Is Alex focusing on just sub-servers?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Akhu, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    This is just a mere inquiry, not an accusation of any sort.
    But i am getting the impression that Alex is only focusing on sub-servers as:

    1. The server change log rarely addresses mini games in any sort of regard.

    2. The main problems with mini games have not been fixed yet; anti-cheat

    I am aware of the fact that sub-servers are far more profitable than mini-games, but it at least deserves the very least of attention.

    As there is no innovation in mini-games currently.

    And one more inquiry, i am aware that the anti-cheat is being worked on (it has been months now)
    does any staff member know about this matter and what developments end efforts are being made towards this anti-cheat?

    Thank you for reading,
    HypEric9918 likes this.
  2. HypEric9918

    Aug 7, 2019
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    I personally can see that minigames don't really get much attention at all. I know that the anticheat has been somewhat updated, as hackers can't run as fast as they used to be able to. However, now they just fly, and literally nothing has been done about that. Another example I would like to point out is the blue spawn glitch on the Castle Wars map in CTF. I reported that bug towards the beginning of last month, where it has been a few weeks since people started getting stuck at spawn there. About 1.6 months have passed since I reported it, and people still get stuck there. Alex needs to start paying more attention to his minigames. The more problems there are with them, the less people play them.
    Cleaningpig463 and Akhu like this.
  3. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    The minigames issue is something that’s been bothering me as well. I know that in the past 6 years I’ve played CTF, it’s only gotten either one or two updates to at least the waiting area (I may be wrong; my mind is low key wack). As for the anti-cheat, in the past, playing minigames, especially CTF, was unplayable. I know now that it’s kinda the same way for Skywars — I’m not too sure about survival games.

    I haven’t heard much from the staff team regarding the work of an anti-cheat, but if they are— just thank god. It seems as though there really isn’t an anti cheat and it’s just you have to contact a staff member or send in a report, which takes a considerably long time (I know staff members have lives of their own and they can’t always be banning players; however, an anticheat that would automatically pick up the hackers and ban them would be excellent.)

    I hope that a staff member sees this thread and updates the community about the progress of the anticheat and if there’s any upcoming events or updates happening to the minigames selection.
    Akhu likes this.
  4. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    As far as I know, they’re still working on an anti-cheat. However, I do believe that the situation has improved quite a bit with the cheaters as many staff are constantly banning hackers thay are in survival games/skywars. I suggest for the time being, to be as helpful as possible and report hackers by pinging staff with their ign in the support channel of discord. On a side note, I do agree that an antichest is needed as staff won’t be there 100% of the time.

    Tl;Dr: The situation now is a bit better because of the hard work some staff have been putting in to ban hackers immediately when found, however, and anti cheat is needed. Reporting hackers in #support of Discord would help a lot too.
    Akhu likes this.
  5. Bob50

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yea Anku Alex is focused on sub servers more than mini games but I won't doubt him whatever makes money is what I would focus on more. More people play sub servers than mini games so 100 percent he would be focus on updating them. But everyone that plays mini games just has to wait longer I got a good feeling mini games might get updated in the next 4/5 months but could be very wrong. As of the anti cheat yea its annoying when you see fly hackers 24/7 in skywars but usually it's the same dude on an alt and a vpn. As of now I just rejoin the game and hope no hackers are in the new lobby.
    Akhu likes this.
  6. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Alex doesn't care that much about mini-games.
    The Admin Team and Vislo on the other hand do! They have been working diligently on constructing a new anti-cheat and implementing mini-game suggestions such as the ability to toggle explosive arrows and features that will allow staff to spectate easier (/nick for example). The mini-games revamp should launch before the end of the year, most likely around Summer time as they've been working on the brand new anti-cheat for some time and will then focus on implementing those mini-game suggestions after the anti-cheat is finished.
    Staff aren't informed any more than the community about the general progression of updates. The best response you will get is that it's being worked on, and it is; not much can be said from there, though, without a reply from the owners themselves.
  7. delu

    Oct 4, 2019
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    From what I've heard, Alex is aware that minigames is extremely outdated and is due for a revamp in general. They are going to put some real time and focus in minigames in the upcoming months to rectify all pre-existing issues with minigames.
    Akhu likes this.
  8. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Thank you for taking the time to respond Chheda,

    I had concern that only Alex could really steer the wheels of this ship and if he was focusing on only sub-servers we would go nowhere in terms of improving the mini-games.

    Hopefully the admin team and Vislo could really come up with something new, its been months with no good anti-cheat or any innovation in mini-games, so hopefully this time we do get it up and running :).
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  9. Horace_Altman

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The simple answer is that Mini-Games doesn't make money. If something doesn't make money there is little to no motivation to work on it in the modern world. Which is honestly fair for Alex.

    Noah | Horace_Altman
    MCC Ex-Builder
    MCC Ex-Senior Moderator
    Akhu likes this.
  10. ThxChase

    Feb 3, 2020
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    Minigames do need more attention, some of the things in minigames such as survival games are just stupid and should be removed.
    Akhu and PorkChcp like this.
  11. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Alex doesnt care he just wants your filthy money so he can save himself from coronavirus

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