YouTube Rank - Problem

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bhaut, Aug 1, 2019.


Should we up the subscriber count for YT Rank?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Tiberius

    Jul 28, 2019
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    As much as I think that it should be upped and such, I feel like 100k is a bit much, at Max I'd say 50k. 15k subs is a more ideal, so that they have a little more experience. Also to the others, you can't say that he hasn't been here for a long time when he's been here for over 2 years, just not recording content.. he's right in calling you guys out for being toxic, because if you're rude to him and openly say mean stuff, that's the definition of toxic. Just my opinion.
  2. BergSeeger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I completed agreed with this for 2 reasons. #1, youtuber should have over 10 videos of playing on MCC Community and became expert of it, and became the known player since I noticed his live that most player didn't know that he was the youtuber. #2, mostly of youtuber always give the respect to the MCC Community even they should not named something negative about the Community. So those 2 examples are the reasons why the youtuber's subscribe required should increase to 10k-50k.
  3. Teddzy

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I was watching the whole stream and indeed noticed that he received 2 mute punishments. What you do not know is that they were wrongly punished. Some newer staff member(s) made a little mistake which could happen to everyone. Both situations were dealt with accordingly and he did not get ANY special treatment. One punishment was just false and once he should've received a warning instead of a mute. Which, if you look up his punishment history is what he received. If you have any problems with someone receiving an unfair treatment then go to the Admins and do not bring it up on the forums as that resolves basically nothing.

    Regarding the Youtuber requirements. You might think 5k is not much which isn't if you compare it to really big Youtubers. But, keep in mind that Youtubers that have over 30k subscribers already have a good community and are settled on one particular server. Therefore they will probably not be interested in MCC. At the moment Youtubers with 5k+ subscribers have the possibility to grow on MCC and also bring players to MCC as well. I recommend actually giving someone a chance and not judge someone on their first looks. Put yourself in someone else shoes and then decide whether something is fair or not.

    Donation part:
    Players choose to donate items and money to the Youtuber this happens to staff members but also normal players. It's not a bad or mean thing to donate items to people that started a new island. He never told people to actually give him stuff, he said he'd appreciate it and he literally used all his money for coin flips. I'm sure people know what they're doing, everyone can make their own decisions so don't worry!

    If MCC at some point has a lot of Youtubers we can always boost up the requirements. If you have any questions about Youtubers or anything else you can always PM me. I'm happy to help!
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