Ping Issue

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by kurtis, Feb 25, 2020.

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  1. kurtis

    Feb 9, 2020
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    I used to get around 80 to 90 ping on your server and recently i have been get close to 300 ping and its not my internet because when i connect to other server like mineplex and highpixel and i get around 10 to 20 ping and no matter what i do on your server i have bad ping please help
    FireBubbles likes this.
  2. ssophiie

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It shouldn't be anything to do with the server, it would be your connection to it. If its on newly reset sub-servers, most people get high ping due to player activity but other then that there shouldn't be a problem.

    Have you tried closing background tasks? This should fix it. Or it could be that your LAN card (if you're on a desktop) is dusty and so if you clean it you should see a difference. Do a latency test before and after and if there is a difference then it was probably that. If its dusty it messes with the connectivity and therefore slows travelling data ie lag and causing your high ping.

    Hope this helps and if not, I hope someone tells you the correct solution!
    guih likes this.
  3. kurtis

    Feb 9, 2020
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    i have amazing ping to other servers but last and and in to today i have started get around 300 ping and i have checked my background processes and there is nothing running i have checked downloads and i have checked my actual internet but its only to this server and it new it not like i have always had really high ping
  4. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Her reply might help. This sounds like something on your end rather than on ours. I’m from South America and lately my ping has been at 120, which is really good. We haven’t received many complaints of high ping issues whatsoever. I’d suggest talking to your isp if the actions you may take she listed in her reply don’t change anything

    I will lock the thread because for now I think you have been offered solutions for your problem. However feel free to create another one in case you need more help

    - Question Answered / Thread locked
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