Scamming allowed in prison

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by zhair, Mar 12, 2020.

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  1. zhair

    Mar 12, 2020
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    i think 3 or 4 days ago i got scammed on prison1. Ikerher25 scammed me like 2M i thought not sure.
    So i asked 4Nut to doe something so he said that scamming was allowed in prison. But why what is that for rule
    i was like super mad. So my thing is change the rules or make like a sign if your new "warning: Scamming allowed" like that or something on the plots. I never play prison so i dont know the rules. I hope you guys understand me. because got if you got scammed it isnt fun.
    regard : prominer10 (srry for maybe bad english)
    #1 zhair, Mar 12, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020
  2. Bob50

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey zhair tbh you shouldn't trust anyone on any subserver as this can happen on any subserver. As always if you don't know the rules you can ask a staff or the community before something bad happens or check out the mcc rules page and yes getting scammed isn't fun but you just got to learn from that mistake on a subserver that allows it.
    mxbel likes this.
  3. Pinkapie

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Hi zhair,
    scamming sure isn’t any fun for the person getting scammed, but for the player(s) on the other side of it, doing the scamming, it may be. It is only allowed on prison and factions, so if you see it happening or if it happens to you on another sub server, you may report those players here: . As pasear said, you can either check out the rules or get help from a staff member in game if you are curious as to what’s allowed and what isn’t. and if you would like to avoid getting scammed in the future, keep your guard up and don’t be quick to trust people. I completely understand why you would be angry at this, however look at it as an eye opening experience so that you can better prevent this from happening to you again.
    Have a lovely day (:
    Xermes and mxbel like this.
  4. Jammy16

    Dec 28, 2019
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    On prison you need to be very careful on how you do deals. If u need to buy something off someone you can easily do /trade or tell them to put it on ah. Scamming is unfortunate and unfortunately lots of players do it but there is ways to make sure u cant get scammed which i mentioned.
  5. Composures

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Zhair,

    Even if you were not allowed to scam on Prisons and Factions, then people would still do it on those two subservers anyway. Most players who play Prisons and Factions naturally enjoy going to the toxic route, as it makes it more fun for them. If you are doing a deal, then I would suggest asking a staff member to middleman for you, so you do not get scammed as easily. When it comes to deals on Prisons and Factions it is best you do not trust people, unless having a staff member to middleman for you. As for the rest of the subservers you should record your deals, as you are not allowed to scam on the other subservers, so you can easily report them. I do believe that there should be something saying that you are allowed to scam on Prisons and Factions, so new players understand.

    Have a nice day or night! -Lauran (Composures)
    mxbel and Invader like this.
  6. ketchup_almond

    Mar 21, 2020
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    I agree that scamming isn't too great for the people being scammed, but there isn't a way to stop it altogether. Cheating and hacking can be detected, and toxicity in chat would be called out and reported, but there's always going to be new players falling for these people's scams. My advice is not to trust anybody until you know for sure that they're safe, and use /trade when trading. Don't accept any /tpa requests unless you've agreed upon it, and watch out for pvp scams (You'll tpa to pvp, and you will be killed) If you have a rank that allows you to fly, make sure you have that on (use /fly to toggle) when you teleport to a plot since people can change their plot's spawns. Stay safe out there, and good luck to you on prison!
  7. Awesome299

    Oct 6, 2019
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    To me and most other players would agree, scamming is terrible for the prison community and even though it's technically not against the rules, it doesn't mean it should be practiced. If I was a new player and I got scammed for a pickaxe I worked really hard for, I wouldn't want to play on said server anymore. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying just quit when things get tough I'm just saying I wouldn't want to be with a toxic community like that. Thankfully I was aware of scamming on this server before I was scammed and the best thing we can do to help players to not get scammed is to call out the scammers and make the community aware they are scammers! Have a great day! :D
  8. Mauricioh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thread locked due to thread bumping.
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