Thoughts on the current KitPvp stauts as in general pvp, custom enchants, etc.

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by Adictions, Feb 19, 2020.

  1. Adictions

    Aug 5, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Hey there!

    As I Haven't played mcc in quite a while and as in the past few days I've come back to my baby and home KitPvp and was surprised to see new custom enchants and the new state of the new mcc kit pvp. Currently i'm waiting for the next reset and playing while i still can before the server resets, as so I was wondering about people's thoughts on the new state of Kitpvp and was wondering if anyone had any new thoughts/ideas on how to add to its current state of glory. Let me know your thoughts!

    #1 Adictions, Feb 19, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2020
  2. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
    Likes Received:
    -Remove punch 3
    -Add envoys
    -Remove thorns
    -Bring back free fix all for bedrock + and 10$ fix all for other ranks/rookies
    -Make event key different for mm and koth (Mm is way easier to win)
    -Nerf speed(so you need it on every piece)
    -Spawn somewhere random on the map when I jump into pvp
    -Improve anticheat
    -Allow a select few trusted, OG, known kitpvp players to use staff chat so hackers can more easily get banned
    -Add a chat filter to private msg
    -Make clan upgrades more expensive
    -Make a real way for clan bank to be usefull(50 kill streak = 5$ added to clan bank because u get 5$ and a 5$ bounty already
    -Demote leader of clan to member if inactive for 1 month (if a leader gets banned an officer can then lead until they are unbanned)
    -Ability to buy hp2 pots from shop (100$ each so its only for p5 1v1s
    -More perks
    -More Kit’s for rookies (A kit than gives unenchaTed iron on a 10 minute cool down and unenchanted dia on a 30 minute cool down
    -Make kit weekly kit daily
    -Make cooldown on rookie kit 5 Sec so it’s easier to get hps
    -Add an ability to buy punch 2 from shop for 250$
    -add a tutorial warp
  3. Adictions

    Aug 5, 2019
    Likes Received:

    Hey There!

    Thanks for taking the time to add to this thread =D

    Awesome ideas i completely agreed with all of this except for a few thinks "-Bring back free fix all for bedrock + and 10$ fix all for other ranks/rookies" I agree with this but with the new hellforged undoubtebly the probably wont do this but if they do I would like to add that they should fix alls cheaper in general and if they do bring back fix all (free) I think the price should be $5 for rookies as not everyone can afford ranks, not everyone is as privileged as to be able to spend money on games like mincraft

    "-Remove punch 3" I completely agree with this as i think its a bit unfair.

    "-Allow a select few trusted, OG, known kitpvp players to use staff chat so hackers can more easily get banned" This is quite argumental but I like the idea. I would also like to have quicker reply times for reports but not everyone can be on and there is a select few staff members in the reports time

    "-Spawn somewhere random on the map when I jump into pvp " I'd have to say this is also very debatable but I like the idea

    "-Improve anticheat" YES THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE but the devs are gone by now so good luck

    "-Ability to buy hp2 pots from shop (100$ each so its only for p5 1v1s)" Not to sure about this it kind of ruins the whole "kitpvp" sense so i dont think this will be done

    "-More Kit’s for rookies (A kit than gives unenchaTed iron on a 10 minute cool down and unenchanted dia on a 30 minute cool down" I agree this server is pretty p2w and I really like this idea, it gives rookies a better arsenal and could make it generally more fun for them!

    "-Add an ability to buy punch 2 from shop for 250$" I really dont see this happening sadly...

    "-add a tutorial warp[/QUOTE]" I agree with this

    Once again thanks for taking the time to reply to this thread and I love your ideas!

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