Up-gradable Pickaxe points

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by vZica, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. vZica

    Jan 12, 2020
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    Hey all, I think for upgradable picks, we should be able to swap enchants / upgrades and or reset points on the pickaxe. The reasoning for this idea is because many people grind countless hours into a pickaxe, and sometimes end up realizing they don't want the upgrades they ground for, and would like to change them but can't, then have to put many more countless hours into a new pickaxe. With being able to swap upgrades or reset points, you would only have to grind out a pickaxe once, then be able try out all the other possible upgrades :)
    Let me know what you think !

    Edit: It has come to my attention something like this would definitely need some sort of 'pentalty' so It wouldn't be so OP, so I had in mind (thanks to Minniq), for swapping out enchants / resetting points it would cost something around 5 stacks of tokens, or even the money equivalent, or both! Thus making it so players wont just be able to swap from enchant to enchant whenever they please and be able to farm Tokens / money too easily. Surely this balances the idea ;)
    #1 vZica, Feb 12, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2020
  2. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    I mean I agree I tested all enchants on a level 5 pickaxe so i knew to go for blast instead of token detector but I agree. If you can reset your pickaxe you can sell it for more value on ah because the buyer can chose what he wants.

    OwenCW and vZica like this.
  3. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yeah I think it would not be a bad idea and that this would work but how much would this boost the prices of upgradeable pickaxes. For example because if someone thought token detector would be good and maxed this out or efficiency and the user wanting to buy didn't want that then it would sell for less. But how much would it boost it in particular how ever I think there should be some penalty on doing this for example a million dollars. So then they can't just keep doing this without getting some penalty. overall though I think it should be added also maybe you could make it so then you would have to give up 5 stacks of tokens or some amount.
    vZica likes this.
  4. sinderr

    Aug 31, 2019
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    so i think i understand what your saying, if you mine and purchase a bunch of enchants, then decide you don’t want them you can just almost ‘trade’ the enchants for your points back. I see how this can be useful and bad at the same time. For example i could trade all my enchants for token detector, mine and get 10 stacks of tokens then just trade the enchants and put my regular ones back. I’m leaning towards -1
    thanks for reading!
    vZica likes this.
  5. vZica

    Jan 12, 2020
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    Hey Sinder, I agree people shouldn't just be able to farm tokens for a couple hours and swap back to whatever enchants they had originally, then repeat the cycle when they need money. With that reasoning, I understand your reasoning for the -1, but as Minniq said, potentially if this idea was considered it should also come with a price, for example he said 5 Stacks of tokens. This would not be a bad price for getting to swap enchantments, and with the feature coming with a price, it would balance the add on and prevent players from just trying to swap enchants just to get some quick cash or tokens. Hopefully this maybe made you reconsider your choice ;).
    - Zica
    sinderr likes this.
  6. OstrichMann

    Jan 6, 2020
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    I think the ability to 'reset' your upgradeable pickaxe would be an amazing feature! I do agree, however, that there would need to be some kind of 'cost', whether it was a cost of tokens or a cost of money. The reason for the cost is so that players couldn't get an unjust advantage by being able to reset their points whenever they felt the need to do so.
    This suggestion definitely has a plus one from me! :)
  7. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey vZica, I think having a reset feature for your upgradeable pickaxe sounds like an outstanding idea. However, it should cost something as OstrichMann mentioned it should cost 1 million dollars and 20 tokens and you have to be at level 99 to be able to reset. Maybe it has a perk on it when you reset it will be good because the player had grinded a lot by mining and that hard work deserves an enchantment you only can get by reset after reaching level 99. Overall it is a +1 for me and have a good day or night.
  8. OstrichMann

    Jan 6, 2020
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    I think having the requirement of Level 99 is a bit extreme. Seems how the total blocks mined required is over 6 million to reach such a level. This is an extremely high number to require being able to reset the pick. I personally think the only requirement should be the cost requirement that you gave an example of.
  9. 1nksp3ll

    Oct 24, 2019
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    This sounds like a good idea, but I don't think having a static cost requirement to do it would be such a good idea given how much the economy changes over the course of the season. I was thinking that perhaps instead there should be an item similar to a prison token called a Reset Token that could maybe be obtainable from certain keys or envoys, and it would work similar to a Custom Enchant in that you could just drag it onto your pick and then it would reset that pick and refund all your points. This way it would have a price that would be basically autodetermined through players in the economy similar to tokens, gapples, and custom enchant books based on supply and demand

    Here you almost raise the idea of a prestige system to the pick with the idea of an enchantment unlocked by resetting at level 99, which I think would be interesting. There would no point in resetting your points at level 99 as you'd have all the enchantments maxed, but if you maybe spent Reset Tokens you could 'prestige' your pick back to level 1, but perhaps with the starting point buffed so it's not quite so much of a step backwards, and a new enchantment, along with increased leveling requirements just like the ranks are. Another way you could make it useful is have the Reset Tokens raise the level cap on the pick/enchantments, with an increasing requirement of Reset Tokens for each time you raised the cap to stop it getting too OP, which would be in high demand once players are getting to max level and bring a bit more popularity/interest in Envoys or LMS if there is some very valuable items up for grabs.
  10. iSloth

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I disagree with this as people can get efficiency and blast mining and level their pic up really quickly, and then reset to something like fortune 10. Overall, there are too many ways to abuse it so I don’t think this should be implemented.
    Have a great day!
  11. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I overall disagree with this because these pickaxes are already OP. They don’t break and when fully maxed they are better than an immortal pickaxe so it only makes sense that’s you need to put in the grind work to build it up. Resting is for whatever reason oils 1) be very buggy and 2) it’s really only fair game that you get what you chose and that’s really all on you.
    iSloth likes this.
  12. Tiny_kittykat

    Oct 20, 2019
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    I agree and disagree with this post as stated it would be easy to abuse, but with a cost of 1mil/20 tokens it still could be abused as people can easily get that money. I actually was thinking about this and I have come to a conclusion most people wont like but I believe would make it so people wouldn't be able to abuse its power.

    Lets say you have a level 30 pick but you wasted your points on blast mine or other enchants are you want all you points back? Well what should the price be for making that mistake, I believe it should revert back 2 levels (-2 points) when you go to re-pick your enchants, this would limit people ALOT.

    As we know now it takes time to level up your pick and with this payment of 2 points, the player must decide whether or not that it would actually be worth the time getting to 2 points back, it would also make it that most players would only spend the 2 points in the early game because if you have a level 52 pick, you wouldn't want to lose 2 levels just so you can get blast mine 3 instead of token detector 6.

    In which I give this post a +1.
  13. Dylqn_

    Feb 10, 2020
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    It would be nice!

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