A Modification to /chatreport

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by greathambino, Jan 24, 2020.

  1. greathambino

    Sep 18, 2019
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    Hey everyone! I'm greathambino. I usually play on sb1 so if you want to play with me go ahead. Now I'd like to first say that I think /chatreport is flawed. Sure, it's nice to be able to report toxic players but how about when hypocrites use it? I've recently been the victim of this, where I was basically prodded and poked into an argument but of course, I was muted because I got chatreported and I did not do the same. I didn't do the same because I didn't think it was a big deal. But that's besides the point. My suggestion is that when a player uses /chatreport, not only does the reported player get tracked, the player who used the /chatreport also gets tracked. I that some players that have used /chatreport have also taken part in the flame war and are probably equally at fault if not more. Additionally, chatreport tracks what has been said for the past 10 minutes (some people told me that, but I don't know if it is true) and if so, I think it should keep tracking for the next 10 minutes also because maybe there will be more evidence that can be used to assist a staff member who to mute. Someone might use /chatreport before giving a retort back, and then proceed to destroy a kid's will to live in the chat. This way, you can't get out of being tracked by /chatreport. Mostly everything said in the past 10 minutes and the next will be tracked so hopefully it will track the whole argument and lead to a more fair justice system on MCCentral. Thank you for reading this!

  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello hello! i can understand what you are getting at; however, i don’t think this should be the case since it can give staff a load of unnecessary shit and bullcrap to go through when one person is being cr’d. i do see your view, like if it’s arguments n’ such. BUTT (with coconuts :>) not always is it the person who is arguing is the person who cr’s someone. kinda combing what you said where the person who submits a cr’s chat logs get pulled in with the person that they initially cr’d/player that is supposed to be punished (whatever u prolly get it)... anywyas. I chatreport a lot of players becuase a lot of my minutes come from creative and factions. if my chat logs were logged along with a player i cr’d that he horrible for staff since my chat logs in creative are lots of world edit commands and spam of “//undo” and repeating lots of unfinished commands to keep them closer in my history, etc. and same for factions.. im kinda always cycling through “/f chat” “/ec” “/chest 1” “/chest2” etc. i really don’t think adding chat logs of the reportER should be included since it can really be unnecessary for staff to go through and make CRs harder and more time consuming for them to go through and they tend to already stack up a LOT

    if what i said was a ‘lil rambly.. here’s a lil “tldr”:
    i don’t think this should be implemented at all since it can make staff’s job a lil more harder and i really don’t think they need that since they’re not in the bestest shape as a team collectively to get more workload for something simple like a CR. mcc has a lot of snakes and rats, you might already know this from being a sb player, so don’t be afraid to cr if you have any suspicion. it helps to help the community... it is one thing, to like be going for staff and be careful with CRs to ensure that a player is breaking a cr, ofc... but in the situation you described, it wouldn’t most def hurt to chatreport if u were on edge or whatever...

    hope this mentioned all your points and made sense!
    have a great day!
    greathambino likes this.
  3. greathambino

    Sep 18, 2019
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    That makes a lot of sense thank you!

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