What You should add in kit pvp

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by Daddayy Official, Mar 11, 2020.

  1. Daddayy Official

    Mar 8, 2020
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    first of all if your bedrock or higher you should have fix all for free but like a 1 or 2 minute cool down. second you should make it so people with a rank could do /reedem and get like a weapon and legend or immortal gets like 2 or 3 ancient keys. third you should add immortal+ you get p4 from your kit but you can only use it once a day like factions, immortal plus should be able to get special heals or something that gets you max health right away, but again not unlimited times a day. then you should give the recruits a kit too but not gold like protection 1 or 2 iron armor so there not a 2 tap to diamond guys with sharp 5. last of all every time you get a 100 kill streak or higher you should get a kill streak key and you get like p4 or p5 in the crate or 1k something good for the streak. that is all good bye. bye bye. i said bye stop reading this #daddayshouldbemod xd.
  2. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I disagree with most of your ideas.
    To start off, there is no real necessity for Immortal+. Players can already buy items from /ah, combine kits, or enchant for armor. It is easy to make p4, but since there are no p4 kits, it balances the economy as people buy gear from /ah. With an influx of p4 running around, the economy will lower and people won't rely on /ah. This is the start to a self-sufficient yet unstable economy. I think everyone would agree that there is no need for any healing other than god apples that gets you to full health. Thinking of this out loud sounds like this post is a joke thread, which honestly I could be interpreting this wrong and I'm sorry if I am; however, only god apples should give players full health. Recruits also have a weekly kit. If you're thinking about balancing it out, a compromise could be to make the weekly kit a daily kit as immortal gear isn't hard to come by with everyone dropping it at spawn and selling for low amounts in /ah. I don't think any new additions to kits nor changing any current kits would help since currently we have the best balance possible to account for players wanting to donate and receive something a bit better.
    I can get behind a kill streak key reward, but I don't think it should have that good of rewards since it shouldn't rival any purchasable keys or event keys that you put more effort into receiving rather than tapping rookies all day. I like the idea of p4 and cash in the crate, but maybe instead of 1k, $50 or $100. 100 kills for a streak isn't difficult to obtain. Another alternative to rather adding another crate system on Kit is to simply give better kill streak rewards, but we can leave that to Alex to decide.
    There is no real reason to add /redeem. I don't see the logic behind it, and there shouldn't be a single sub-server that allows you to redeem more keys than the others. No sub-server has this feature. No sub-server should have this feature.
    This is just my opinion.
    ItsDavld likes this.
  3. Daddayy Official

    Mar 8, 2020
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    i realized after i made that thread i said everything that was on a faction server thats my bad xd
  4. NetworkDad

    Sep 5, 2019
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    They should really add better kill streak rewards and a weekly /reclaim for every player (based on rank)
  5. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I'm not sure if you get a kill streak has I don't really play kitpvp but I know the basics about it and better kill streak rewards would be a bad idea with all the rookies running around with bad gear you don't really have to be a skilled player to kill people with gold armor. Also with what is being said the 3+ key part is bad no way Minecraft Central would do this. Also as said above p4 is easy to come around but definitely making rookie kit better is a thing that needs to be added sure they can pick up things on the ground but still. I do think adding another crate for kill streaks would not be bad but I think it would be bad to put really good stuff in here because its not hard to get a kill streak if you even play kitpvp at all.

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