New Map On Prison Subserver (Message To The Admins!)

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Uncvrd, Feb 1, 2020.


Should the staff change the map?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Uncvrd

    Jul 26, 2019
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    I want to make this as a sort off discussion about the new map on the prison servers.

    We are here to report the current Prison Spawn and PVP map as well as the plot compositions and how we can improve them possibly asap.

    One of the most prominent aspects that are lacking is the colour scheme of the map, it is quite bland and as a result it allows us as the use to not really see the spawn as a hub to stay in, as a result we'd diverge to the plots, but that comes into our next point of the plot composition.

    The previous spawns always had an entertaining factor to them, we could climb on top of the spawn and maintain a very nice entertaining time whilst not exploiting anything, while this has been removed, I think a comeback of this would allow us to at least have that aspect of fun in an already bland server spawn.
    We have investigated and figured out that the server spawn is literally just copy pasted, and while the developers have had 9 months [ all of last season ] to build a good server, it is quite disappointing to see a spawn that has been copy pasted. Personally we'd expect a server that was handmade like previous seasons [S3-S5].

    We've also noticed a considerable size reduction, whilst its good to maintain and keep the pvp within a small area, most people would've liked to explore the server, if a compromise of maybe a medium size map, it'd pleased everyone. And we've seen a similarity in between last season and this season which isn't a nice look considering again you've had over 9 months to construct a spawn/pvp map.

    Back to the plots, Personally I do not know who had the idea of a Plot composition including the clay, however it is quite bad, when we are clearing our plots it is quite bad to use two tools as opposed to the one shovel for the top layer, the andesite layer around the edge isnt the best touch as well as it is just another hassle. The size of the plots, while good in that you can build a lot, it results in a lot of planning and as a result it requires a lot of time and effort whilst the other previous seasons had a basic small plot, which was easier to put everything into and make it easier. I sincerely hope something can be done about this as well as a fair response.

    Thank you very much.

    If you agree with our points or want to add something new please reply and make this thread known.

    ~Uncvrd, OsaOkay, Pnuemone
    #1 Uncvrd, Feb 1, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
  2. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey Uncvrd! I hope you are having a lovely day (:

    Personally, I don't mind the spawn that much but I don't like the fact its copy and pasted, I agree with that point. The main issue for me is the plots, first of all, they are too big and it makes stuff hard like have a full plot spawner farm which a lot of people have in the previous season. Second of all, if im being honest, the grass and terracotta looks really bad and makes plot clearing harder. I would love to see the plots get changed back to 33x33 and a new command which clears the terracotta. Overall this is a +1 for me

    Have a lovely rest of your day/night!
    Dm me on discord if you have any questions (boomrabbits_#6945)
    #2 boomrabbits_, Feb 1, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
    iSloth, Tomothi and Uncvrd like this.
  3. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Thank you for the feedback,

    Firstly in regards to the plot size, this 100% cant change this season. I did not expect anyone to complain about a bigger plot size, but I respect your point of view.

    As for the plot, default design, what we could do is make it so that '/p clear' wipes the plot to simply a default plot with just grass on the top (so pretty much it will wipe the composition). Let me know your thoughts!
  4. Uncvrd

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Hello Alex,
    Thank you for replying so quickly!

    Thank you for respecting our plot size view, we respect your side as well in that bigger plot sizes are better for everyone but not at the same time.

    The /p clear will be an improvement to the current gameplay of the prison server. We’d highly appreciate this change and we thank You for understanding our view.

    One more discrepancy as well if possible may you provide your opinion on the other points listed, these points we find are quite prominent, more prominent then the plot composition points you’ve already addressed, we’d appreciate it.

    Also we are looking forward into helping with building the map if we could!

    Again thank you very much for replying and hope to hear from you soon.
    ~Uncvrd, Pnuemone
  5. Uncvrd

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Also if you want we can chat about it, here are our discords -> Uncvrd#1881 and Tomm#2506
  6. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    I will try and get that plot change done for tomorrows daily restart (making it so that plot clear brings it back to the OG design).

    In regards to your other points, I assume by the color scheme your saying the spawn is not very vibrant? This was intentional to give it more of a 'Prison' theme using dark / grey colors.

    I am not quite sure what you mean when you say the spawn is copy/pasted? If by that you mean the Spawn is Symetrical, then yes, however that also applies to a lot of our subservers (take Skyblock for example). Also, do understand that whilst yes Prison last reset 9 months ago, that does not imply that we have spent the past 9 months working on solely Prison!
    Uncvrd likes this.
  7. Uncvrd

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Thank you for reverting the plot design, we appreciate it.

    We see the prison vibe, however it seems you kinda missed the mark on that, prisons are dark and dull which is a good colour scheme, but maybe the building itself needs some “prison improvements”.

    We understand the symmetry aspect, but we checked the flowers around the spawn to see it was symmetrical or the exact same, we understand it’s better from a staff/development view and it may look nice at a first glance, however in some regards it seems somewhat lacklustre (no offence obviously), we go back to the point of previous seasons as an example as we feel those were very nicely built, in terms of the design, prison relatability and entertainment factors, we are able to help provide a basic prison structure if you’d like, our discord’s are in the post above.

    We also respect the fact that you have a lot to work on and you don’t solely focus on prison, however we do also understand it’s 9 months, builders are out there who can build a prison related spawn while you do your stuff around the server, maintenance and such.

    Hopefully this clears up over view on this situation. Thanks Alex for maintaining the server and hope to see some great things from you in the future.

    Also we got one of my friends that build a prison/kitpvp map with me (Uncvrd) to say yes to helping with the new map. So in total we have 3 people that want to help with anything they can! (Me and my friend can show you the map we built if you want, we got a lot of positive feedback). We are looking forward into helping!

    ~Uncvrd & Pnuemone

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