, however the prevalence of ore shops this season make the sell signs mostly irrelevant so I am not sure how much it would actually be utilized, but I think it may be easy enough to implement to be worth adding anyways.
  13. Chkns?

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I was totally clueless of the pvp mine beacons, that makes more sense made a good point 1+ for me.
  14. zBenx

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Very nice, the only one I disagree with is #5, as I think that would make the server a little too much pay to win, and it already is plenty of that. Other than that, I agree with everything :D

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