Disabling Skywars Kits

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by ssophiie, Feb 24, 2020.


What do you think?

  1. Make it possible.

    9 vote(s)
  2. Leave it as it is.

    3 vote(s)
  1. ssophiie

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    When playing Skywars, its nice to have all the kits. However, after having them for some time, its become more of an inconvenience when ive learnt to love certain kits and other kits of which i do not use, take up space in my inventory and waste my time at beginning of matches trying to lay all my stuff out the way I like.

    SO my idea is to make it possible to disable kits you have bought in game so that you don't spawn with them when the game starts. This will make it easier for players to set their kits for what they like whilst still having access to the kits then have bought when they want to enable them at beginning of matches. Though i don't think you should be able to access disabled kits mid-game, the idea of being able to disable kits sounds very appealing to me!

    Thank you for reading and let me know of your opinion!
  2. Bequty_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I have this same problem! I play quite a bit of skywars and I always spawn with things I find unnecessary in my hotbar which I eventually move around. I do think your idea with disabling kits could help out a lot but I also have been thinking of another idea to fix this. Ive seen this implemented on many other servers with skywars but its a feature that lets you customize your inventory before the game starts. So if you have purchased the kits on skywars, there could be an icon maybe in the shop to "Customize Inventory" and it will show you what your inventory would look like when you spawn with your current kits. These items could then be moved around to the players desire and I think this would be a great way to solve this problem especially with saving time in the beginning. What do you think?
    kuieren and HowToFaction like this.
  3. ssophiie

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I love this idea! Equally as good if not better then mine so if that was possible then id love that but either way it'd help significantly if there was some customisation available.
  4. Swaggle

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! I personally enjoy this idea. I agree with above and would love to see something where we're able to 'customize' our inventories before the game starts because I do find myself moving around items (specifically the kits I receive) in my inventory before I'm ready to play. It's not a huge hindrance for myself but it would definitely be convenient for a lot of players and hopefully make gameplay more quick and exciting. Something that would be nice is a revamp of the kit menu with potential new kits so when you're looking through your kits there's more to choose from and it could be remade to be even more user-friendly. Overall I really like this idea and hope that it's implemented somehow! Have a lovely rest of your day.
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  5. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    This is a huge +1 from me, I've had the same issue in Survival Games. While having a wolf spawn egg in my inventory when I spawn seemed like a good idea, it's become more of a disadvantage for me due to the fact that mobs aren't actually that useful. I would love to see this added to both Skywars and Survival Games, and/or any other minigames.
  6. HowToFaction

    Jan 19, 2020
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    Hello, ssophiie!

    As a true skywars tryhard I give this a massive +1. I would love to actually buy the last kit without it messing up my speed with looting the starting chest. Just like what Bequty_ stated I really do agree with her also on the fact that you should be able to customize the kit in your inventory. Hopefully, these suggestions do come to light and get added.

    Thank you for reading my comment and have a beautiful day/night!

    - Jen/HowToFaction

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