Should Prot 5 Armor Be Craftable

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by WolfgangLP, Jul 31, 2019.


Should protection 5 armor be craftable?

Poll closed Aug 7, 2019.
  1. Yes, it should be craftable

  2. No, it should not be craftable

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  1. WolfgangLP

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I was wondering what your guy’s opinions would be on this. Im aware that this would probably cause people to spend less money on mythical keys to get the armor but would be kind of nice since it is super expensive and hard to come by. Back in season 3 there was only Ancient armor which was protection 4, but you could still enchant armor and get protection 4 unbreaking 3. I was thinking you could make it so you could combine two protection 4 unbreaking 3 pieces of armor to make proection 5 unbreaking 3. Juts an idea to see what the community thought about this.
    Tiberius likes this.
  2. Tiberius

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I think that this is a good idea! The only downside would be the people who bought the keys to get the armour would definitely feel that it's unfair that it's craftable, so I think it would be a good idea to have it come into play for season 7!
    WolfgangLP likes this.
  3. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I completely agree with this previous reply, it would be a great thing to think about for the next season.

    Thank you for posting your thread on the forums,
    have a great day!
    WolfgangLP likes this.
  4. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey WolfgangLP,

    Items from treasure chest should not ever be craftable.
    The problem that happens with survival is that people don't buy keys throughout the season, making myth/ancient armor very rare.
    Ideally the best solution would be how Skyblock works where ALL donor commands are disabled in PvP.
    Meaning even if someone has P5, it doesn't make them invincible.
    Bubbagump likes this.
  5. WolfgangLP

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The protection 5 you could craft wouldn't be the same as mythical armor, even though it would be similar. The actual Mythical armor would have way more enchants, even though the craftable and real Mythical would have similar protection capabilities, if that makes sense. I would really hate it, and so would many others, if they disabled all donor commands in pvp like skyblock has. This means you would die a lot more and since mythical armor is already super expensive, no-one would pvp in because it would break. It is already hard to come by and survival is one of the smaller subservers so not as many keys would be bought. Adding on to what i said earlier, disabling commands in pvp would make Mythical sets even more rare than they are right now because they would break and you wouldnt be able to pick them up even if a player died because the armor already broke and they would have spare p4 armor. Lastly, a lot of people buy Bedrock rank because of the /fix all command, and there would be no use to buy it if commands were disabled in pvp, except for maybe the kits.

    To add on: The pvp community is already super small and disabling commands would cause donators to also stop pvping since they don't have /fix all and wont have enough money to buy armor if all they do is pvp.
    #5 WolfgangLP, Aug 1, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2019
  6. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Bad idea in my opinion these armor that you get from key's is a reward for donating and keeping the server making money and everything but if you replace the key's with craftable items. That would ruin the ancient key's and mythical key's and nobody would want to buy them because then you would have to take that chance of getting prot 5 and then it is so easy to craft.
  7. Hey!

    I would like to kindly disagree with this idea. The point of chest keys are to gain an advantage that is un-obtainable from playing a lot. I think this will defeat the purpose of the protection 5 armor. Protection 5 armor is also meant to be rare because of how over-powered it is. If it is craftable everyone will be extremely good which would probably ruin the gameplay

  8. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I strongly disagree with being able to craft Prot 5 armour. With higher up players, in like Level 50 and above, usually have a bunch of money, and they can just get the parts by themselves. Protection 5 should be a very hard thing to get, and being able to craft it just cancels its rarity as an item in KitPvP.

    If you have any questions for me, just message me on discord at 4Nut#2232, or write on my profile page!
  9. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think Protection V armors shouldn't be craftable. If they are, then the mythical armors won't be considered as powerful as they are now. Since Mythical armors are parts of rewards from mythical keys, this will also make mythical keys less valuable. Mythical items are already rare on survival, and if there are less people buying mythical keys, items like mythical perks and tools will become even harder to obtain without purchasing keys. This is not good for the server in general.
  10. Swaggle

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! I have to say I disagree with this. I used to play survival and it was cool that there was armor that was exclusive to keys instead of being able to craft it all. If this were to be implemented, it would just increase the OP factor in survival when survival should just be survival. I agree with others on this as it would just completely lose its value as an item if being obtainable from keys AND being craftable. So far survival is moving in a good direction right now and I don't think making P5 craftable would be a good change to make with the direction it's going. Survival is slowly becoming more of a real survival server rather than a pay to win type eco. If you happen to come up with more ideas don't be afraid to post though! Everyone's willing to give feedback on how we can continue to better survival. Have a lovely rest of your day. ♡​
  11. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Its not actually that hard to even get Myth Armor if you're good at pvp. Myth Armor does not increase your Pvp skills. I've seen people in p3 drop Myth people in pvp on Survival. Armor only matters if you're good, same thing with your sword. If you claim you're good at pvp, use that skill to kill people who may have Myth on them. Its not that bad of an idea, it's just even with Myth you're not the best unless you have the skill.
  12. I agree with httpmeme but another thing if you were able to craft it mythical armor would no longer be rare or cost nearly the same amount of money being players can just craft is. With that said it would also take stuff away from mythical keys and then the amount of mythical keys players buy on survival would be much lower or they would have to add something new to mythical keys to keep players buying them. Have a great day -Samboni05
    httpmeme likes this.
  13. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    On KitPvP if you have P5 and S6 and also the /fixall command you will practically never die. I think it should be possible to merge armor into P5 but with a big price and more than 2 sets of P4 gear.

    EX: Player on KitPvP goes to the shop villager and sees the P5 enchant option, it costs 4k to buy and requires 3 sets of diamond armor with protection 4.

    I think this would be fair as this is quite similar to the prices for a normal piece of Ancient or Mythical. Also, ancient and mythical come with a bunch of other enchants that are quite vital which you will not be able to receive from from buying this item. I also think that this would encourage more lower rank donors or even players without ranks to play KitPvP and other game modes without having to worry about higher ranks having too many perks and advantages.

    I feel like this would be fair for other players below bedrock rank such as me and would encourage players to play these certain game modes more often. The prices could probably be increased but I feel like it should stay low so it's actually reasonable.
    I am willing to take feedback on my opinion but I hope you guys agree with what I just said.
  14. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I could possibly see S6 swords being crafted, but even that I don’t think would be a good idea. DEFINETLY a -1 from me
  15. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Poll closed at ~85% votes for NO.
    The general consensus for this thread is: No; P5 and or S6 should not be craftable.

    Thread locked to prevent thread bumping.
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