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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MrStAtman80, Jan 20, 2020.

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  1. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    We need the server to stop people from swearing as this is a 3+ game

    Would you want a 3yo to swear at you cos you didn't give something?

    This is meant to be a family server and yet swearing is allowed and asking for adult pics is allowed.
    And IRL deals is a thing and they scam you from your money.

    I'm saying this as i want a real family server where you can play in peace.... Without swearing ... without asking for pics .... without asking for IRL deals.

    Made this a thing

    [edit] no one want people to buy money to get ahead .... as that shows you cheat your way through life
  2. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    Swearing on this server is allowed to a certain extent. Excessive swearing is mutable and you can report them by Chatreporting them with this command, /chatreport [Player] [Reason]

    Asking for adult pics, which I can imagine what you are thinking is not allowed on this server in game. If it's in Dm's, they can do whatever they want. But when it happens in game that is inappropriate behavior and can be mutable.

    IRL Deals are for the people that are making and doing the deal. Always have a staff member present when doing a IRL Deal and think if the IRL Deal is fair. If you agree to it and get scammed after the exchange was made. There isn't much that can be done as you agreed to it. It is on the people that are doing the IRL deals and is allowed as well.

  3. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    The Staff can do Socialspy if they learn how too... but they leave it to us about stuff to report???

    the IRL deals ermmm someone didn't give me and and money back?? so IRL deals is a con

    And about swearing it's a 3+ Game and so no 3 years swears but this server says ok swear all you like but no more then so many in one sentence.. Then you get a mute/ban

    As for adult pics... Ermm a 3+ game and people asks for adult pics??? ermmmm paedo or what?
    #3 MrStAtman80, Jan 20, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2020
  4. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    i was muted for saying some asked for adult pics.... but i said the n des word and muted for 4 days and i only repeated what someone said.

    And by adult pics it was to underage people and he is older then 22yo
  5. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    at the moment you can say fuck and so

    in pvt "hi you wanna fuck"

    "send boobs"

    "send whats between your legs"

    See all those are meant to be filtered but not when it's 3+ game when 3 years play this and upwards
  6. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    Saying those things would be a mutable offence. It's called Explicit conversation. It is not allowed and would result in a mute.

    If you repeat something some else says is mutable if you say the exact same thing as what someone else said. You can always appeal your mute with proof if you have any or not. Yes the person that said it originally probably got muted, but it is also on you because you repeated it.

    Staff aren't always where someone is and that is why we have chatreports. Chatreports have made everything so much easier on staff as they can do punishments so much faster. Yes they ask us players, as a community to chatreport or report players. It's not hard and you are not obligated to do it.
    If you got scammed in an IRL you can always report the person. You should have had a staff member present because it would have been avoided completely. It is not a con.
    Saying cuss words are allowed to a certain extent and that's final. That won't be changing. If you have any questions about it you can message a staff member on the discord.
    And for people asking for nudes or anything else. That would be innapripriate and punishable. You are not allowed to be saying those things and staff don't allow it either.

    I hope this answered most of your questions. You can always dm me on discord or dm a staff member and they can assist you more.
    Tiny_kittykat and puposaurus like this.
  7. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    You said about mutable and yet i do /chat report and no mods came to see them saying Boobies and stuff
    But in chat logs the staff can see it

    So i repeated something and i got the mute?? so it's kill the passenger?

    but when you do /chat report it can be turmed dowm
  8. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    The thing is about stop swearing and stuff overage

    When this is meant to be all ages.... including 3yo
  9. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    When you Chatreport a player. The staff can deal with that Chatreport at any time, anywhere. They do not go to the subserver or minigame where the offence was placed. What I am trying to say is that the staff can mute someone from any subserver when someone chatreports a player. The chatreport captures the past 10 minutes of messages he/she has sent and they will decide if they get a punishment or not. If it is punishable the chatreport would be accepted and the player would be punished. If not, it would be denied and no punishment would be placed.

    Because you repeated something innapropriate, you would be punished as well. It's in the rules that saying those things are punishable.

    Just like so many other servers, they have their line that can be crossed or not. In this server players are allowed to cuss. But there is a limit on how much a player can say. If they don't like it they can message a staff member to get more info on this situation.
    Tiny_kittykat likes this.
  10. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Alright Hey Lads!!

    Let me address this discussion.

    Swearing is allowed sure but swearing at people is muteable. Also its as you said like more then 3 at a time is not on as well as they shouldn't be severe racist / slurs or blacklisted ones.

    Now there is a difference between "Allowed" and "Not Censored" but if it is in in game messages, staff CAN socialspy however they don't know if there joking around. Like if they muted people who were talking weirdly with PM's they would get pooped on because people would go "AAAAHHHH I WAS FINE WITH IT STOP STALKING" whilst if a player was ok with it they can report them. SiMpLe

    Now about scamming let me make this very very clear. There will always be people who will try and scam and it is not the servers fault when these people scam it is the servers fault if they do not punish them or disapprove of them (which they are doing fine) Also ask staff to be a middle man. EASY!

    Now sure the server should always be suitable for all ages to the best they can however the target demographic for the server is like 8-16 year olds maybe? I don't know but yes 3yo can play it should be suitable for them but not like too kiddy where everything is too boring for everyone else.

    I hope that sorta made sense I think some of that made no sense in my writing but yeah. Have a good one.
    Tiny_kittykat likes this.
  11. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    So You're say i can say fuck you and fuck you family without been banned or muted?? As that's against you but at you?

    That's against the rules as you are saying against someone with a fowl language .

    As for swearing people wants 3 years old to swear on here ok then you chose it not me
  12. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    Saying fowl language aimed at someone or disrespecting someone else is not allowed. Saying "fuck" alone is allowed. But when you start being disrespectful towards other players is when the line was crossed. If someone was saying those things they would be muted for player disrespect. You can check what cuss words that are allowed or not allowed by doing, /blacklistcheck {Cussword}
    If it is not aimed at anyone and is not excessive, saying curse words are okay. But only when you blacklistcheck it. If it is blacklisted and you bypass saying it then it results in a mute.

    If a 3 year old wants to cuss, they can. This community revolves around more than just little kids. It welcomes everyone of any age. It's based on maturity and on the person.
    Saying cuss words is allowed. What is allowed and not is located here in the rules > https://mccentral.org/community/rules/ <
  13. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    100% No! Swearing is not good but as the staff do not want to be too strict they will allow it as long as it is not excessive or aimed at someone / people
    Tiny_kittykat likes this.
  14. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    So you both old the age of consent and now you trying to stop this lol
  15. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    Paedophiles tries to stop lol
  16. Tiny_kittykat

    Oct 20, 2019
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    "Minecraft has been rated as suitable for 7+ up to 13+ depending on which version of the game you are playing." (Link:https://www.webwise.ie/parents/a-parents-guide-to-minecraft/)

    As stated in the quote above the game can vary from what age is suitable.
    I Haven't Found a Website Saying 3+ Yet, But if you find one could you please provide a link to the source,
    I also understand that 7+ Children shouldn't be swearing or reading it, but the matter of fact is that the parents are responsible for what there kids watch/play and if a child isn't suppose to be on this server because it swears, the parents are the ones who should be monitoring what happens online. And if they don't like it, then let them deal with it in real life.
  17. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    MrStAtman80, if you have issues with chat, you can install client-side mods that filter chat; or, better yet - disable chat completely.

    Whilst Minecraft is rated PG (Meaning parental guidance - you shouldn't be letting a 3 year old play a computer unattended to begin with; if you are, you are directly ignoring the concept of ratings).
    Our server is NOT bound by the PG restrictions, as we are hosting it ourselves. As with any user generated content online, there is no rating perse, but moreso the knowledge that almost all user generated content will contain ANY content.

    By joining our server, you are consenting to the knowledge that the chat may or may not contain explicit content. Whilst we try to filter chat, there is only so much we can do without silencing the whole server.

    Use your brain and use tools that are available rather than complaining and demanding a family friendly server. (Google search, there are family friendly MC servers out there. Play those if MCC is not upto your standards).
  18. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    I understand this but some people will want to express their anger in a way a swearing also excessive swearing is already muteable meaning it would be too far to disallow swearing in general as this is normal for some people. Tho McCentral could add something where you can’t swear all the time maybe a swear timer, meaning words that are ‘swear words’ would be assorted into a group and maybe you can say one of these every 5 minutes so that the amount of swearing is reduces and not absolutely taken out of the game. From here any bypassing of the rule results in mutes meaning people could chatreport it. I also understand that dm’s are private but they should be only to some extent because mrstatman80 and I have come across a very inappropriate person who has been very perverted and paedophilic. Therefore private messages should have some restrictions to it. Have a nice day/night

  19. _Vesperal_

    Jul 23, 2019
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