MCC Theme

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HeckTheThicc, Feb 13, 2020.

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  1. HeckTheThicc

    Sep 1, 2019
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    MCC needs a theme . The only theme I see right now is a normal Minecraft server. There are a lot of topics to work with such as space, deep sea, medieval just to list a few. The theme will apply to all sub servers and the spawn. If MCC had a theme, his will be a unique server that players won't get bored of and they will enjoy it. So if any MCC builders/staff are reading this, please keep my suggestion in mind.

    -Have a nice day!
    #1 HeckTheThicc, Feb 13, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2020
    Spectro_VI and Naruto Uchiha like this.
  2. Naruto Uchiha

    Feb 8, 2020
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    Yes. I agree with this. This server would be more exciting with themes!
    Spectro_VI and HeckTheThicc like this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i think this would be a p cool idea. if u could elaborate more, like if u have a specific idea in mind or even just what you mean by a “THEME”. mcc has had christmas and halloween based spawn/hub/lobbies many times in the past... as well as, back in some of the earlier seasons like season3 of prison there was like an “underwater” theme. the spawn was a rock, the pvp/wild had many rocks, fish, mermaid, etc. the pvp at that time was made of prismarine, plot spawn was still water themed... if that’s what you mean as well.

    i don’t find this idea fully be implemented, but it’d be nice to see in small elements :)
  4. Spectro_VI

    Dec 15, 2019
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    I do think that a theme would be awesome. I know that MCC has a kinda crappy anti-cheat, which could push players away from it. I feel like a theme could make players more attracted to MCC. That’s all for now!
    HeckTheThicc likes this.
  5. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    I totally agree with you on this one! I know this probably won't happen, but if all sub-servers had their resets at the same time, that could make it easier for MC-Central to implement a theme. There have been themes for Christmas and Halloween in the past, but maybe a theme for each Season would be good (Autumn, Summer, etc).

    Have a nice day :)
    HeckTheThicc likes this.
  6. DressCodes

    Jan 7, 2020
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    I think MCC should have a theme! It would bring a great twist to the server. I hope to see this added soon
    HeckTheThicc likes this.
  7. Invader

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, HeckTheThicc!

    Now, I've been staff for quite some time and have seen some common themes (Christmas, Halloween, etc.). However, there haven't been obvious themes besides the current three colors: Red, Yellow and Orange. If, when you say themes, are talking about more holiday themes for sub-servers or lobbies, then I'm 100% down for that. Besides this, I do think that MCC should have a few new things implements (@QA) however, the MCC Builder Team is currently private, and so are the Developers. I do think that a few new lobby/sub-server hubs should have small yet slight changes that make them stand out during celebrations.

    Other Idea Suggestions: Valentines Day, Easter.

    Now, I do support the idea of Summer and Autumn; however, you have to remember that people from other countries do play MCC so when it's summer in the US, it'll be winter for AU, same thing vice versa. I know majority of the server is NA based but, that doesn't change the fact that others from around the world play it.
    HeckTheThicc likes this.
  8. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I like the idea of having some themed sub-servers. We have had these before, as mentioned before. Examples include an underwater Prison spawn, mushroom Survival spawn and a war-torn Factions spawn. All of those were very unique and memorable. I really like the idea of having similar themes. I don't want a theme across the whole MCCentral network, I think that individual sub-servers could always have their own themes.

    This is all sort of controlled by the build team which MCCentral buys the maps from. Maybe Alex could request a certain theme, I'm not sure. It's basically Alex who speaks to the builders. We don't have any private MCC Build Team of our own, nor a developer team.
    kuieren, HeckTheThicc and iluvu like this.
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