Getting Rid of the Wait to send a Chatreport

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ItsDavld, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    In game I have come across many instances where I would need to chatreport multiple people at a time. I feel that the wait to send another chatreport is not necessary and is not appropriate anymore. I can see why a lot of people would worry about removing this as it would give users full access to spam chatreports, but in doing so staff members can easily check and stop the player from doing it again.

    If you would like this to stop, I suggest allowing donators to not wait per chatreport and rookies have to wait a minute. I think if this was removed it would be easier for us players to chatreport rule breakers.

    As always, let me know what you think about this and the pros and cons as well.

  2. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, ItsDavid I totally agree with you with the idea of getting rid of the wait time for sending a chat report. The reason why I agree with you because the wait time per chat report is absolutely unnecessary. I do understand why there is a timer because some players spam chat reports. However, I chat report once but there is an instance where there are multiple players breaking a chat rule. Also, I have to chat report a player who is breaking a rule before someone beats me to it. Overall it is a +1 for me for getting rid of the wait to send a chat report idea and have a good day or night.
  3. Jacombre

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Personally I am gonna have to disagree with your suggestion because I believe if the chat report time was taken away players could set up bots and spam the chat report system but I do believe the time it takes between each report should be lowered :)
  4. ThxChase

    Feb 3, 2020
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    The bots could be very annoying but not having the ability to chat report at anytime can cripple the point of the system.
  5. iSloth

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I’m going to agree with you on this one. The truth is, there are a lot of people out there who A) don’t understand the rules and cr random things, and B) people who would flood the system, especially hackers who don’t plan on being on the server long. I do think that it should be lowered to thirty seconds or so, but I think it would be dangerous to get rid of the cooldown. Anyways, cool idea! Have a great day!
  6. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey david! i've seen someone suggest this a while back. personally, i disagree with this. I feel like it's not whether or not if you get the chatreport, but rather if the player gets punished.
    when there are instances like bot attacks, some staff are quick on their feet to handle the situation, so chatreporting every bot/"player" is unnecessary. if it takes 4 minutes to report 4 players because of the 60s limit, then let it take 4minutes. part of chatreports is helping the community, not sweating stats to look good for a helper application.
    as someone who has chatreported a lot of players, a tip i have is to turn chat time on, it helps see when you submited a cr and then when. you can submit another if you're that thirsty for chatreport stats n whatever.

    for your idea/suggestion on donators not having to wait to send in crs, i completely -1. going back to what i mentioned a bit earlier, chatreports are mainly to help the community, why would donators be able to "help"/send in more chatreports. it's almost like you're implying that donators get upper hands when it comes to helping the community, when this can be true ine places like creative, but for something like helping the community by reporting chat rule breakers seems a slight unfiar in a small way.

    the most likely time you'd need to report multiple players w/i 1 minute is if its bots.. if it's something like disrespect or arguments, sometimes it's better to wait that extra minute if another player were to get uglier, that can be logged in with it which can help your cr to be accepted...

    overall, i completely -1 this idea and honestly don't see this getting implemented.

    have a good day :)
  7. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    Hi Puposaurus,
    This thread has nothing to do with "Sweating" Chatreports to look good for staff or for an application. The meaning of this thread was to say that a minute wait is a bit much when chatreporting users. I think that it should be reduced down to 30 seconds or so as it makes more sense. During the night when I play MCC, I come across many players that I would need to chatreport and the wait time is excruciating.
    The Positive about lowering the Chatreport timer is because it allows the chatreport to go through faster and may be quicker to be dealt with. Also, when there are bots, and many are spamming in chat, it would help if it was lowered to 30 seconds instead.

    Now this thread is just an Idea and it was not my intention to have it seem like I am trying to "Sweat" Chatreports to look good for an Application.

    Hey Bolling,
    Before when I was staff, I have never come across a scenario of a player spamming false chatreports. It is very unlikely and would probably not happen. I agree that having no timer is unrealistic and probably wont be implemented, but having it lowered would help many users other than me. Even if a player does spam Chatreports, it is pretty easy to tell whether or not it is false or not. And if it is the player would be punished for Command Spam.
    I personally do not see a reason why a reduce in the Chatreport Timer to not happen. It makes sense.

  8. Ardastrafe

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Hi! I see this as a good idea but you can't just be spamming the command plus if you ever want to not wait for cooldowns ect, you came to the right place you are able to report players on the forums. I don't think it would be fair or necessary for ranked players to have a cooldown, though I think more than one person should be able to report the same player at the same time and not wait the 10minutes. If this was changed so people could report the same player without waiting it could help staff see the severity by the amount of reports.

    Thank You.
  9. Lunatix

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Hey David,
    I like this idea but I don't really see the point in it because its only 60 seconds and you don't really need to grind chatreports. Also people could abuse the command and just chatreport anyone they see to annoy staff. Also you can report people who are spamming on the forums instead of chatreporting them. Have a great day!

  10. signboard

    Sep 22, 2019
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    Hello, ItsDavld. I agree with your opinion on reducing the time of chat reports. I also agree about donators having no time limit. I've also come across times where I need to send multiple chat reports. People could also say, "Well maybe it would create a spam in the chat report logs?" It may cause spam, but staff could easily take action on that by punishing them with abuse of chat report.

    All in all I think this really would be a great addition!
    Have a good day!
    ThorKingOfAsgard and TrippedUp like this.
  11. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This would indeed be very useful when chatreportign bot attacks but it’d make abuse of chatreports more frequent and severe (more chatreports would be submitted). Personally I’m a -1 for that since too many chatreports would be submitted, that means more chatreports would stack up and more people would ping us asking for someone to deal with their chatreports.
  12. Dragonss

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I feel as it's completely necessary as people can just take abuse of it and it would be a hassle for the staff who have to deal with it.
  13. FalseReports

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I truly believe that Donors should not have to wait since sometimes I will be in hub and there are multiple people breaking chat rules and it's annoying to wait out the timer espically when they're just getting worse so I am +1 for removing timer for Donors
    puposaurus likes this.
  14. Josh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    People could use alternative accounts and bots to fill up the chat reports so staff can't check the real chat reports.
  15. jowhk

    Mar 4, 2020
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    That’s probably true. But I don’t see that many people spamming the chat reports using alt accounts. I’d say, have a 15 seconds delay; So the staff member will be able to look at in, in time.
  16. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I see the issues both staff and players have with this command currently and here are my thoughts:

    Currently, I feel there isn't really a need to change it from 60 seconds as you don't need to grind chatreports unless for specific reasons. Keeping it at 60 seconds benefits the staff.

    However, on another note, I have encountered situations where you do want to chatreport multiple people but you aren't able to and they end up being chatreported by another player. If there was a change for the timer to be lowered it could benefit players in some situations but also cause some hassle amongst staff if there are more false chatreports coming in.

    To benefit both staff and players I feel they could potentially lower the timer but could increase the punishment for those who abuse the cr system.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    abbzyy likes this.
  17. Yogi

    Jul 31, 2019
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    I agree with the sentiment that there should be a way to allow for multiple simultaneous chat reports, although like many others have said, it's difficult to not incentivize some people abusing this system. Having it exclusively for ranked players is also a somewhat flawed argument since user engagement doesn't diverge starting from ranked players -- its kind of the opposite really. The most annoying players you probably know are ranked.

    @Incarnati0n_ actually brought up a really nice point :
    I think this would be the most realistic approach to this situation as the main concern for its implementation lies in decreasing the incentive players have for spamming the chatreports. Finding exactly what constitutes punishment for "abusing the system" is a bit more nuanced since we would ideally want it to be automatic as having staff manually checking if a player is spamming the system somewhat defeats the purpose of having the lowered timer in the first place. Coming from a developers standpoint, it's a lot better the less you have to do something and I think just having a simple watchdog implementation of warning/lightly punishing players for spamming the system is very doable and valid.
  18. seekingattention

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I believe @Incarnati0n_ brought up the best point here, and this is what I would have said myself. Lower (or remove) the cooldown, and increase punishments for abusing the CR system. I haven't seen many people get banned for abusing chatreport, and if we were to lower the limit, then we should definitely be harsher with this rule, because I can assure you all that chatreport gets abused enough already and it'll only get worse if the limit is lowered. I've never seen a "bot attack" with CRs happen before, but of course this is a possibility I suppose.

    As for the rookies vs donators debate going on in the thread: all i'm going to say is, there's zero point in letting donators have a cooldown advantage over rookies. A rank should not discriminate whether or not a player can be more efficient in helping the server.
    mxbel likes this.

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