
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Minninq, Dec 30, 2019.

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  1. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey y'all I have been playing mcc for a long long time you may have seen me in game but this might be a iffy suggestion but read the whole thing before down voting the suggestion. So I was thinking it would be cool if you were able to enable pvp on your plot on any subserver. I think it would be fine I understand issues but i came up with different things to fix what the issues here. It would be good for 1v1s on prison survival etc. and you can use your own armor unlike /duel. How ever death trapping would be bad but what could happen is if a player is in the plot when pvp gets enabled than it will tp them out of the plot like the border and warn them that pvp was turned on in the plot they were on. Or if they tp them when having pvp enabled it tps them to the beginning and tells them/warns them not to go in unless they want pvp. leave your guys suggestions down below.
    Logandatogan and Vervain like this.
  2. Vervain

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Ooooh this idea sounds cool, I do think itd be fun in a way haha. I like your idea that it would warn them if they were to accept a tp from a player with their "plot pvp" turned on. And when they go offline it would turn off by its self maybe as well c: I've never heard this idea before and I would absolutely have no idea what would happen if this was implemented, But I also have some cons, there is a /duel and a /warp pvp, so players can pvp, plot worlds is suppose to be like, a safezone in a way I guess, im not sure how exactly to put it in words, but anyway in conclusion thank you for sharing your idea and hopefully you'll get more ideas/opinions on it in the future :)

    - Vervain
  3. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Like I said in a previous post this would allow the introduction of 1v1 tournament which would add a great aspect to any sub server. I am 100% on board with this idea and think it would be a great for this server
  4. Poclam

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I definitely think the option to enable pvp on plots could be cool, especially for creative where you could make fun arenas and stuff with your plots designed for pvp games. If deathtrapping is a worry they could probably add a message into teleport requests warning players when they are tping to a plot that has pvp enabled. They could also disable item dropping for pvp related deaths in plot worlds and this would keep players safe as well from deathtrapping problems.
  5. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    To be honest... it sounds kind of cool but I prefer the way it is currently. There is a lot of option to PVP in a lot of places & I do not see the benefit in this. But thanks for the Suggestion.

  6. Elizabethhozx

    Jan 5, 2020
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    I think the idea is really innovative but should only be allowed on certain subservers. Here's my thoughts:

    On one hand, I think it'll be a great idea for subservers like Creative, where players can build their own "arenas" and host PvP tournaments. It would add a new dimension to current competitions hosted on Creative, such as roleplays and skin competitions.

    However, this idea seems to be slightly more logistically problematic on subservers where players might lose items of material value (unlike Creative, where everything can just be obtained from your inventory). What if someone enabled PvP on a grinding spawners plot, or an ore/items shop? People might simply want to get some mob drops or buy items or sell their ores, but end up inadvertently lose potentially an entire full inventory worth of items.

    Furthermore, there are already a lot of existing PvP opportunities on many subservers, such as the Boss event and Last Man Standing. The introduction of the Wilderness a few years back also allows for PvP duels.

    So I'd say it's a good idea for Creative, but not so much for every other subserver.

    Tiny_kittykat likes this.
  7. sinderr

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Although my points have already been covered the vote is pretty close so id like to leave my thoughts!
    My idea is a -1, i think with what W5vil said about a 1v1 tournament would be intresting to see. However /duel is good for 1v1ing people, and so is arena for team duels. There would be A LOT of things needed to be added to make it work and rules set in place. Ill list some below (Feel free to respond with an answer to the questions :3)
    -Would the user need to be trusted to pvp? If so, could the plot owner kill them without them being trusted?
    -Would there be a "combat" mode of sorts, so when your tagged from another player you wont be able to leave the plot?
    Lemme know on some of these topics,
    -sinder! <3
  8. ssophiie

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like this idea however they would have to find a way around tp trapping and such which would be a big hassle. I’d love to have a way to pvp with personal chosen gear though which /duel doesn’t give and /warp pvp just means you can’t really 1v1 without people getting in the way so +1
  9. Logandatogan

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I love this idea and have seen it implicated in Hypixel where it works very well. One thing for the mods to think about is adding borders to the plot so people cannot run away and into other plots when using in pvp mode. Hypixel does this by having voids with borders around the Housing Claims in the voids. On our server, I think adding verticle borders would do just fine.
  10. iSloth

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I agree with Liz. I think it would be a wonderful addition to creative but I think it would bring in too many complications on the other subservers. I can think of so many ways this feature could be annoying or hurtful, especially in places like prisons.
  11. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thread locked due to thread bump.
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